Improve which-key prefix command names for toggles

This commit is contained in:
syl20bnr 2015-09-26 11:06:16 -04:00
parent 983e569de6
commit 48b3fb2cad
2 changed files with 25 additions and 24 deletions

View file

@ -16,52 +16,52 @@
;; We define prefix commands only for the sake of which-key
(setq spacemacs/key-binding-prefixes '(("a" "applications")
("ai" "applications-irc")
("as" "applications-shells")
("ai" "irc")
("as" "shells")
("b" "buffers")
("bm" "buffers-move")
("bm" "move")
("c" "compile/comments")
("C" "capture/colors")
("e" "errors")
("E" "editing-modes")
("f" "files")
("fC" "files/convert")
("fe" "files-emacs/spacemacs")
("fe" "emacs(spacemacs)")
("g" "git/versions-control")
("h" "helm/help/highlight")
("hd" "help-describe")
("i" "insertion")
("j" "join/split")
("k" "lisp")
("kd" "lisp-delete")
("kD" "lisp-delete-backward")
("k`" "lisp-hybrid")
("kd" "delete")
("kD" "delete-backward")
("k`" "hybrid")
("n" "narrow/numbers")
("p" "projects")
("p$" "projects/shell")
("q" "quit")
("r" "registers/rings")
("s" "search/symbol")
("sa" "search-ag")
("sg" "search-grep")
("sk" "search-ack")
("st" "search-pt")
("sw" "search-web")
("sa" "ag")
("sg" "grep")
("sk" "ack")
("st" "pt")
("sw" "web")
("t" "toggles")
("tC" "toggles-colors")
("th" "toggles-highlight")
("tm" "toggles-modeline")
("tC" "colors")
("tE" "editing-styles")
("th" "highlight")
("tm" "modeline")
("T" "toggles/themes")
("w" "windows")
("wp" "windows-popup")
("wp" "popup")
("x" "text")
("xa" "text-align")
("xd" "text-delete")
("xg" "text-google-translate")
("xl" "text-lines")
("xm" "text-move")
("xt" "text-transpose")
("xw" "text-words")
("xa" "align")
("xd" "delete")
("xg" "google-translate")
("xl" "lines")
("xm" "move")
("xt" "transpose")
("xw" "words")
("z" "zoom")))
(mapc (lambda (x) (apply #'spacemacs/declare-prefix x))

View file

@ -1345,6 +1345,7 @@ ARG non nil means that the editing style is `vim'."
("spacemacs/toggle-\\(.+\\)" . "\\1")
("select-window-\\([0-9]\\)" . "window \\1")
("spacemacs/alternate-buffer" . "last buffer")
("spacemacs/toggle-mode-line-\\(.+\\)" . "\\1")
("avy-goto-word-or-subword-1" . "avy word")
("shell-command" . "shell cmd")
("spacemacs/default-pop-shell" . "open shell")