7.5 KiB
7.5 KiB
Configuration layers
- Chat
- Checkers
- Completion
- Distributions
- Emacs
- Frameworks
- Fun
- International support
- Programming and markup languages
- Misc
- Operating systems
- Pair programming
- Source control
- Spacemacs distribution layers
- Tags
- Themes
- Tools
- Vim
- Web services
International support
Programming and markup languages
- agda
- asciidoc
- asm
- autohotkey
- bibtex
- c-c++
- clojure
- common-lisp
- coq
- csharp
- csv
- d
- elixir
- elm
- emacs-lisp
- erlang
- ess
- faust
- forth
- fsharp
- go
- gpu
- graphviz
- haskell
- html
- idris
- ipython-notebook
- java
- javascript
- jr
- latex
- lua
- markdown
- nim
- ocaml
- octave
- perl5
- perl6
- php
- plantuml
- protobuf
- purescript
- python
- racket
- restructuredtext
- ruby
- rust
- scala
- scheme
- shell-scripts
- sml
- sql
- swift
- typescript
- vimscript
- windows-scripts
- yaml