2015-04-13 02:17:21 -04:00

258 lines
11 KiB
Org Mode

* Releases 0.101.x (2015/04/13)
** Hot new features
*** Choose your own editing style
Thanks to the new `holy-mode` Spacemacs can now be used by Vim users
or Emacs users by setting the `dotspacemacs-editing-style` variable to
`'vim` or `'emacs` in the dotfile. In `Emacs` style the leader is
available on `M-m`. It is possible to dynamically switch between the
two style with `SPC P tab`.
*** Mandatory init function and new Pre and Post init functions
A package is now considered to be used only if there is a corresponding
`<layer>/init-<package>` function explicitly defined.
There is now two new functions to initialize a given package:
- `<layer>/pre-init-<package>` which is called before the init function
- `<layer>/post-init-<package>` which is called after the init function
Even if a `pre` or `post` function exist for a given package, an `init`
function is still required to consider the package to be used.
*** Auto-completion
Spacemacs now officially support auto-completion. The old layer
`company-mode` has been removed and `auto-complete` has been removed
from the spacemacs layer.
They are now part of a new layer called `auto-completion`.
You'll have to this layer to your dotfile to enable auto-completion.
*** Syntax checking
Flycheck has been removed from the Spacemacs layer and moved to a new
layer called `syntax-checking`.
You'll have to this layer to your dotfile to enable on the fly syntax
*** Org
Org packages have been removed from Spacemacs layer and moved to a new
`org` layer.
You'll have to this layer to your dotfile to enable the Org
configuration of Spacemacs.
*** New shortcuts in startup buffer
Recent files, project and bookmarks can be displayed on the startup
buffer. Check for the new dotfile variable `dotspacemacs-startup-lists`.
(thanks to CarlQLange)
*** New lighter in the mode line
Lighter letters have been updated, now the letter corresponds to the
key binding to toggle the associated mode. For instance auto-completion
is on ⓐ and thus can be toggled with `SPC t a`.
*** Better package update
The package update should now prevent even more errors when upgrading
a batch of packages.
** Initial Release
*** New layers
- evil-commentary: Alternative to `evil-nerd-commenter`
(thanks to person808)
- better-defaults: layer providing better defaults for Emacs commands,
rather empty for now. (thanks to tuhdo)
- ERC: an IRC client (thanks to swaroopch)
- Racket: a lisp dialect (thanks to trishume)
- xkcd: browse for XKCD in Emacs (thanks to CestDiego)
- shell-scripts: layer containing shell specific modes like `fish-mode`
- editorconfig: add support for EditorConfig (thanks to jupl)
*** New dotfile variables:
- `dotspacemacs-editing-style` can be either `vim` or `emacs`.
- `dotspacemacs-verbose-loading` if non nil the loading prints logs in
the `*Messages*` buffer. Default value is `nil`.
- `dotspacemacs-startup-lists` is a list of symbols to display recent
items in the startup buffer, possible values are: `recents`,
`bookmarks` and `projects` (thanks to CarlQLange)
*** Auto-complete
- Move to `auto-completion` layer
*** C/C++
- Add key bindings `SPC m g a` and `SPC m g A` for open alternate file
(thanks to mijoharas)
*** Clojure
- Add `SPC m e f` eval function at point
- Add `cider-eval-sexp-fu`
- Fix for `cider-send-function-to-repl` (thanks to nashamri)
- Replace `auto-complete` by `company` for auto-completion
- Move `SPC d` commands on `SPC h` to meet Spacemacs convetions (thanks to
- Open `cider-doc` without asking for symbol, close it with `q` (thanks to
*** Company
- Move to `auto-completion` layer
- Refactoring of `company` configuration, it is now lazy-loaded and the
`company-backends` list is now a buffer local variable. `company` is
not enabled globally anymore.
- Set `company-delay` to 0.2 instead of 0
- Ignore `company-quickhelp` for Emacs version < 24.4
- Add support for `company` in various languages (thanks to trishume)
*** Emacs Lisp
- Add `eval-sexp-fu` (thanks to tuhdo)
- Enable eldoc in eval-expression and IELM (thanks to tuhdo)
- New key bindings `SPC m e b`, `SPC m e c` and `SPC m e r` to evaluate
the buffer, the current form starting by `set` or `def` and the region
respectively (thanks to ralesi)
*** Ess
- Fix loading of `ess-R-object-popup` and `ess-R-data-view`
(thanks to jcpetkovich)
*** Extra-Lang layer
- Add `Nim` language (thanks to trishume)
*** Flycheck
- Move to `syntax-checking` layer
- Add `flycheck-pos-tip` (thanks to tuhdo)
- Enable flycheck for `lua` files (thanks rphillips)
*** Git
- Add `gitconfig-mode` and `git-commit-mode` (thanks to ralesi)
- Add `gitattributes-mode` and `gitignore-mode` (thanks to r4ts0n)
- Add key bindings in rebase mode
- Add `git-link` package (thanks to CestDiego)
- Enable Magit authentication on Windows (thanks to tuhdo)
- Loads `magit-gh-pulls` only after requesting it (thanks to cpaulik)
*** Go
- Add `run-package-tests` command on `SPC m t p` (thanks to robmerrell)
- Fix path to `go-oracle` (thanks to Pursuit92)
*** Haskell
- Move `SPC m t` and `SPC m i` under `SPC m h`
- Remove `hi2` (it is now integrated in `haskell-mode`)
- Disable `eletric-indent-mode`
- Fix `flycheck-haskell` autoload (thanks to jcpetkovich)
- Fix `flycheck` loading
- Move `SPC m t` to `SPC m h t` according to Spacemacs conventions (thanks
to jeremyjh)
- Add C-- `cmm-mode` (thanks to bgamari)
*** Helm
- Add `helm-colors` key binding on `SPC C l` (thanks to tuhdo)
- Make `helm-ff-doted-directory` consistent (thanks to tuhdo)
- Disable popwin-mode when a Helm session is active (thanks to tuhdo)
- Fix lazy-loading of helm for describe commands
- Add support for `pt` the platinum searcher (thanks to ralesi)
- Add support for `helm-ag-edit`
- Add function `spacemacs/helm-projectile-search-dwim` which select the
first available external search tool (pt, ag, ack or grep) (thanks to
- Enable `helm-descbinds` globally (thanks to tuhdo)
- Add key bindings for useful Helm commands: `helm-info-at-point`,
`helm-man-woman`, `helm-locate-library` and `helm-minibuffer-history`
(thanks to tuhdo)
- Add key bindings for searching the web using `helm-suggest` (thanks to
*** Holy-mode
- New package providing Emacs edition style to Spacemacs
*** IRC
- rcirc: Create rcirc logging directory during init
(thanks to jcpetkovich)
- New ERC layer (thanks to swaroopch)
- Add ERC keybindings (thans to cpaulik)
- Move startup key bindings to prefix `SPC a i`
*** Markdown
- Associate `.mkd` with `markdown-mode` (thanks to bgamari)
*** Org
- Move to `org` layer
- Bind evil-leader in org-agenda-map (thanks to luxbock)
- Add `org-pomodoro` on `SPC m p` (thanks to swaroopch)
- Add key bindings for `org-clock-cancel` on `SPC m q`,
and `org-set-effort` on `SPC m f` (thanks to swaroopch)
- Fix diminish of `org-indent`
*** Perspective
- Rebind `spacemacs/persp-switch-project` to `SPC p p`
(thanks to CestDiego)
*** Projectile
- Move projectile switch project from `SPC p S` to `SPC p p`
*** Python
- Add helm-pydoc on `SPC m h d` (thanks to danielwuz)
- Fix `pylookup` configuration
*** Racket
- Add key bindings for REPL interaction
*** Ruby
- Lazy-load `projectile-rails`
- Remove mode-line lighter for `robe`
*** Scala
- Do not enable ensime in non-file buffers (thanks to chrisbarrett)
- Use slime for indentation (thanks to tuhdo)
- Add extension for SBCL (thanks to tuhdo)
- Allow to create a common lisp scratch buffer with slime-scratch
(thanks to tuhdo)
- Enable fuzzy completion with score (thanks to tuhdo)
- Don't enable SLIME in Emacs Lisp (thanks to tuhdo)
*** Smartparens
- Enable smartparens in eval-expression (thanks to tuhdo)
*** Themes
- Fix `themes-megapack` layer where themes could not be browsed in Helm.
- Add `material` theme (thanks to cpaulik)
- Add `darktooth` theme (thanks to person808)
- Add `gotham` theme (thanks to person808)
*** ycmd
- Set global config only if not already set (thanks naseer)
*** Web
- Add `sass-mode` (thanks to ryanartecona)
- Ensure that less gets loaded (thanks to mijoharas)
*** Various Improvements and Changes
- New `evil` state called `evilified` which is used in _evilified_
- Remove the following packages from Spacemacs layer: `dired+`,
`fancy-narrow`, `string-edit`, `visual-regexp-steroids` and `wdired`
- Rename `*-declarep` functions to `*-usedp` functions
- Display block selection info in the mode line
(thanks to emmanueltouzery)
- Bind `K` in normal state to `SPC m h h` if it exists
(thanks to person808)
- Add key binding for balancing windows on `SPC w =` (thanks to kini)
- Add key binding to indent region on `SPC j =` (thanks to tuhdo)
- Add key binding `SPC w SPC` for `ace-window` (thanks to ralesi)
- Add key binding `SPC b h` to open the startup buffer (thanks to ralesi)
- Add key binding `SPC t ~` to toggle Vim tildes
- Add adaptive wrap which appropriately indents wrapped lines (thanks to
- Add mouse support to line number column (thanks to ralesi)
- single click selects line
- double click selects text block
- drag across lines selects all lines dragged across
- Add `highlight-numbers` (thanks to tuhdo)
- Add `highlight-indentation` on `SPC t h i` and `SPC t h c` (thanks to
- Add ace-link package to spacemacs layer (thanks to danielwuz)
- Add `indent-guide` on `SPC t i` (thanks to ralesi)
- Add link to cpaulik tutorial to use the Spacemacs icons in Ubuntu Unity
- Add C-w and brackets [] to guide-key-sequence (thanks to ralesi)
- Add `info+` to improve Info reading experience (thanks to tuhdo)
- Add default layers to dotfile template: `auto-completion`,
`better-defaults`, `git`, `markdown`, `org` and `syntax-checking`
(thanks to CarlQLange)
- Move some toggles on `SPC T`: fringe, menu bar, tool bar,
frame maximize, frame fullscreen, frame transparency
- Restore rectangle-mark-mode key binding (thanks to tuhdo)
- Make <escape> quit the isearch-mode like vim (thanks to dsdshcym)
- Enable goto-address-prog-mode which makes URL in code comments clickable
(thanks to tuhdo)
- Disable aggressive indent for ediff buffers (thanks chrisbarrett)
- Prevent cursor from moving into minibuffer prompt (thanks to tuhdo)
- Remove tildes in Spacemacs buffer and read-only buffers like Info and
help (thanks to tuhdo)
- Ask user editing style when creating .spacemacs file (thanks to tuhdo)
- Fix for persistent-server if server never got started (thanks to ralesi)
- Fix nyan cat starting rainbow on a light background
- Fix some double loading of some packages
- Fix double loading of `extensions.el` files
- Fix question for preferred coding systems on Microsoft Windows
- Properly enable saveplace (thanks to tuhdo)
- Don't bind `C-d` in `ido-completion-map` to `ido-delete-file-at-head`
(thanks to segv)
- Don't refer to ~/.emacs.d/ directly at various places
(thanks to jcpetkovich)
- Don't want paste-micro-state to pop up when pasting in ex command
prompt (thanks to ralesi)
- Don't cycle when press TAB in eshell (thanks to tuhdo)
- Don't insert extra quote in dotspacemacs-mode (thanks to tuhdo)
- Adapt some micro-states to the micro-state macro (thanks to ralesi)
- Improve smooth scrolling configuration (reduce some point jump)
(thanks to tuhdo)
- Improve `doge` banner grammar (thanks to mathpunk)
- New `` file in `/doc`
- Add `Buy A Drink` badge to
- Typo and documentation updates (thanks to danielwuz, swaroopch,
CestDiego, IvanMalison, agevelt, nwolfe)
** Hot Fixes
** Backports
* Previous Releases
- See Github release page