
239 lines
15 KiB
Org Mode

#+TITLE: LSP layer
#+TAGS: layer|tool
* Table of Contents :TOC_5_gh:noexport:
- [[#description][Description]]
- [[#features][Features:]]
- [[#configuration][Configuration]]
- [[#variables][Variables]]
- [[#navigation-mode][Navigation mode]]
- [[#key-bindings][Key bindings]]
- [[#key-binding-prefixes][Key binding prefixes]]
- [[#core-key-bindings][Core key bindings]]
- [[#language-specific-key-binding-extensions][Language-specific key binding extensions]]
- [[#spacemacslsp-define-extensions-layer-name-kind-request-optional-extra-parameters][~spacemacs/lsp-define-extensions layer-name kind request &optional extra-parameters~]]
- [[#spacemacslsp-bind-extensions-for-mode][~spacemacs/lsp-bind-extensions-for-mode~]]
- [[#diagnostics][Diagnostics]]
- [[#references][References]]
* Description
This layer adds support for basic language server protocol packages speaking
[[][language server protocol]].
Different language servers may support the language server protocol to varying degrees
and they may also provide extensions; check the language server's website for
=M-x lsp-describe-session= in a LSP buffer to list capabilities of the server.
** Features:
- Cross references (definitions, references, document symbol, workspace symbol
search and others)
- Workspace-wide symbol rename
- Symbol highlighting
- Flycheck
- Completion with =company-lsp=
- Signature help with eldoc
- Symbol documentation in a child frame (=lsp-ui-doc=)
- Navigation using imenu
- Consistent core key bindings in LSP modes
* Configuration
Enabling this layer will set the used backend for all supported languages to
=lsp= unless you explicitly set a specific backend for the language.
The LSP ecosystem is based on two packages: [[][lsp-mode]] and [[][lsp-ui]].
Please check out their documentation.
If you add =lsp-*-enable= to major mode hooks for auto initialization of
language clients, customize =lsp-project-whitelist= =lsp-project-blacklist= to
disable projects you don't want to enable LSP.
** Variables
A number of configuration variables have been exposed via the LSP layer =config.el=.
Sensible defaults have been provided, however they may all be overridden in your .spacemacs, or dynamically using the bindings added
under the derived mode t prefix by =(spacemacs/lsp-bind-keys-for-mode mode)=
| Variable name | Default | Description |
| =lsp-navigation= | `both' | `simple' or `peek' to bind only xref OR lsp-ui-peek navigation functions |
| =lsp-ui-remap-xref-keybindings= | nil | When non-nil, xref key bindings remapped to lsp-ui-peek-find-{definition,references} |
| =lsp-ui-doc-enable= | t | When non-nil, the documentation overlay is displayed |
| =lsp-ui-doc-include-signature= | nil | When nil, signature omitted from lsp-ui-doc overlay (this is usually redundant) |
| =lsp-ui-sideline-enable= | t | When non-nil, the symbol information overlay is displayed |
| =lsp-ui-sideline-show-symbol= | nil | When non-nil, the symbol information overlay includes symbol name (redundant for c-modes) |
** Navigation mode
The ~lsp-navigation~ variable defined in =config.el= allows you to define a preference for lightweight or pretty
(using =lsp-ui-peek=) source navigation styles. By default, the lightweight functions are bound under ~SPC m g~
and the =lsp-ui-peek= variants under ~SPC m G~. Setting ~lsp-navigation~ to either ~'simple~ or ~'peek~ eliminates
the bindings under ~SPC m G~ and creates bindings under ~SPC m g~ according to the specified preference.
* Key bindings
A number of lsp features useful for all/most modes have been bound to the lsp minor mode, meaning they'll be
available in all language layers based on the lsp layer.
** Key binding prefixes
The key bindings are grouped under the following prefixes:
| prefix | name | functional area |
| ~SPC m =~ | format | Source formatting |
| ~SPC m g~ | goto | Source navigation |
| ~SPC m G~ | peek | Source navigation (lsp-ui-peek overlay) |
| ~SPC m F~ | folder | Add/remove folders from workspace |
| ~SPC m h~ | help | Help |
| ~SPC m b~ | lsp/backend | Catchall. Restart LSP backend, other implementation-specific functionality |
| ~SPC m r~ | refactor | What it says on the tin |
| ~SPC m T~ | toggle | Toggle LSP backend features (documentation / symbol info overlays etc.) |
| ~SPC m x~ | text (source) | Text (source) document related bindings |
Some navigation key bindings (i.e. ~SPC m g~ / ~SPC m G~) use an additional level of grouping:
| prefix | name | functional area |
| ~SPC m <g/G> h~ | hierarchy | Hierarchy (i.e. call/inheritance hierarchy etc. ) |
| ~SPC m <g/G> m~ | member hierarchy | Class/namespace members (functions, nested classes, vars) |
** Core key bindings
The lsp minor mode bindings are:
| binding | function |
| ~SPC m = b~ | format buffer (lsp) |
| ~SPC m = r~ | format region (lsp) |
| ~SPC m = o~ | format (organise) imports |
| Note | /The ~f~, ~r~ and ~s~ actions are placeholders for imminent ~lsp-mode~ features/ |
| ~SPC m a a~ | Execute code action |
| ~SPC m a f~ | Execute fix action |
| ~SPC m a r~ | Execute refactor action |
| ~SPC m a s~ | Execute source action |
| ~SPC m g t~ | goto type-definition (lsp) |
| ~SPC m g k~ | goto viewport word (avy) (See Note 1) |
| ~SPC m g K~ | goto viewport symbol (avy) (See Note 1) |
| ~SPC m g e~ | browse flycheck errors (lsp-treemacs) |
| ~SPC m g M~ | browse file symbols (lsp-ui-imenu) |
| Note | /Replaced by the lsp-ui-peek equivalents when ~lsp-navigation~ == ='peek=/ |
| ~SPC m g i~ | find implementations (lsp) |
| ~SPC m g d~ | find definitions (xref/lsp) |
| ~SPC m g r~ | find references (xref/lsp) |
| ~SPC m g s~ | find symbol in project (helm-lsp) |
| ~SPC m g S~ | find symbol in all projects (helm-lsp) |
| ~SPC m g p~ | goto previous (xref-pop-marker-stack) |
| Note | /Omitted when ~lsp-navigation~ == ='peek= or ='simple=/ |
| | /Bound under ~SPC m g~ rather than ~SPC m G~ when ~lsp-navigation~ == ='peek=/ |
| ~SPC m G i~ | find implementation (lsp-ui-peek) |
| ~SPC m G d~ | find definitions (lsp-ui-peek) |
| ~SPC m G r~ | find references (lsp-ui-peek) |
| ~SPC m G s~ | find workspace symbol (lsp-ui-peek) |
| ~SPC m G S~ | goto workspace symbol (lsp-treemacs-symbols) |
| ~SPC m G p~ | goto previous (lsp-ui-peek stack - see Note 2) |
| ~SPC m G n~ | goto next (lsp-ui-peek stack - see Note 2) |
| ~SPC m G E~ | browse flycheck errors (lsp-ui) |
| ~SPC m h h~ | describe thing at point |
| ~SPC m b s~ | lsp-workspace-shutdown |
| ~SPC m b r~ | lsp-workspace-restart |
| ~SPC m b d~ | lsp-describe-session |
| ~SPC m r r~ | rename |
| ~SPC m T d~ | toggle documentation overlay |
| ~SPC m T F~ | toggle documentation overlay function signature |
| ~SPC m T s~ | toggle symbol info overlay |
| ~SPC m T S~ | toggle symbol info overlay symbol name |
| ~SPC m T I~ | toggle symbol info overlay duplicates |
| ~SPC m T l~ | toggle lenses |
| ~SPC m F r~ | Remove workspace folder |
| ~SPC m F a~ | Add workspace folder |
| ~SPC m F s~ | Switch workspace folder |
| ~SPC m x h~ | Highlight all instances of symbol under point |
| ~SPC m x l~ | Show code lenses |
| ~SPC m x L~ | Hide code lenses |
Note 1: Your language server may not distinguish between the word and symbol variants of this binding.
Note 2: There is a window local jump list dedicated to cross references.
** Language-specific key binding extensions
Some LSP server implementations provide extensions to the protocol, which can be leveraged using ~lsp-find-custom~
or ~lsp-ui-peek-find-custom~. A number of additional functions have been provided to facilitate wrapping these extensions
in a manner consistent with the ~lsp-navigation~ setting.
*** ~spacemacs/lsp-define-extensions layer-name kind request &optional extra-parameters~
Use this to define an extension to the lsp find functions. An example from the c-c++ layer:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(spacemacs/lsp-define-extensions "c-c++" 'refs-address
'(plist-put (lsp--text-document-position-params) :context '(:role 128)))
This defines the following interactive functions:
- ~c-c++/find-refs-address~
- ~c-c++/peek-refs-address~
*** ~spacemacs/lsp-bind-extensions-for-mode~
Use this to bind one or more extensions under ~SPC m g~ and/or ~SPC m G~, as dictated by the value of ~lsp-navigation~.
Using another example from the c-c++ layer:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(spacemacs/lsp-bind-extensions-for-mode mode "c-c++"
"&" 'refs-address
"R" 'refs-read
"W" 'refs-write
"c" 'callers
"C" 'callees
"v" 'vars)
With ~lsp-navigation~ set to ~'both~ (the default), this is equivalent to:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode mode
"g&" 'c-c++/find-refs-address
"gR" 'c-c++/find-refs-read
"gW" 'c-c++/find-refs-write
"gc" 'c-c++/find-callers
"gC" 'c-c++/find-callees
"gv" 'c-c++/find-vars
"G&" 'c-c++/peek-refs-address
"GR" 'c-c++/peek-refs-read
"GW" 'c-c++/peek-refs-write
"Gc" 'c-c++/peek-callers
"GC" 'c-c++/peek-callees
"Gv" 'c-c++/peek-vars)
whereas with ~lsp-navigation~ set to ~'peek~, this is equivalent to:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode mode
"g&" 'c-c++/peek-refs-address
"gR" 'c-c++/peek-refs-read
"gW" 'c-c++/peek-refs-write
"gc" 'c-c++/peek-callers
"gC" 'c-c++/peek-callees
"gv" 'c-c++/peek-vars)
* Diagnostics
If some features do not work as expected, here is a common check list.
- =M-x lsp-describe-session= If the LSP workspace is initialized correctly
- =M-: xref-backend-functions= should be =(lsp--xref-backend)= for cross
- =M-: completion-at-point-functions= should be =(lsp-completion-at-point)= for
* References
- [[][lsp-mode repo]]
- [[][lsp-ui repo]]