Unfortunately spacemacs is not designed for installation
at use-package call time.
For use-package to be called a package must already be installed,
so I will continue on the initial plan, that is providing the
quelpa recipe at the <layer>-packages list level.
This is no bigdeal, this is basically moving :quelpa from
use-package to <layer>-packages variables.
Moreover it makes more sense to define package property at
declaration time instead of initialization (at least in spacemacs
world where installation is decoupled from configuration).
This has a benefit of not assuming that the user .emacs.d/ is in the
user home directory. Should continue to work as expected when this is
the case, but you could also start a fresh Emacs session like
so (assumes OSX):
open -a Emacs.app -n --args -q -l /path/to/emacs.d/init.el
So you don't have to muddle with symlinking your ~/.emacs.d or replacing
it with another just to try Spacemacs (or any other config). Note, that
this won't work with `after-init-hook` which doesn't appear to run when
Emacs is run with -q flag. As a result the `dotspacemacs/config` in your
.spacemacs won't run.
`tooltip-use-echo-area' is obsolete since 24.1; disabling `tooltip-mode'
achieves similar effect, and Tooltip mode has already been disabled in the
current code. Since Spacemacs supports Emacs 24.3 and 24.4,
`tooltip-use-echo-area' usage can be removed safely.
I have seen many "I have a problem" discussions in the Gitter chat which
starts with a barrage of questions "Which OS? Which Emacs version?",
etc., so I thought it may be useful to have one function that will
generate the info to be copy-pasted into the Gitter chat and hence both
the user and others helping in the Gitter chat can jump directly to
solving the problem instead of the support volley to figure out the
Example output:
ELISP> (spacemacs/system-info)
"OS: darwin Emacs: 24.5.1 Spacemacs: 0.103.0 Spacemacs branch: develop
Layers: ((auto-completion :variables auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip
t) better-defaults emacs-lisp git markdown org (shell :variables
shell-default-height 30 shell-default-position (quote bottom))
syntax-checking version-control c-c++ clojure dash github html osx
python semantic sql)"
https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/2033#issuecomment-113861451 :
> Also what is your emacs version and OS ?
https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/2042#issuecomment-113861501 :
> What's your Emacs version ? I presume it comes from the semantic
layer, can you test without the semantic layer ?
Instead of opening the file for the bookmark, use the bookmark-jump
function to properly jump to the file and location in the file. Also
show the bookmark name and the filename in the list.
So if called using the universal argument or with a parameter yes is
assumed to the question to update packages. Useful for calling Emacs
in batch mode to update Spacemacs.