2022-02-14 11:05:18 -05:00

268 lines
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Org Mode

#+TITLE: Auto-completion layer
#+TAGS: completion|layer
* Table of Contents :TOC_5_gh:noexport:
- [[#description][Description]]
- [[#features][Features:]]
- [[#install][Install]]
- [[#configuration][Configuration]]
- [[#key-bindings][Key bindings]]
- [[#snippets-directories][Snippets directories]]
- [[#show-snippets-in-auto-completion-popup][Show snippets in auto-completion popup]]
- [[#tooltips][Tooltips]]
- [[#sort-results-by-usage][Sort results by usage]]
- [[#disable-auto-completion-in-specific-layers][Disable auto-completion in specific layers]]
- [[#enable-company-globally][Enable company globally]]
- [[#replacing-company-by-auto-complete][Replacing company by auto-complete]]
- [[#add-auto-completion-in-a-layer][Add auto-completion in a layer]]
- [[#completion-back-ends][Completion back ends]]
- [[#improved-faces][Improved faces]]
- [[#key-bindings-1][Key bindings]]
- [[#company][Company]]
- [[#auto-complete][Auto-complete]]
- [[#yasnippet][Yasnippet]]
- [[#auto-yasnippet][Auto-yasnippet]]
* Description
This layer adds auto-completion to all supported language layers.
** Features:
- Support for code completion with [[][company]] or [[][auto-complete]] for various language layers
- Frequency-based suggestions via [[][company-statistics]] for =company=
- Integration with [[][yasnippet]] and [[][auto-yasnippet]]
- Automatic configuration of [[][hippie-expand]]
- Automatic docstring tooltips are provided by [[][company-quickhelp]]
* Install
To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to
add =auto-completion= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this
As this is a support layer you will also have to install at least one supported language
layer for it to have any effect.
* Configuration
** Key bindings
You can customize the user experience of auto-completion with the following
layer variables:
1. =auto-completion-return-key-behavior= set the action to perform when the ~RET~ key is pressed, the possible values are:
- =complete= completes with the current selection
- =nil= does nothing
2. =auto-completion-tab-key-behavior= set the action to perform when the ~TAB~
key is pressed, the possible values are:
- =complete= completes with the current selection
- =cycle= completes the common prefix and cycle between candidates
- =nil= does nothing
3. =auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence= is a string of two characters
denoting a key sequence that will perform a =complete action= if the sequence
has been entered quickly enough. If its value is =nil= then the feature is
4. =auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence-delay= is the number of seconds
to wait for the auto-completion key sequence to be entered. The default value
is 0.1 seconds.
5. =auto-completion-idle-delay= is the number of seconds to wait before suggesting
completions. The default value is 0.2 seconds. Set to =nil= to disable
automatic suggestions (the ~TAB~ key will still perform completion).
Set to 0.0 for optimal results with lsp mode.
6. =auto-completion-minimum-prefix-length= is the minimum number of characters
which must be entered before completions will be suggested automatically.
Set to 1 for optimal results with lsp mode.
The default configuration of the layer is:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(
(auto-completion :variables
auto-completion-return-key-behavior 'complete
auto-completion-tab-key-behavior 'cycle
auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence nil
auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence-delay 0.1
auto-completion-minimum-prefix-length 2
auto-completion-idle-delay 0.2
auto-completion-private-snippets-directory nil
auto-completion-enable-snippets-in-popup nil
auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip nil
auto-completion-use-company-box nil
auto-completion-enable-sort-by-usage nil)))
~jk~ is a good candidate for =auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence= if
you don't use it already.
** Snippets directories
The following directories are added by default:
- =~/.emacs.d/elpa/yasnippet-xxxxx/snippets=
- =~/.emacs.d/layers/auto-completion/snippets=
- =~/.emacs.d/private/snippets= (conditional to the value of =auto-completion-private-snippets-directory=)
- =~/.spacemacs.d/snippets= (conditional to the existence of =~/.spacemacs.d= directory)
You can provide additional directories by setting the variable =auto-completion-private-snippets-directory=
which can either take a single path as string or a list of paths.
If its value is =nil= then the path =~/.emacs.d/private/snippets= is used.
** Show snippets in auto-completion popup
By default, snippets are not shown in the auto-completion popup. To show them in
the popup, set the variable =auto-completion-enable-snippets-in-popup= to =t=.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
'((auto-completion :variables
auto-completion-enable-snippets-in-popup t)))
** Tooltips
To enable automatic docstring tooltips set =auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip=
to =t=.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
'((auto-completion :variables
auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip t)))
To enable manual non-automatic invocation of docstring tooltips, set it to
=manual=. The tooltip can be invoked manually by pressing ~M-h~.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
'((auto-completion :variables
auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip 'manual)))
However the tooltip may overlap on text on macOS, you can use =company-box= or
=company-posframe= on by setting =auto-completion-use-company-box= or
=auto-completion-use-company-posframe= to =t=, respectively.
** Sort results by usage
To enable sorting auto-completion results by their usage frequency set
=auto-completion-enable-sort-by-usage= to =t=.
This feature is provided by the [[][company-statistics]] package when =company=
is used. The variable has no effect when =auto-complete= is used.
Beware: Sorting completion results is often done already by the
completion backend, doing it again in company may degrate
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
'((auto-completion :variables
auto-completion-enable-sort-by-usage t)))
** Disable auto-completion in specific layers
See general documentation on how to [[][disable a layer for specific layers]].
** Enable company globally
It can be done by adding =(global-company-mode)= in the
=dotspacemacs/user-config= function of your dotfile. But it is not recommended
to do so, you should instead open an issue to ask for auto-completion support
for the major-modes where it is missing.
If you choose to use =(global-company-mode)= then you would lose some advantages
provided by the layer system like [[][disabling auto-completion for specific layers]].
** Replacing company by auto-complete
You can disable =company= by adding it to the =dotspacemacs-excluded-packages=
variable, then you are free to enable =auto-complete= globally.
** Add auto-completion in a layer
Here is an example to add =company= auto-completion to python buffers via the
package =company-anaconda=.
In the file =packages.el= of the python layer:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; Add the relevant packages to the layer
;; here it is `company-anaconda'
(setq python-packages
(company-anaconda :toggle (configuration-layer/package-used-p 'company))
(defun python/init-company-anaconda ()
(use-package company-anaconda
:defer t
:backends company-anaconda
:modes python-mode)))
** Completion back ends
Many spacemacs layers (e.g., python, html, haskell) configure company mode
backends to provide mode-specific completion. These modes will include
completion backends specified in the =spacemacs-default-company-backends=
variable. The defaults should work well, but you can configure this variable in
your =.spacemacs= file with (e.g.)
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
'((auto-completion :variables
spacemacs-default-company-backends '(company-files company-capf))))
** Improved faces
For nicer-looking faces, try adding the following to `custom-set-faces` in your dotspacemacs file.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
((t (:inherit company-tooltip :weight bold :underline nil))))
((t (:inherit company-tooltip-selection :weight bold :underline nil)))))
* Key bindings
** Company
| Key binding | Description |
| ~C-d~ | open minibuffer with documentation of thing at point in company dropdown |
| ~C-/~ | show candidates in Helm or Ivy (for fuzzy searching) |
| ~C-M-/~ | filter the company dropdown menu |
| ~M-h~ | show current candidate's documentation in a tooltip (requires =auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip=) |
Vim Style:
| Key binding | Description |
| ~C-j~ | (vim style) go down in company dropdown menu |
| ~C-k~ | (vim style) go up in company dropdown menu |
| ~C-l~ | (vim style) complete selection |
Emacs style:
| Key binding | Description |
| ~C-n~ | (emacs style) go down in company dropdown menu |
| ~C-p~ | (emacs style) go up in company dropdown menu |
** Auto-complete
| Key binding | Description |
| ~C-j~ | select next candidate |
| ~C-k~ | select previous candidate |
| ~TAB~ | expand selection or select next candidate |
| ~S-TAB~ | select previous candidate |
| ~RET~ | complete word, if word is already completed insert a carriage return |
** Yasnippet
| Key binding | Description |
| ~M-/~ | Expand a snippet if text before point is a prefix of a snippet |
| ~SPC i s~ | List all current yasnippets for inserting |
** Auto-yasnippet
| Key binding | Description |
| ~SPC i S c~ | create a snippet from an active region |
| ~SPC i S e~ | Expand the snippet just created with ~SPC i y~ |
| ~SPC i S w~ | Write the snippet inside =private/snippets= directory for future sessions |