Eivind Fonn c3866382b2 Documentation update
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2015-11-13 14:23:13 +01:00

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Org Mode

#+TITLE: Idris contribution layer for Spacemacs
#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../css/readtheorg.css" />
* Table of Contents :TOC_4_org:noexport:
- [[Description][Description]]
- [[Install][Install]]
- [[Layer][Layer]]
- [[Idris][Idris]]
- [[Key bindings][Key bindings]]
- [[Shorthands][Shorthands]]
- [[Interactive editing][Interactive editing]]
- [[Documentation][Documentation]]
- [[REPL][REPL]]
- [[Active term manipulations][Active term manipulations]]
- [[Build system][Build system]]
* Description
This layer adds support for the [[][Idris]] language.
* Install
** Layer
To use this layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(idris))
** Idris
Idris can be installed using =Haskell's cabal=:
cabal install idris
Binaries are also available for some platforms at
* Key bindings
** Shorthands
Several (but not all) of the evil-leader shorthands that =idris-mode= provides
are reproduced under the local leader.
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m c~ | Case split the pattern variable under point. |
| ~SPC m d~ | Create an initial pattern match clause for a type declaration. |
| ~SPC m p~ | Attempt to solve a metavariable automatically. |
| ~SPC m r~ | Load current buffer into Idris. |
| ~SPC m t~ | Get the type for the identifier under point. |
| ~SPC m w~ | Add a with block for the pattern-match clause under point. |
** Interactive editing
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m i a~ | Attempt to solve a metavariable automatically. |
| ~SPC m i c~ | Case split the pattern variable under point. |
| ~SPC m i e~ | Extract a metavariable or provisional definition name to an explicit top level definition. |
| ~SPC m i m~ | Add missing pattern-match cases to an existing definition. |
| ~SPC m i r~ | Refine by name, without recursive proof search. |
| ~SPC m i s~ | Create an initial pattern match clause for a type declaration. |
| ~SPC m i w~ | Add a with block for the pattern-match clause under point. |
** Documentation
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m h a~ | Search the documentation for a string. |
| ~SPC m h d~ | Search the documentation for the name under point. |
| ~SPC m h s~ | Search the documentation regarding a particular type. |
| ~SPC m h t~ | Get the type for the identifier under point. |
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m s b~ | Load the current buffer into Idris. |
| ~SPC m s B~ | Load the current buffer into Idris and switch to REPL in insert state |
| ~SPC m s i~ | Start Idris inferior process |
| ~SPC m s n~ | Extend the region to be loaded one line at a time. |
| ~SPC m s N~ | Extend the region to be loaded one line at a time and switch to REPL in insert state |
| ~SPC m s p~ | Contract the region to be loaded one line at a time |
| ~SPC m s P~ | Contract the region to be loaded one line at a time and switch to REPL in insert state |
| ~SPC m s s~ | Switch to REPL buffer |
** Active term manipulations
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m m c~ | Show the core language for the term at point. |
| ~SPC m m i~ | Show implicits for the term at point. |
| ~SPC m m h~ | Hide implicits for the term at point. |
| ~SPC m m n~ | Normalize the term at point. |
** Build system
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m b c~ | Build the package. |
| ~SPC m b C~ | Clean the package, removing =.ibc= files |
| ~SPC m b i~ | Install the package to the user's repository, building first if necessary. |
| ~SPC m b p~ | Open package file. |
When inside a package file, you can insert a field with ~SPC m f~.