Fork 0
forked from vv/efemra

beginnings of imgui -- still need to actually create the ig render pass

This commit is contained in:
Vivianne 2022-07-27 03:05:27 -07:00
parent d67de4fbe8
commit 457c8ad742
5 changed files with 619 additions and 14 deletions

src/editor/editor.zig Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
const ig = @import("imgui");
pub fn update() void {
_ = ig.BeginMainMenuBar();
defer ig.EndMainMenuBar();

View file

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ const glfw = @import("glfw");
const vk = @import("vulkan");
const resources = @import("resources");
const Renderer = @import("rendering/Renderer.zig");
// TODO:
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const ProfileMark = @import("common/profiler.zig").ProfileMark;
const ui = @import("ui/ui.zig");
const editor = @import("editor/editor.zig");
const app_name = "efemra";
@ -17,7 +17,20 @@ pub fn main() !void {
defer Renderer.deinit();
while (!Renderer.shouldClose()) {
try Renderer.update();
try glfw.pollEvents();
const pm_gui = ProfileMark.init("onGui");
fn onGui() void {
defer pm_gui.end();

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ const Command = @import("Command.zig");
const Targets = @import("Targets.zig");
const Bindings = @import("Bindings.zig");
const meshes = @import("meshes.zig");
const ui = @import("../../ui/ui.zig");
instance: Instance,
window: Window,
@ -35,9 +36,11 @@ pub fn init() !Self {
const instance = try Instance.init();
errdefer instance.deinit();
const window = try windowInit(&instance);
var window = try windowInit(&instance);
errdefer window.deinit(&instance);
try ui.init(&window);
const device = try Device.init(&instance, &window);
errdefer device.deinit();
@ -125,6 +128,7 @@ pub fn deinit(self: Self) void {
@ -136,19 +140,10 @@ fn windowInit(instance: *const Instance) !Window {
const fullscreen = false;
const extents = try Display.getSize(fullscreen);
const window = try Window.init(instance, "efemra", extents.width, extents.height, fullscreen);
// TODO: convar r_width/r_height set
// TODO: UISys_Init
var window = try Window.init(instance, "efemra", extents.width, extents.height, fullscreen);
return window;
fn windowDeinit(window: *Window) void {
// TODO: uisys_shutdown
// TODO: convar r_width/r_height unset
fn windowUpdate(self: Self) !void {
if (!self.window.isOpen()) {
return error.WindowNotOpen;

src/ui/imgui_impl_glfw.zig Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const imgui = @import("imgui");
const glfw = @import("glfw");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const GLFW_HAS_GAMEPAD_API = (GLFW_HEADER_VERSION >= 3300); // 3.3+ glfwGetGamepadState() new api
const GLFW_HAS_GET_KEY_NAME = (GLFW_HEADER_VERSION >= 3200); // 3.2+ glfwGetKeyName()
const IS_EMSCRIPTEN = false;
// GLFW data
const GlfwClientApi = enum(u32) {
const Data = extern struct {
Window: ?*glfw.Window = null,
ClientApi: GlfwClientApi = .Unknown,
Time: f64 = 0,
MouseWindow: ?*glfw.Window = null,
MouseCursors: [imgui.MouseCursor.COUNT]?*glfw.Cursor = [_]?*glfw.Cursor{null} ** imgui.MouseCursor.COUNT,
LastValidMousePos: imgui.Vec2 = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0 },
InstalledCallbacks: bool = false,
// Backend data stored in io.BackendPlatformUserData to allow support for multiple Dear ImGui contexts
// It is STRONGLY preferred that you use docking branch with multi-viewports (== single Dear ImGui context + multiple windows) instead of multiple Dear ImGui contexts.
// FIXME: multi-context support is not well tested and probably dysfunctional in this backend.
// - Because glfwPollEvents() process all windows and some events may be called outside of it, you will need to register your own callbacks
// (passing install_callbacks=false in ImGui_ImplGlfw_InitXXX functions), set the current dear imgui context and then call our callbacks.
// - Otherwise we may need to store a GLFWWindow* -> ImGuiContext* map and handle this in the backend, adding a little bit of extra complexity to it.
// FIXME: some shared resources (mouse cursor shape, gamepad) are mishandled when using multi-context.
fn GetBackendData() ?*Data {
return if (imgui.GetCurrentContext() != null) @ptrCast(?*Data, @alignCast(@alignOf(Data), imgui.GetIO().BackendPlatformUserData)) else null;
// Functions TODO
//fn GetClipboardText(user_data: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) ?[*:0]const u8 {
// return glfw.getClipboardString(@ptrCast(*glfw.Window, user_data));
//fn SetClipboardText(user_data: ?*anyopaque, text: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void {
// glfw.setClipboardString(@ptrCast(*glfw.Window, user_data), text.?);
fn KeyToImGuiKey(key: i32) imgui.Key {
return switch (key) {
glfw.GLFW_KEY_TAB => .Tab,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT => .LeftArrow,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT => .RightArrow,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_UP => .UpArrow,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_DOWN => .DownArrow,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_PAGE_UP => .PageUp,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN => .PageDown,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_HOME => .Home,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_END => .End,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_INSERT => .Insert,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_DELETE => .Delete,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_BACKSPACE => .Backspace,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_SPACE => .Space,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_ENTER => .Enter,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE => .Escape,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_APOSTROPHE => .Apostrophe,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_COMMA => .Comma,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_MINUS => .Minus,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_PERIOD => .Period,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_SLASH => .Slash,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_SEMICOLON => .Semicolon,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_EQUAL => .Equal,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_BRACKET => .LeftBracket,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_BACKSLASH => .Backslash,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET => .RightBracket,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_GRAVE_ACCENT => .GraveAccent,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_CAPS_LOCK => .CapsLock,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_SCROLL_LOCK => .ScrollLock,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_NUM_LOCK => .NumLock,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_PRINT_SCREEN => .PrintScreen,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_PAUSE => .Pause,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_0 => .Keypad0,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_1 => .Keypad1,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_2 => .Keypad2,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_3 => .Keypad3,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_4 => .Keypad4,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_5 => .Keypad5,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_6 => .Keypad6,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_7 => .Keypad7,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_8 => .Keypad8,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_9 => .Keypad9,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_DECIMAL => .KeypadDecimal,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_DIVIDE => .KeypadDivide,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_MULTIPLY => .KeypadMultiply,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_SUBTRACT => .KeypadSubtract,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_ADD => .KeypadAdd,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_ENTER => .KeypadEnter,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_EQUAL => .KeypadEqual,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT => .LeftShift,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL => .LeftCtrl,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_ALT => .LeftAlt,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SUPER => .LeftSuper,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT => .RightShift,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL => .RightCtrl,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_ALT => .RightAlt,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SUPER => .RightSuper,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_MENU => .Menu,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_0 => .@"0",
glfw.GLFW_KEY_1 => .@"1",
glfw.GLFW_KEY_2 => .@"2",
glfw.GLFW_KEY_3 => .@"3",
glfw.GLFW_KEY_4 => .@"4",
glfw.GLFW_KEY_5 => .@"5",
glfw.GLFW_KEY_6 => .@"6",
glfw.GLFW_KEY_7 => .@"7",
glfw.GLFW_KEY_8 => .@"8",
glfw.GLFW_KEY_9 => .@"9",
glfw.GLFW_KEY_A => .A,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_B => .B,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_C => .C,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_D => .D,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_E => .E,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_F => .F,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_G => .G,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_H => .H,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_I => .I,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_J => .J,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_K => .K,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_L => .L,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_M => .M,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_N => .N,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_O => .O,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_P => .P,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_Q => .Q,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_R => .R,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_S => .S,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_T => .T,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_U => .U,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_V => .V,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_W => .W,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_X => .X,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_Y => .Y,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_Z => .Z,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_F1 => .F1,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_F2 => .F2,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_F3 => .F3,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_F4 => .F4,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_F5 => .F5,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_F6 => .F6,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_F7 => .F7,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_F8 => .F8,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_F9 => .F9,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_F10 => .F10,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_F11 => .F11,
glfw.GLFW_KEY_F12 => .F12,
else => .None,
fn KeyToModifier(key: i32) ?i32 {
if (key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL or key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL)
return glfw.GLFW_MOD_CONTROL;
if (key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT or key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT)
return glfw.GLFW_MOD_SHIFT;
if (key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_ALT or key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_ALT)
return glfw.GLFW_MOD_ALT;
if (key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SUPER or key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SUPER)
return glfw.GLFW_MOD_SUPER;
return null;
fn UpdateKeyModifiers(mods: i32) void {
const io = imgui.GetIO();
io.AddKeyEvent(.ModCtrl, (mods & glfw.GLFW_MOD_CONTROL) != 0);
io.AddKeyEvent(.ModShift, (mods & glfw.GLFW_MOD_SHIFT) != 0);
io.AddKeyEvent(.ModAlt, (mods & glfw.GLFW_MOD_ALT) != 0);
io.AddKeyEvent(.ModSuper, (mods & glfw.GLFW_MOD_SUPER) != 0);
pub fn MouseButtonCallback(window: *glfw.Window, button: i32, action: i32, mods: i32) callconv(.C) void {
const bd = GetBackendData().?;
if (bd.PrevUserCallbackMousebutton != null and window == bd.Window)
bd.PrevUserCallbackMousebutton.?(window, button, action, mods);
const io = imgui.GetIO();
if (button >= 0 and button < imgui.MouseButton.COUNT)
io.AddMouseButtonEvent(button, action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS);
pub fn ScrollCallback(window: *glfw.Window, xoffset: f64, yoffset: f64) callconv(.C) void {
const bd = GetBackendData().?;
if (bd.PrevUserCallbackScroll != null and window == bd.Window)
bd.PrevUserCallbackScroll.?(window, xoffset, yoffset);
const io = imgui.GetIO();
io.AddMouseWheelEvent(@floatCast(f32, xoffset), @floatCast(f32, yoffset));
fn TranslateUntranslatedKey(raw_key: i32, scancode: i32) i32 {
// GLFW 3.1+ attempts to "untranslate" keys, which goes the opposite of what every other framework does, making using lettered shortcuts difficult.
// (It had reasons to do so: namely GLFW is/was more likely to be used for WASD-type game controls rather than lettered shortcuts, but IHMO the 3.1 change could have been done differently)
// See https://github.com/glfw/glfw/issues/1502 for details.
// Adding a workaround to undo this (so our keys are translated->untranslated->translated, likely a lossy process).
// This won't cover edge cases but this is at least going to cover common cases.
if (raw_key >= glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_0 and raw_key <= glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_EQUAL)
return raw_key;
if (glfw.glfwGetKeyName(raw_key, scancode)) |key_name| {
if (key_name[0] != 0 and key_name[1] == 0) {
const char_names = "`-=[]\\,;\'./";
comptime assert(char_names.len == char_keys.len);
if (key_name[0] >= '0' and key_name[0] <= '9') {
return glfw.GLFW_KEY_0 + (key_name[0] - '0');
} else if (key_name[0] >= 'A' and key_name[0] <= 'Z') {
return glfw.GLFW_KEY_A + (key_name[0] - 'A');
} else if (key_name[0] >= 'a' and key_name[0] <= 'z') {
return glfw.GLFW_KEY_A + (key_name[0] - 'a');
} else if (std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, char_names, key_name[0])) |idx| {
return char_keys[idx];
// if (action == GLFW_PRESS) std.debug.print("key {} scancode {} name '{s}'\n", .{ key, scancode, key_name });
return raw_key;
pub fn KeyCallback(window: *glfw.Window, raw_keycode: i32, scancode: i32, action: i32, mods: i32) callconv(.C) void {
const bd = GetBackendData().?;
if (bd.PrevUserCallbackKey != null and window == bd.Window)
bd.PrevUserCallbackKey.?(window, raw_keycode, scancode, action, mods);
if (action != glfw.GLFW_PRESS and action != glfw.GLFW_RELEASE)
// Workaround: X11 does not include current pressed/released modifier key in 'mods' flags. https://github.com/glfw/glfw/issues/1630
var key_mods = mods;
if (KeyToModifier(raw_keycode)) |keycode_to_mod|
key_mods = if (action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS) (mods | keycode_to_mod) else (mods & ~keycode_to_mod);
const keycode = TranslateUntranslatedKey(raw_keycode, scancode);
const io = imgui.GetIO();
const imgui_key = KeyToImGuiKey(keycode);
io.AddKeyEvent(imgui_key, (action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS));
io.SetKeyEventNativeData(imgui_key, keycode, scancode); // To support legacy indexing (<1.87 user code)
pub fn WindowFocusCallback(window: *glfw.Window, focused: i32) callconv(.C) void {
const bd = GetBackendData().?;
if (bd.PrevUserCallbackWindowFocus != null and window == bd.Window)
bd.PrevUserCallbackWindowFocus.?(window, focused);
const io = imgui.GetIO();
io.AddFocusEvent(focused != 0);
pub fn CursorPosCallback(window: *glfw.Window, x: f64, y: f64) callconv(.C) void {
const bd = GetBackendData().?;
if (bd.PrevUserCallbackCursorPos != null and window == bd.Window)
bd.PrevUserCallbackCursorPos.?(window, x, y);
const io = imgui.GetIO();
io.AddMousePosEvent(@floatCast(f32, x), @floatCast(f32, y));
bd.LastValidMousePos = .{ .x = @floatCast(f32, x), .y = @floatCast(f32, y) };
// Workaround: X11 seems to send spurious Leave/Enter events which would make us lose our position,
// so we back it up and restore on Leave/Enter (see https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/4984)
pub fn CursorEnterCallback(window: *glfw.Window, entered: i32) callconv(.C) void {
const bd = GetBackendData().?;
if (bd.PrevUserCallbackCursorEnter != null and window == bd.Window)
bd.PrevUserCallbackCursorEnter.?(window, entered);
const io = imgui.GetIO();
if (entered != 0) {
bd.MouseWindow = window;
io.AddMousePosEvent(bd.LastValidMousePos.x, bd.LastValidMousePos.y);
} else if (entered == 0 and bd.MouseWindow == window) {
bd.LastValidMousePos = io.MousePos;
bd.MouseWindow = null;
io.AddMousePosEvent(-imgui.FLT_MAX, -imgui.FLT_MAX);
pub fn CharCallback(window: *glfw.Window, c: u32) callconv(.C) void {
const bd = GetBackendData().?;
if (bd.PrevUserCallbackChar != null and window == bd.Window)
bd.PrevUserCallbackChar.?(window, c);
const io = imgui.GetIO();
pub fn MonitorCallback(monitor: *glfw.GLFWmonitor, event: i32) callconv(.C) void {
const bd = GetBackendData().?;
if (bd.PrevUserCallbackMonitor != null)
bd.PrevUserCallbackMonitor.?(monitor, event);
// Unused in 'master' branch but 'docking' branch will use this, so we declare it ahead of it so if you have to install callbacks you can install this one too.
fn Init(window: *glfw.Window, install_callbacks: bool, client_api: GlfwClientApi) bool {
_ = install_callbacks;
const io = imgui.GetIO();
assert(io.BackendPlatformUserData == null); // Already initialized a platform backend!
// Setup backend capabilities flags
const bd = @ptrCast(*Data, @alignCast(@alignOf(Data), imgui.MemAlloc(@sizeOf(Data))));
bd.* = .{
.Window = window,
.Time = 0,
.ClientApi = client_api,
io.BackendPlatformUserData = bd;
io.BackendPlatformName = "imgui_impl_glfw";
io.BackendFlags.HasMouseCursors = true; // We can honor GetMouseCursor() values (optional)
io.BackendFlags.HasSetMousePos = true; // We can honor io.WantSetMousePos requests (optional, rarely used)
//io.SetClipboardTextFn = SetClipboardText;
//io.GetClipboardTextFn = GetClipboardText;
io.ClipboardUserData = window;
// Set platform dependent data in viewport
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
imgui.GetMainViewport().?.PlatformHandleRaw = glfw.glfwGetWin32Window(window);
// Create mouse cursors
// (By design, on X11 cursors are user configurable and some cursors may be missing. When a cursor doesn't exist,
// GLFW will emit an error which will often be printed by the app, so we temporarily disable error reporting.
// Missing cursors will return NULL and our _UpdateMouseCursor() function will use the Arrow cursor instead.)
//bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.Arrow)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.arrow) catch unreachable);
//bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.TextInput)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.ibeam) catch unreachable);
//bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeNS)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.resize_ns) catch unreachable);
//bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeEW)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.resize_ew) catch unreachable);
//bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.Hand)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.pointing_hand) catch unreachable);
// bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeAll)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.resize_all) catch unreachable);
// bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeNESW)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.resize_nesw) catch unreachable);
// bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeNWSE)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.resize_nwse) catch unreachable);
// bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.NotAllowed)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.not_allowed) catch unreachable);
//} else {
// bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeAll)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.arrow) catch unreachable);
// bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeNESW)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.arrow) catch unreachable);
// bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeNWSE)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.arrow) catch unreachable);
// bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.NotAllowed)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.arrow) catch unreachable);
return true;
pub fn InitForOpenGL(window: *glfw.Window, install_callbacks: bool) bool {
return Init(window, install_callbacks, .OpenGL);
pub fn InitForVulkan(window: *glfw.Window, install_callbacks: bool) bool {
return Init(window, install_callbacks, .Vulkan);
pub fn InitForOther(window: *glfw.Window, install_callbacks: bool) bool {
return Init(window, install_callbacks, .Unknown);
pub fn Shutdown() void {
const bd = GetBackendData();
assert(bd != null); // No platform backend to shutdown, or already shutdown?
const io = imgui.GetIO();
for (bd.?.MouseCursors) |cursor|
if (cursor) |c| glfw.glfwDestroyCursor(c);
io.BackendPlatformName = null;
io.BackendPlatformUserData = null;
fn UpdateMouseData() void {
const bd = GetBackendData().?;
const io = imgui.GetIO();
const is_app_focused = if (IS_EMSCRIPTEN) true else ((bd.Window.?.getAttrib(.focused) catch unreachable) != 0);
if (is_app_focused) {
// (Optional) Set OS mouse position from Dear ImGui if requested (rarely used, only when ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableSetMousePos is enabled by user)
if (io.WantSetMousePos)
bd.Window.?.setCursorPos(io.MousePos.x, io.MousePos.y) catch unreachable;
// (Optional) Fallback to provide mouse position when focused (ImGui_ImplGlfw_CursorPosCallback already provides this when hovered or captured)
if (is_app_focused and bd.MouseWindow == null) {
const pos = bd.Window.?.getCursorPos() catch unreachable;
io.AddMousePosEvent(@floatCast(f32, pos.xpos), @floatCast(f32, pos.ypos));
bd.LastValidMousePos = .{ .x = @floatCast(f32, pos.xpos), .y = @floatCast(f32, pos.ypos) };
fn UpdateMouseCursor() void {
const bd = GetBackendData().?;
const io = imgui.GetIO();
if ((io.ConfigFlags.NoMouseCursorChange) or bd.Window.?.getInputModeCursor() == .disabled)
const imgui_cursor = imgui.GetMouseCursor();
if (imgui_cursor == .None or io.MouseDrawCursor) {
// Hide OS mouse cursor if imgui is drawing it or if it wants no cursor
bd.Window.?.setInputModeCursor(.hidden) catch unreachable;
} else {
// Show OS mouse cursor
// FIXME-PLATFORM: Unfocused windows seems to fail changing the mouse cursor with GLFW 3.2, but 3.3 works here.
bd.Window.?.setCursor((bd.MouseCursors[@intCast(usize, @enumToInt(imgui_cursor))] orelse bd.MouseCursors[@intCast(usize, @enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.Arrow))] orelse unreachable).*) catch unreachable;
bd.Window.?.setInputModeCursor(.normal) catch unreachable;
// Update gamepad inputs
inline fn Saturate(v: f32) f32 {
return if (v < 0) 0 else if (v > 1) 1 else v;
// TODO, maybe
//fn UpdateGamepads() void {
// const io = imgui.GetIO();
// if (!io.ConfigFlags.NavEnableGamepad)
// return;
// const InputKind = enum { Button, Analog };
// const Mapping = struct { kind: InputKind, key: imgui.Key, btn: glfw.GamepadButton, low: f32 = 0, high: f32 = 0 };
// const mappings = [_]Mapping{
// .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadStart, .btn = .start },
// .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadBack, .btn = .back },
// .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadFaceDown, .btn = .a }, // Xbox A, PS Cross
// .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadFaceRight, .btn = .b }, // Xbox B, PS Circle
// .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadFaceLeft, .btn = .x }, // Xbox X, PS Square
// .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadFaceUp, .btn = .y }, // Xbox Y, PS Triangle
// .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadDpadLeft, .btn = .dpad_left },
// .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadDpadRight, .btn = .dpad_right },
// .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadDpadUp, .btn = .dpad_up },
// .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadDpadDown, .btn = .dpad_down },
// .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadL1, .btn = .left_bumper },
// .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadR1, .btn = .right_bumper },
// .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadL2, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER, .low = -0.75, .high = 1.0 },
// .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadR2, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER, .low = -0.75, .high = 1.0 },
// .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadL3, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_THUMB },
// .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadR3, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_THUMB },
// .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadLStickLeft, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_X, .low = -0.25, .high = -1.0 },
// .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadLStickRight, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_X, .low = 0.25, .high = 1.0 },
// .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadLStickUp, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_Y, .low = -0.25, .high = -1.0 },
// .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadLStickDown, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_Y, .low = 0.25, .high = 1.0 },
// .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadRStickLeft, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_X, .low = -0.25, .high = -1.0 },
// .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadRStickRight, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_X, .low = 0.25, .high = 1.0 },
// .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadRStickUp, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_Y, .low = -0.25, .high = -1.0 },
// .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadRStickDown, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_Y, .low = 0.25, .high = 1.0 },
// };
// io.BackendFlags.HasGamepad = false;
// var gamepad: glfw.GLFWgamepadstate = undefined;
// if (glfw.Gamepad.getState(glfw.GLFW_JOYSTICK_1, &gamepad) == 0)
// return;
// inline for (mappings) |m| switch (m.kind) {
// .Button => io.AddKeyEvent(m.key, gamepad.buttons[m.btn] != 0),
// .Analog => {
// var v = gamepad.axes[m.btn];
// v = (v - m.low) / (m.high - m.low);
// io.AddKeyAnalogEvent(m.key, v > 0.1, Saturate(v));
// },
// };
// } else {
// var axes_count: c_int = 0;
// var buttons_count: c_int = 0;
// const axes = glfw.glfwGetJoystickAxes(glfw.GLFW_JOYSTICK_1, &axes_count);
// const buttons = glfw.glfwGetJoystickButtons(glfw.GLFW_JOYSTICK_1, &buttons_count);
// if (axes_count == 0 or buttons_count == 0)
// return;
// inline for (mappings) |m| switch (m.kind) {
// .Button => io.AddKeyEvent(m.key, m.btn > buttons_count and buttons.?[m.btn] != 0),
// .Analog => {
// var v: f32 = if (m.btn < axes_count) axes.?[m.btn] else m.low;
// v = (v - m.low) / (m.high - m.low);
// io.AddKeyAnalogEvent(m.key, v > 0.1, Saturate(v));
// },
// };
// }
// io.BackendFlags.HasGamepad = true;
pub fn NewFrame() void {
const bd = GetBackendData().?; // Did you call ImGui_ImplGlfw_InitForXXX()?
const io = imgui.GetIO();
// Setup display size (every frame to accommodate for window resizing)
const size = bd.Window.?.getSize() catch unreachable;
const display_size = bd.Window.?.getFramebufferSize() catch unreachable;
io.DisplaySize = .{ .x = @intToFloat(f32, size.width), .y = @intToFloat(f32, size.height) };
if (size.width > 0 and size.height > 0) {
io.DisplayFramebufferScale = .{
.x = @intToFloat(f32, display_size.width) / @intToFloat(f32, size.width),
.y = @intToFloat(f32, display_size.height) / @intToFloat(f32, size.height),
// Setup time step
const current_time = glfw.getTime();
io.DeltaTime = if (bd.Time > 0) @floatCast(f32, current_time - bd.Time) else (1.0 / 60.0);
bd.Time = current_time;
// Update game controllers (if enabled and available)

src/ui/ui.zig Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
const std = @import("std");
const glfw = @import("glfw");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const ig = @import("imgui");
const ig_impl_glfw = @import("imgui_impl_glfw.zig");
const ProfileMark = @import("../common/profiler.zig").ProfileMark;
// TODO messy
const Window = @import("../rendering/vulkan/display.zig").Window;
const Instance = @import("../rendering/vulkan/instance.zig").Instance;
const Device = @import("../rendering/vulkan/device.zig").Device;
const queues = @import("../rendering/vulkan/queues.zig");
const Bindings = @import("../rendering/vulkan/Bindings.zig");
// TODO memory
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
pub fn init(window: *Window) !void {
//ig.SetAllocatorFunctions(igAlloc, igFree);
_ = ig.CreateContext();
errdefer ig.DestroyContext();
if (!ig_impl_glfw.InitForVulkan(&window.handle, false)) {
return error.ImGuiFailedToInitialize;
_ = window;
pub fn deinit() void {
const pm_beginframe = ProfileMark.init("ui.beginFrame");
pub fn beginFrame() void {
defer pm_beginframe.end();
const pm_endframe = ProfileMark.init("ui.endFrame");
pub fn endFrame() void {
defer pm_endframe.end();
//fn igAlloc(sz: usize, user_data: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) ?*anyopaque {
// _ = user_data;
// const mem = allocator.alloc(u8, sz) catch return null;
// return @ptrCast(*anyopaque, mem);
//fn igFree(ptr: ?*anyopaque, user_data: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void {
// _ = user_data;
// if (ptr) |p| allocator.free(@ptrCast([*]u8, p));