The `LSP Java` backend produces these tempfiles to preserve session state. The
glob in `lsp-session-*` is needed as multiple session files are produced when
working on multiple projects. There is no reason for these files to be kept
under version control.
When executing the main function which requires command line arguments, user can
set `go-run-args` to pass command line arguments to compiled binary.
The example below demonstrates how to pass command line arguments by setting
`go-run-args` as file local variable:
package main
import (
func main() {
//Atoi converts a string to an int
fmt.Println("Arguments:", os.Args)
a, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1])
b, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[2])
result := sum(a, b)
fmt.Printf("The sum of %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, result)
func sum(a, b int) int {
return a + b
// Local Variables:
// go-run-args: "10 5"
// End:
Since factor 0.98, `fuel-edit-word` has been removed, since
`fuel-edit-word-at-point` has the same behavior when point is not on a symbol.
Also adjust the jump-handler definition.
factor: choose correct name for the `fuel` package
The package is called `fuel`, not `factor-mode`.
This does not make a difference for the layer itself, since it is using the
`site` pseudo-location, and thus never deals with the package files.
Now, any `post-init-fuel` functions defined somewhere else should work
factor-layer: add missing refactor command binding, fix initial modes
When switching the Go layer to use the LSP backend with `golangci-lint`, I
noticed that none of my linter errors were being rendered with my source code.
Digging in further, I eventually learned it was due to `lsp-prefer-flymake`
being set to `nil` and not `:none`.
This change updates the Go layer, when using LSP and golangci-lint, to set
`lsp-prefer-flymake` to `:none`. If this is not set, the golangci-lint errors
will not be reported.
This is an alternative to #12043.
Signed-off-by: Tim Heckman <>
importmangic does not have a diminish character.
Add diminish characters to make the modeline nice(r).
Signed-off-by: Loys Ollivier <>
Fixes helm not being loaded before calls to:
read-file-name and completing-read.
These are some commands that call either of those two functions:
spacemacs/rename-current-buffer-file (SPC f R)
In a Treemacs window:
treemacs-add-project-to-workspace (C-c C-p a)
In a Magit buffer:
magit-checkout (b b)
Thanks Miciah for a more elegant solution.
This commit also reverts:
Fix helm loading for layouts transient state #11705
because it's not needed anymore.
And the previously commented out transient hook minibuffer-setup-hook (it
doesn't seem to ever have been used) is removed because:
- It loads helm after a command is called that uses helm (instead of before)
- (spacemacs|hide-lighter helm-mode) has previously been moved to the
helm/init-helm :config section.
Updated documentation for Clojure layer to currently recommended versions of
build tools and `cider-nrepl`, ensuring that connecting to a manually run
Clojure REPL works correctly with the current version of CIDER.
Leiningen version 2.9.0
Boot version 2.8.2
`cider-nrepl` 0.21.1