
838 B

Simple image for tea, the cli for gitea, based on Alpine.

view on docker hub


tea is set as the entrypoint executable, so just skip tea in the arguments when running, like so:

docker run --rm vivicat/docker-gitea-tea help

Environment variables

These variables will auto-login to your instance before running commands.

  • GITEA_URL - Set this to the URL of your instance
  • GITEA_TOKEN - Set this to the gitea api token generated from User Settings > Applications > Manage Access Tokens
  • GITEA_USER=ci - Optionally, set the name of the user for the tea session.

Complete example

docker run --rm -e "GITEA_URL=" -e "GITEA_TOKEN=deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef" vivicat/docker-gitea-tea repos