2015-10-23 10:14:30 +02:00

205 lines
10 KiB
Org Mode

* FAQ :TOC@4:
- [[#common][Common]]
- [[#which-version-of-spacemacs-am-i-running][Which version of Spacemacs am I running?]]
- [[#what-is-the-official-pronunciation-of-spacemacs][What is the official pronunciation of Spacemacs?]]
- [[#why-are-packages-installed-with-package-install-automatically-deleted-by-spacemacs-when-it-boots][Why are packages installed with =package-install= automatically deleted by Spacemacs when it boots?]]
- [[#the-spacemacs-banner-is-ugly-what-should-i-do][The Spacemacs banner is ugly, what should I do?]]
- [[#the-powerline-separators-are-ugly-how-can-i-fix-them][The powerline separators are ugly, how can I fix them?]]
- [[#the-powerline-separators-have-no-anti-aliasing-what-can-i-do][The powerline separators have no anti-aliasing, what can I do?]]
- [[#why-is-after-init-hook-not-executed][Why is after-init-hook not executed?]]
- [[#what-is-the-difference-between-spacemacs-base-and-spacemacs-distributions][What is the difference between =spacemacs-base= and =spacemacs= distributions?]]
- [[#how-can-i-change-or-define-an-alias-for-an-evil-leader-prefix][How can I change or define an alias for an =evil-leader= prefix?]]
- [[#should-i-place-my-settings-in-user-init-or-user-config][Should I place my settings in =user-init= or =user-config=?]]
- [[#why-do-some-of-my-org-related-settings-cause-problems][Why do some of my =org=-related settings cause problems?]]
- [[#how-do-i][How do I]]
- [[#disable-a-package-completely][Disable a package completely?]]
- [[#disable-a-package-only-for-a-specific-major-mode][Disable a package only for a specific major-mode?]]
- [[#disable-company-for-a-specific-major-mode][Disable company for a specific major-mode?]]
- [[#change-special-buffer-rules][Change special buffer rules?]]
- [[#enable-navigation-by-visual-lines][Enable navigation by visual lines?]]
- [[#disable-evilification-of-a-mode][Disable evilification of a mode?]]
- [[#windows][Windows]]
- [[#why-do-the-fonts-look-crappy-on-windows][Why do the fonts look crappy on Windows?]]
- [[#why-is-there-no-spacemacs-logo-in-the-startup-buffer][Why is there no Spacemacs logo in the startup buffer?]]
- [[#why-are-all-packages-unavailable][Why are all packages unavailable?]]
- [[#os-x][OS X]]
- [[#why-are-the-powerline-colors-not-correct-on-os-x][Why are the powerline colors not correct on OS X?]]
** Common
*** Which version of Spacemacs am I running?
The version is displayed on the upper right corner of the loading screen. You
may also just type ~SPC f e v~.
*** What is the official pronunciation of Spacemacs?
As it is written, that is _space_ then _macs_.
*** Why are packages installed with =package-install= automatically deleted by Spacemacs when it boots?
To declare new packages you have to create a new configuration layer, see the
[[][quick start guide]].
*** The Spacemacs banner is ugly, what should I do?
Install the default font supported by Spacemacs or choose a fixed width font.
More information in the font section of the [[][documentation]].
*** The powerline separators are ugly, how can I fix them?
Use the property =:powerline-scale= of the variable =dotspacemacs-default-font=.
See font section of the [[][documentation]] for more details.
*** The powerline separators have no anti-aliasing, what can I do?
Emacs powerline uses XMP images to draw the separators in a graphical
environment. You can have anti-aliasing if you use the =utf8= separator. Note
that by default the =utf8= separator is used in a terminal. See the powerline
section in the font section of the [[][documentation]].
*** Why is after-init-hook not executed?
Don't launch Spacemacs with =emacs -q -l init.el= command. This command will run
the hooked function in =after-init-hook= before the evaluation of the passed =-l
init.el= file.
*** What is the difference between =spacemacs-base= and =spacemacs= distributions?
The =distribution= concept was introduced in 0.104.x. You can now choose
between two distributions =spacemacs= or =spacemacs-base=.
=spacemacs-base= contains only a minimal set of packages; whereas =spacemacs=
is the full Spacemacs experience.
Set the distribution with =dotspacemacs-distribution= variable. The default is
=spacemacs=. For more information as to what is included,
check out the =packages.el= file in the respective folders in the
=+distribution= folder of the =layers/= directory.
*** How can I change or define an alias for an =evil-leader= prefix?
It is possible to change an =evil-leader= prefix by binding its keymap to
another sequence. For instance, if you want to switch ~SPC l~
(=evil-avy-goto-line=) with ~SPC L~ (=perspectives= layer) to make the later
easier to reach, you can use:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
"l" (lookup-key evil-leader--default-map "L")
"L" 'evil-avy-goto-line)
*** Should I place my settings in =user-init= or =user-config=?
Any variable that layer configuration code will *read* and *act on* must be set
in =user-init=, and any variable that Spacemacs explicitly sets but you wish to
*override* must be set in =user-config=.
Anything that isn't just setting a variable should 99% be in =user-config=.
*** Why do some of my =org=-related settings cause problems?
Since version 0.104, spacemacs uses the `org` version from the org ELPA
repository instead of the one shipped with emacs. Then, any `org` related code
should not be loaded before `dotspacemacs/user-config`, otherwise both versions
will be loaded and will conflict.
** How do I
*** Disable a package completely?
To completely disable a package and effectively uninstalling it even if
it is part of your used layers, look for the variable
=dotspacemacs-excluded-packages= in your dotfile and add the package
name to it:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-excluded-packages '(package1 package2 ...))
*** Disable a package only for a specific major-mode?
This is done by removing the hook added by Spacemacs. For example to
remove =flycheck= support in python buffers, look for the function
=dotspacemacs/user-config= in your dotfile and add the following code:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(remove-hook 'python-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
*Hint* to know the name of the major-mode of the current buffer press:
~SPC h d v major-mode RET~
*** Disable company for a specific major-mode?
It may be handy to disable =company= for a given mode if you plan on
configuring =auto-complete= instead. On easy way to do it is to use the
macro =spacemacs|disable-company= in the function =dotspacemacs/user-config=
of your dotfile. The following snippet disables company for
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(spacemacs|disable-company python-mode)
*** Change special buffer rules?
To change the way spacemacs marks buffers as useless, you can customize
=spacemacs-useless-buffers-regexp= which marks buffers matching the
regexp as useless. The variable =spacemacs-useful-buffers-regexp= marks
buffers matching the regexp as useful buffers. Both can be customized
the same way.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; Only mark helm buffers as useless
(setq spacemacs-useless-buffers-regexp '("\\*helm\.\+\\*"))
;; Marking the *Messages* buffer as useful
(push "\\*Messages\\*" spacemacs-useful-buffers-regexp)
*** Enable navigation by visual lines?
Add the following snippet to your =dostpacemacs/config= function:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; Make evil-mode up/down operate in screen lines instead of logical lines
(define-key evil-motion-state-map "j" 'evil-next-visual-line)
(define-key evil-motion-state-map "k" 'evil-previous-visual-line)
;; Also in visual mode
(define-key evil-visual-state-map "j" 'evil-next-visual-line)
(define-key evil-visual-state-map "k" 'evil-previous-visual-line)
*** Disable evilification of a mode?
You can ensure a mode opens in emacs state by using =evil-set-initial-state=.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(evil-set-initial-state 'magit-status-mode 'emacs)
You can also do this using buffer name regular expressions. E.g. for magit,
which has a number of different major modes, you can catch them all with
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(push '("*magit" . emacs) evil-buffer-regexps)
This should make all original magit bindings work in the major modes in
question. To enable the leader key in this case, you may have to define a
binding in the mode's map, e.g. for =magit-status-mode=,
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(define-key magit-status-mode-map
(kbd dotspacemacs-leader-key) evil-leader--default-map)
** Windows
*** Why do the fonts look crappy on Windows?
You can install [[][MacType]] on Windows to get very nice looking fonts. It is
also recommended to disable smooth scrolling on Windows.
*** Why is there no Spacemacs logo in the startup buffer?
A GUI build of emacs supporting image display is required.
You can follow the instructions [[][here]]. Alternatively you can download binaries
of emacs with image support included such as [[][this one]].
*** Why are all packages unavailable?
Check if your Emacs has HTTPS capabilities by doing =M-:= and then:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
If this returns =nil=, you need to install the GnuTLS DDL file in the same
directory as Emacs. See [[][here]] for instructions.
** OS X
*** Why are the powerline colors not correct on OS X?
This is a [[][known issue]] as of Emacs 24.4 due to =ns-use-srgb-colorspace=
defaulting to true. It is recommended to use the [[][emacs-mac-port]] build. See the
install section in the [[file:../][README]] for more details.