2015-10-02 13:45:27 +02:00

286 lines
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#+TITLE: Clojure contribution layer for Spacemacs
[[file:img/clojure.png]] [[file:img/cider.png]]
* Table of Contents :TOC@4:
- [[#description][Description]]
- [[#features][Features]]
- [[#install][Install]]
- [[#layer][Layer]]
- [[#pretty-symbols][Pretty Symbols]]
- [[#cider-and-clj-refactor][CIDER and clj-refactor]]
- [[#quick-start-with-lein][Quick Start with lein]]
- [[#more-details][More details]]
- [[#key-bindings][Key Bindings]]
- [[#leader][Leader]]
- [[#documentation][Documentation]]
- [[#evaluation][Evaluation]]
- [[#goto][Goto]]
- [[#repl][REPL]]
- [[#tests][Tests]]
- [[#toggles][Toggles]]
- [[#debugging][Debugging]]
- [[#refactoring][Refactoring]]
- [[#reformatting][Reformatting]]
- [[#cider-buffers][CIDER Buffers]]
- [[#stacktrace-mode][stacktrace-mode]]
- [[#inspector-mode][inspector-mode]]
- [[#test-report-mode][test-report-mode]]
* Description
This layer adds support for [[][Clojure]] language using [[][CIDER]].
* Features
- REPL via [[][CIDER]]
- Code formatting via [[][CIDER]] using [[][Cljfmt]]
- Refactoring via [[][clj-refactor]]
- Aligning of code forms via [[][align-cljlet]]
* Install
** Layer
To use this contribution add it to your =~/.spacemacs=
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(clojure))
** Pretty Symbols
Pretty symbols for anonymous functions, set literals and partial, like =(λ [a]
(+ a 5))=, =ƒ(+ % 5)=, =∈{2 4 6}= and =Ƥ=.
To enable this feature, add the following snippet to the
=dotspacemacs/user-config= section of your =~/.spacemacs= file:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq clojure-enable-fancify-symbols t)
Or set this variable when loading the configuration layer:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
'((clojure :variables clojure-enable-fancify-symbols t)))
** CIDER and clj-refactor
*** Quick Start with lein
- Install =lein= via your OS package manager.
- Create a file =~/.lein/profiles.clj= with the following content:
#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
{:user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.10.0-SNAPSHOT"]
[refactor-nrepl "1.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]]
:dependencies [[alembic "0.3.2"]
[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.10"]]}}
- After creating your project with ~lein new app <projectname>~ or
importing an existing project, run ~SPC m s i~ in any of the clojure
source files to connect to the Cider REPL.
*** More details
More info regarding installation of nREPL middleware can be found here:
- CIDER: [[][cider_install]]
- clj-refactor: [[][refactor-nrepl]]
* Key Bindings
** Leader
*** Documentation
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m h g~ | cider grimoire |
| ~SPC m h h~ | cider doc |
| ~SPC m h j~ | cider javadoc |
*** Evaluation
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m e b~ | eval buffer |
| ~SPC m e e~ | eval last sexp |
| ~SPC m e f~ | eval function at point |
| ~SPC m e r~ | eval region |
| ~SPC m e w~ | eval last sexp and replace with result |
*** Goto
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m g b~ | go back |
| ~SPC m g g~ | goto var |
| ~SPC m g e~ | goto error |
| ~SPC m g r~ | goto resource |
*** REPL
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m s b~ | send and eval buffer in REPL |
| ~SPC m s B~ | send and eval buffer and switch to REPL in =insert state= |
| ~SPC m s c~ | connect to REPL (cider-connect) |
| ~SPC m s e~ | send and eval last sexp in REPL |
| ~SPC m s E~ | send and eval last sexp and switch to REPL in =insert state= |
| ~SPC m s f~ | send and eval function in REPL |
| ~SPC m s F~ | send and eval function and switch to REPL in =insert state= |
| ~SPC m s i~ | start REPL (cider-jack-in) |
| ~SPC m s I~ | start clojurescript REPL (cider-jack-in-clojurescript) |
| ~SPC m s n~ | send and eval ns form in REPL |
| ~SPC m s N~ | send and eval ns form and switch to REPL in =insert state= |
| ~SPC m s q~ | kill REPL (cider-quit) |
| ~SPC m s r~ | send and eval region in REPL |
| ~SPC m s R~ | send and eval region and switch to REPL in =insert state= |
| ~SPC m s s~ | switch to REPL |
*** Tests
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m t a~ | run all tests in namespace |
| ~SPC m t r~ | re-run test failures for namespace |
| ~SPC m t t~ | run test at point |
*** Toggles
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m T f~ | toggle REPL font-locking |
| ~SPC m T p~ | toggle REPL pretty-printing |
| ~SPC m T i~ | toggle indentation style |
*** Debugging
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m d r~ | reload namepspaces |
| ~SPC m d b~ | instrument expression at point |
| ~SPC m d e~ | display last stacktrace |
| ~SPC m d i~ | inspect expression at point |
*** Refactoring
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m r ?~ | describe refactoring |
| ~SPC m r a d~ | add declaration |
| ~SPC m r a i~ | add import to ns |
| ~SPC m r a m~ | add missing libspec |
| ~SPC m r a p~ | add project dependency |
| ~SPC m r a r~ | add require to ns |
| ~SPC m r a u~ | add use to ns |
| ~SPC m r c c~ | cycle coll |
| ~SPC m r c i~ | cycle if |
| ~SPC m r c n~ | clean ns |
| ~SPC m r c p~ | cycle privacy |
| ~SPC m r d k~ | destructure keys |
| ~SPC m r e c~ | extract constant |
| ~SPC m r e d~ | extract definition |
| ~SPC m r e f~ | extract function |
| ~SPC m r e l~ | expand let |
| ~SPC m r f u~ | find usages |
| ~SPC m r f e~ | create fn from example |
| ~SPC m r h d~ | hotload dependency |
| ~SPC m r i l~ | introduce let |
| ~SPC m r i s~ | inline symbol |
| ~SPC m r m f~ | move form |
| ~SPC m r m l~ | move to let |
| ~SPC m r p c~ | project clean |
| ~SPC m r p f~ | promote function |
| ~SPC m r r d~ | remove debug fns |
| ~SPC m r r f~ | rename file |
| ~SPC m r r l~ | remove let |
| ~SPC m r r r~ | remove unused requires |
| ~SPC m r r s~ | rename symbol |
| ~SPC m r r u~ | replace use |
| ~SPC m r s n~ | sort ns |
| ~SPC m r s p~ | sort project dependencies |
| ~SPC m r s r~ | stop referring |
| ~SPC m r s c~ | show changelog |
| ~SPC m r t f~ | thread first all |
| ~SPC m r t h~ | thread |
| ~SPC m r t l~ | thread last all |
| ~SPC m r u a~ | unwind all |
| ~SPC m r u p~ | update project dependencies |
| ~SPC m r u w~ | unwind |
*** Reformatting
- Forms currently handled:
- let
- when-let
- if-let
- binding
- loop
- with-open
- literal hashes {}
- defroute
- cond
- condp (except :>> subforms)
More info at [[][align-cljlet]].
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m f l~ | realign current form |
| ~SPC m f b~ | reformat current buffer |
** CIDER Buffers
In general, ~q~ should always quit the popped up buffer.
*** stacktrace-mode
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~C-j~ | next cause |
| ~C-k~ | previous cause |
| ~TAB~ | cycle current cause |
| ~0~ | cycle all causes |
| ~1~ | cycle cause 1 |
| ~2~ | cycle cause 2 |
| ~3~ | cycle cause 3 |
| ~4~ | cycle cause 4 |
| ~5~ | cycle cause 5 |
| ~a~ | toggle all |
| ~c~ | toggle clj |
| ~d~ | toggle duplicates |
| ~J~ | toggle java |
| ~r~ | toggle repl |
| ~T~ | toggle tooling |
*** inspector-mode
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~TAB~ | next inspectable object |
| ~Shift-TAB~ | previous inspectable object |
| ~RET~ | inspect object |
| ~L~ | pop to the parent object |
| ~n~ | next page in paginated view |
| ~N~ | previous page in paginated view |
| ~r~ | refresh |
| ~s~ | set a new page size |
*** test-report-mode
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~C-j~ | next result |
| ~C-k~ | previous result |
| ~RET~ | jump to test |
| ~d~ | ediff test result |
| ~e~ | show stacktrace |
| ~r~ | rerun tests |
| ~t~ | run test |
| ~T~ | run tests |