The `spacemacs/count-words-analysis' function displays results with the
default elisp formatting of associative list. This change improves it by
changing the format to a more human-readable form, and also by ordering
results by frequencies first, and then alphabetically in case of tie.
Add the `` file as a source in helm-spacemacs (`SPC f e h`).
Define a new keybinding for looking directly inside the FAQ with helm:
`SPC f e f`.
With help from TheBB, thanks!
Import TheBB configuration into Spacemacs and add `C-S-h` to replace
redefined `C-h` binidng.
Also remove the go up a directory behavior on backspace, now backspace
is a regular backspace.
Put the toggles on SPC t E with
SPC t E h -> holy-mode
SPC t E y -> hybrid-mode
Make the mode-line diminished lighter consistent with the key bindings,
so holy is Ⓔh and hybrid is Ⓔy
Add seamless switch between holy and hybrid.
This is how evil-leader gets `SPC m` to work for mode specific bindings,
and we need to mirror this step for `M-m`. This is big change, but in
order for `M-m` to work properly we need to remap it to the mode-map
whenever possible.