[lsp] Fix lsp-prefer-flymake readme/docstring

This commit is contained in:
duianto 2019-04-06 23:38:23 +02:00
parent a622918563
commit 1eac4dfc3f
2 changed files with 12 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -49,15 +49,15 @@ A number of configuration variables have been exposed via the LSP layer =config.
Sensible defaults have been provided, however they may all be overridden in your .spacemacs, or dynamically using the bindings added
under the derived mode t prefix by =(spacemacs/lsp-bind-keys-for-mode mode)=
| Variable name | Default | Description |
| =lsp-navigation= | `both | `simple or `peek to bind only xref OR lsp-ui-peek navigation functions |
| =lsp-ui-remap-xref-keybindings= | nil | When non-nil, xref key bindings remapped to lsp-ui-peek-find-{definition,references} |
| =lsp-ui-doc-enable= | t | When non-nil, the documentation overlay is displayed |
| =lsp-ui-doc-include-signature= | nil | When nil, signature omitted from lsp-ui-doc overlay (this is usually redundant) |
| =lsp-ui-sideline-enable= | t | When non-nil, the symbol information overlay is displayed |
| =lsp-ui-sideline-show-symbol= | nil | When non-nil, the symbol information overlay includes symbol name (redundant for c-modes) |
| =lsp-prefer-flymake= | nil | When non-nil, flymake checker is used. When :none, neither flycheck nor flymake checker is user |
| Variable name | Default | Description |
| =lsp-navigation= | `both | `simple or `peek to bind only xref OR lsp-ui-peek navigation functions |
| =lsp-ui-remap-xref-keybindings= | nil | When non-nil, xref key bindings remapped to lsp-ui-peek-find-{definition,references} |
| =lsp-ui-doc-enable= | t | When non-nil, the documentation overlay is displayed |
| =lsp-ui-doc-include-signature= | nil | When nil, signature omitted from lsp-ui-doc overlay (this is usually redundant) |
| =lsp-ui-sideline-enable= | t | When non-nil, the symbol information overlay is displayed |
| =lsp-ui-sideline-show-symbol= | nil | When non-nil, the symbol information overlay includes symbol name (redundant for c-modes) |
| =lsp-prefer-flymake= | nil | When non-nil, use flymake. When nil, and =lsp-ui-flycheck= is available, use flycheck. When :none, use neither flymake nor flycheck. |
** Navigation mode
The ~lsp-navigation~ variable defined in =config.el= allows you to define a preference for lightweight or pretty

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@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ If `peek' binds lsp-ui navigation functions under `SPC m g'.
If `both', binds lightweight navigation functions under `SPC m g' and lsp-ui functions under `SPC m G'")
(defvar lsp-prefer-flymake nil
"If nil lsp flymake checker is used.
If non-nil lsp flycheck checker is used.
If :none both are disabled")
"If nil, prefer the lsp flycheck checker.
If non-nil, prefer the lsp flymake checker.
If :none, use neither flycheck nor flymake.")
;; These are config variables exposed by the lsp-ui package
;; They all have toggles bound under 't' in spacemacs/lsp-define-keys-for-mode