The variable: layouts-enable-local-variables
and function: spacemacs/make-variable-layout-local
are defined in the layer: spacemacs-layouts
But the spacemacs-layouts layer isn't loaded
in the distribution: spacemacs-base
racket-xp-mode is an optional minor mode that enhances the racket-mode to
explain and explore Racket code. The racket-xp-mode is started with a mode-hook
on racket-mode. Deprecated racket-mode functions are replaced with their
racket-xp-mode versions. The remaining racket-xp-mode functions are added to
keybindings as per Spacemacs conventions.
Also add the racket-mode directory to .gitignore.
Install ubuntu(18.04) libvterm-dev will cause compilation error,
update latest doc from emacs-libvterm, it shall download
latest libvterm automatically.
To optimise performance of lsp mode in emacs 27 and above
I have introduced a new dotfile variable to define the size
of data read from external processes. The default I have
set to the recommended setting from lsp-mode.
In addition I have introduced a new layer variable for
auto-complete-layer to define the minimum prefix length.
I have also added instructions to auto-complete's readme
how to set these variables to the recommended settings
for lsp-mode.
Changes inspired from #13507
Following the advice from duianto #13100 we are
setting completion-styles for helm-M-x to include
the emacs version specific fuzzy strategy as last
Before no fuzzy matching occured within command
In the Wakatime layer add a line to the readme to highlight the fact that having the api key in the main layer config will submit it as part of a bug report. There is probably a better way to achieve this but at least this highlights it for now.
for verb-response-headers-mode It's a major mode not a minor one.
lazy loading verb-response-body-mode
Without this change `C-h k` will crash throwing verb-response-headers-mode
variable is void.
Opening a dired buffer from the Treemacs buffer,
right after starting Spacemacs, shows the error message:
>treemacs-icons-dired--display: Wrong type argument: char-or-string-p, nil
Loading `treemacs-icons-dired-mode` from the `dired-load-hook`,
instead of from the `dired-mode-hook`, seems to fix it.
The `dired-load-hook` docstring says:
>Run after loading Dired.
The `dired-mode-hook` docstring says:
>Run at the very end of ‘dired-mode’.
Also adjusted the tags to match the folders the layers
are in. I have also updated the binding for imenu mentioned
in protobuf layer and adapted the kubernetes tags to register
as tool instead of as os.
This layer was using two global bindings SPC a w and SPC a W.
As the available keybindings in that sub-menu are dwindling
I have moved the bindings to SPC a w w and SPC a w W instead.