2014-12-02 23:34:16 -05:00

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Spacemacs conventions

Table of Contents

Code guidelines

Spacemacs core and layer

Function names follow these conventions:

  • spacemacs/xxx is an interactive function called xxx
  • spacemacs//xxx is a private function called xxx (implementation details)
  • spacemacs|xxx is a macro called xxx

Variables follow these conventions:

  • spacemacs-xxx is a variable
  • spacemacs--xxx is a private variable (implementation details)

All layers

A package is initialized in a function with name <layer>/init-xxx where:

  • <layer> is the layer name
  • xxx is the package name

Key bindings conventions

Prefix reserved to the user

<SPC> o must not be used by any layer. It is reserved for the user.

Evilify buffers

Spacemacs offers convenient functions to evilify a buffer. Evilifying a buffer is to:

  • add hjkl navigation
  • add incremental search with /, n and N
  • add visual state and visual line state
  • activate evil-leader key
  • fix all bindings shadows by the above additions

To fix the shadowed bindings we capitalize them, for instance: shadowed h is transposed to H, if H is taken then it is transposed to C-h and so on...

Example of evilified buffers are magit status, paradox buffer.

The related functions are:

  • spacemacs/activate-evil-leader-for-maps and spacemacs/activate-evil-leader-for-map
  • spacemacs/evilify

Navigation in insert state buffers

Navigation in buffers like Helm and ido which are in insert state should be performed with C-j and C-k for vertical movements.

History navigation in shells or REPLs buffers should be bound as well to C-j and C-k.

Interactions with REPLs

A lot of languages can interact with a REPL. To help keeping a consistent behavior between those languages the following conventions should be followed:

  • lower case key bindings keep the focus on the current buffer
  • upper case key bindings move the focus to the REPL buffer
    Key Description
    b evaluate buffer
    B evaluate buffer and switch to REPL
    f evaluate function
    F evaluate function and switch to REPL
    l evaluate line
    L evaluate line and switch to REPL
    r evaluate region
    R evaluate region and switch to REPL