clojure-defun-style-default-indent has been deprecated in favor of
clojure-indent-style. This is no longer a toggle but one of three
keywords. As it affects the way code is indented, and you should not
need to change your indentation style multiple times while editing, it
should not be a toggle. It's simple enough for the user to setq it to
desired value.
If desired, it may be added back as a completing-read selection (but I
don't think it's necessary).
Error was caused by unnecessarily wrapping cider test fns in
spacemacs//cider-eval-in-repl-no-focus. Test fns do not move focus to
repl anyways, and it caused a wrong-type-argument error.
The added bindings are to more closely match cider bindings (under C-c
C-t). Now spacemacs cider test fns mirror the cider ones.
Hybrid means vim-like in normal and emacs-like in insert. This is a
normal-state compatibility tweak (has no effect on insert-state
bindings), so it belongs.
- Remove header from README (we don't add such header by convention)
- Move sections in README to better the reflect the structure of the
other READMEs
- Simplify documentation
- Remove Thanks section (we don't add such section by convention, it is
very hard to maintain and keep accurate, user can see credits for a
package in the package source code directly)
- Remove the package default key bindings (same reason, it is also hard
to keep in sync if the bindings change upstream, the users should check
the default bindings themselves).
- Add spacemacs key bindings under `SPC x b` for text boxes (I prefer
to use `SPC x` instead of `SPC i` because rebox modify an existing text,
it does not _insert_ a box per se).
- Add a transient state for quick cycling
- Add a layer variable `rebox-enable-in-text-mode` to enable the mode
in text-mode buffers
- Move functions to funcs.el
squash! rebox: various modifications
When trying to run a single test function with LEADER m t t in a Golang
test file, spacemacs failed to find functions which had underscores in
their names. This commit simply adds an underscore to the regular
expression which spacemacs uses when searching for the current test
The purpose of `projectile-find-test-file` is not obvious
and it is not applicable to all languages.
Actually running the tests seems like a more useful and intuitive binding.
Move all semantic related config to semantic post-init and correctly
fix the error with void function semantic-idle-summary-mode when
opening a python without the semantic layer enabled.
New section Special Mentions, first mentions attributed to:
Rename Special section to Special Titles
Give The Librarian special title to JAremko
Add test mode: {repo-root}/core/tools/doc-fmt/run.bash test
applies formatting only to {repo-root}/core/tools/doc-fmt/
Use "gsed" if present.
Add new filters, refactor code. now represents most of the .org file formatting errors.