First version of the bepo contributed layer. I'm probably the only one
using it for now, let's wait for issues and contributions!
This is a snapshot-branch of my own development branch, it will not
change, except maybe if it reaches a new "clean" state before it gets
Correct a bug in helm-spacemacs: Whenever a function was needing the
FAQ's candidates in helm-spacemancs (`SPC f e h` and `SPC f e f`), the
`` file was open in a buffer and not closed. This commit corrects
this by loading the content of `` in a temp buffer and switch it
to `org-mode` in order to get the candidates.
evil-mc is a new attempt to bring multiple cursors to evil users.
Enable it by adding `(global-evil-mc-mode)` then use
g r m to mark all
g r u to remove cursors
g r p to pause cursors
g r r to resume
g r h to add a cursor at point (cursors must be paused first)
Package repo:
1. Make sure debug-on-error stays on
2. Force verbose loading
3. Detect long requires and loads (with --timed-requires)
4. Start profiler (with --profile)
Emacs provides a `count-words-region' which is badly named as it counts
not only words, but also characters and lines. The current keybinding
for this function `SPC x w c' implies it's referring to words only. The
new mapping `SPC x c` is more coherent since it means counting text,
whether it is characters, words or lines. An alias `count-region` is
created to be less confusing in which-key description.
`SPC x w c` being free, `spacemacs/count-words-analysis` is remapped to
it instead of `SPC x w C` to save one keystroke.
The `spacemacs/count-words-analysis' function displays results with the
default elisp formatting of associative list. This change improves it by
changing the format to a more human-readable form, and also by ordering
results by frequencies first, and then alphabetically in case of tie.
The function `spacemacs/avy-open-url` allows to easily select an URL on
the screen with `avy` and open it. The function is bind to `SPC x o`,
`x` as it is text-related and `o` for open.