Better indentation for add-toggle

This commit is contained in:
Eivind Fonn 2015-07-25 15:14:53 +02:00 committed by syl20bnr
parent d8bbe30baa
commit 0f979d3cea
10 changed files with 275 additions and 274 deletions

View File

@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
(spacemacs|add-toggle vim-empty-lines-mode
:status vim-empty-lines-mode
:on (global-vim-empty-lines-mode)
:off (global-vim-empty-lines-mode -1)
(concat "Display an overlay of ~ on "
"empty lines.")
:evil-leader "t~")
:status vim-empty-lines-mode
:on (global-vim-empty-lines-mode)
:off (global-vim-empty-lines-mode -1)
(concat "Display an overlay of ~ on "
"empty lines.")
:evil-leader "t~")
;; don't enable it on spacemacs home buffer
(with-current-buffer "*spacemacs*"
(vim-empty-lines-mode -1))

View File

@ -11,29 +11,29 @@
;;; License: GPLv3
(spacemacs|add-toggle auto-completion
(if (boundp 'auto-completion-front-end)
(if (eq 'company auto-completion-front-end)
;; default completion hardcoded to be company for now
(setq auto-completion-front-end 'company)
(if (eq 'company auto-completion-front-end)
(message "Enabled auto-completion (using %S)."
(if (eq 'company auto-completion-front-end)
(company-mode -1)
(auto-complete-mode -1))
(message "Disabled auto-completion."))
:documentation "Activate auto-completion."
:evil-leader "ta")
(if (boundp 'auto-completion-front-end)
(if (eq 'company auto-completion-front-end)
;; default completion hardcoded to be company for now
(setq auto-completion-front-end 'company)
(if (eq 'company auto-completion-front-end)
(message "Enabled auto-completion (using %S)."
(if (eq 'company auto-completion-front-end)
(company-mode -1)
(auto-complete-mode -1))
(message "Disabled auto-completion."))
:documentation "Activate auto-completion."
:evil-leader "ta")
;; auto-completion key bindings functions

View File

@ -231,11 +231,11 @@
(spacemacs|add-toggle yasnippet
:status yas-minor-mode
:on (yas-minor-mode)
:off (yas-minor-mode -1)
:documentation "Enable yasnippet."
:evil-leader "ty")
:status yas-minor-mode
:on (yas-minor-mode)
:off (yas-minor-mode -1)
:documentation "Enable yasnippet."
:evil-leader "ty")
(defun spacemacs/force-yasnippet-off ()
(yas-minor-mode -1)

View File

@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
(spacemacs|add-toggle nyan-cat-progress-bar
:status nyan-mode
:on (nyan-mode)
:off (nyan-mode -1)
:documentation "Show a nyan cat progress bar in the mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmn")
:status nyan-mode
:on (nyan-mode)
:off (nyan-mode -1)
:documentation "Show a nyan cat progress bar in the mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmn")
(defun spacemacs/powerline-nyan-cat ()
"Construct a powerline segment for nyan cat."

View File

@ -39,11 +39,11 @@
(spacemacs|add-toggle rainbow-identifier-globally
:status rainbow-identifiers-mode
:on (rainbow-identifiers-mode)
:off (rainbow-identifiers-mode -1)
:documentation "Colorize identifiers globally."
:evil-leader "tCi")
:status rainbow-identifiers-mode
:on (rainbow-identifiers-mode)
:off (rainbow-identifiers-mode -1)
:documentation "Colorize identifiers globally."
:evil-leader "tCi")
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'rainbow-identifiers-mode)

View File

@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
(setq flycheck-standard-error-navigation nil)
(spacemacs|add-toggle syntax-checking
:status flycheck-mode
:on (flycheck-mode)
:off (flycheck-mode -1)
:documentation "Enable error and syntax checking."
:evil-leader "ts"))
:status flycheck-mode
:on (flycheck-mode)
:off (flycheck-mode -1)
:documentation "Enable error and syntax checking."
:evil-leader "ts"))
(spacemacs|diminish flycheck-mode "" " s")
@ -123,12 +123,12 @@
(add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook '(lambda () (flyspell-mode 1)))
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook '(lambda () (flyspell-mode 1)))
(spacemacs|add-toggle spelling-checking
:status flyspell-mode
:on (flyspell-mode)
:off (flyspell-mode -1)
"Enable flyspell for automatic spelling checking."
:evil-leader "tS"))
:status flyspell-mode
:on (flyspell-mode)
:off (flyspell-mode -1)
"Enable flyspell for automatic spelling checking."
:evil-leader "tS"))

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Avaiblabe PROPS:
All properties supported by `spacemacs//create-key-binding-form' can be
(declare (indent 1))
(let* ((wrapper-func (intern (format "spacemacs/toggle-%s"
(symbol-name name))))
(status (plist-get props :status))

View File

@ -51,19 +51,19 @@
(spacemacs|add-toggle centered-point
:status centered-cursor-mode
:on (centered-cursor-mode)
:off (centered-cursor-mode -1)
"Keep point always at the center of the window."
:evil-leader "t-")
:status centered-cursor-mode
:on (centered-cursor-mode)
:off (centered-cursor-mode -1)
"Keep point always at the center of the window."
:evil-leader "t-")
(spacemacs|add-toggle centered-point-globally
:status centered-cursor-mode
:on (global-centered-cursor-mode)
:off (global-centered-cursor-mode -1)
"Globally keep point always at the center of the window."
:evil-leader "t C--"))
:status centered-cursor-mode
:on (global-centered-cursor-mode)
:off (global-centered-cursor-mode -1)
"Globally keep point always at the center of the window."
:evil-leader "t C--"))
@ -83,11 +83,11 @@
(when (eq 'emacs dotspacemacs-editing-style)
(spacemacs|add-toggle holy-mode
:status holy-mode
:on (holy-mode)
:off (holy-mode -1)
:documentation "Globally toggle the holy mode."
:evil-leader "P <tab>" "P C-i"))))
:status holy-mode
:on (holy-mode)
:off (holy-mode -1)
:documentation "Globally toggle the holy mode."
:evil-leader "P <tab>" "P C-i"))))
(defun spacemacs/init-helm-spacemacs ()
(use-package helm-spacemacs

View File

@ -163,93 +163,93 @@ Ensure that helm is required before calling FUNC."
"Sn" 'flyspell-goto-next-error)
;; toggle ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(spacemacs|add-toggle highlight-current-line-globally
:status global-hl-line-mode
:on (global-hl-line-mode)
:off (global-hl-line-mode -1)
:documentation "Globally Highlight the current line."
:evil-leader "thh")
:status global-hl-line-mode
:on (global-hl-line-mode)
:off (global-hl-line-mode -1)
:documentation "Globally Highlight the current line."
:evil-leader "thh")
(spacemacs|add-toggle truncate-lines
:status nil
:on (toggle-truncate-lines)
:documentation "Truncate the long lines (no wrap)."
:evil-leader "tl")
:status nil
:on (toggle-truncate-lines)
:documentation "Truncate the long lines (no wrap)."
:evil-leader "tl")
(spacemacs|add-toggle visual-line-navigation
:status visual-line-mode
:on (visual-line-mode)
:off (visual-line-mode -1)
:documentation "Move point according to visual lines."
:evil-leader "tL")
:status visual-line-mode
:on (visual-line-mode)
:off (visual-line-mode -1)
:documentation "Move point according to visual lines."
:evil-leader "tL")
(spacemacs|add-toggle line-numbers
:status linum-mode
:on (global-linum-mode)
:off (global-linum-mode -1)
:documentation "Show the line numbers."
:evil-leader "tn")
:status linum-mode
:on (global-linum-mode)
:off (global-linum-mode -1)
:documentation "Show the line numbers."
:evil-leader "tn")
(spacemacs|add-toggle auto-fill-mode
:status auto-fill-function
:on (auto-fill-mode)
:off (auto-fill-mode -1)
:documentation "Break line beyond `current-fill-column` while editing."
:evil-leader "tF")
:status auto-fill-function
:on (auto-fill-mode)
:off (auto-fill-mode -1)
:documentation "Break line beyond `current-fill-column` while editing."
:evil-leader "tF")
(spacemacs|add-toggle debug-on-error
:status nil
:on (toggle-debug-on-error)
:documentation "Toggle display of backtrace when an error happens."
:evil-leader "tD")
:status nil
:on (toggle-debug-on-error)
:documentation "Toggle display of backtrace when an error happens."
:evil-leader "tD")
(spacemacs|add-toggle fringe
:status (not (equal fringe-mode 0))
:on (call-interactively 'fringe-mode)
:off (fringe-mode 0)
:documentation "Display the fringe in GUI mode."
:evil-leader "Tf")
:status (not (equal fringe-mode 0))
:on (call-interactively 'fringe-mode)
:off (fringe-mode 0)
:documentation "Display the fringe in GUI mode."
:evil-leader "Tf")
(spacemacs|add-toggle fullscreen-frame
:status nil
:on (spacemacs/toggle-frame-fullscreen)
:documentation "Display the current frame in full screen."
:evil-leader "TF")
:status nil
:on (spacemacs/toggle-frame-fullscreen)
:documentation "Display the current frame in full screen."
:evil-leader "TF")
(spacemacs|add-toggle maximize-frame
:if (version< "24.3.50" emacs-version)
:status nil
:on (toggle-frame-maximized)
:documentation "Maximize the current frame."
:evil-leader "TM")
:if (version< "24.3.50" emacs-version)
:status nil
:on (toggle-frame-maximized)
:documentation "Maximize the current frame."
:evil-leader "TM")
(spacemacs|add-toggle mode-line
:status hidden-mode-line-mode
:on (hidden-mode-line-mode)
:off (hidden-mode-line-mode -1)
:documentation "Toggle the visibility of modeline."
:evil-leader "tmt")
:status hidden-mode-line-mode
:on (hidden-mode-line-mode)
:off (hidden-mode-line-mode -1)
:documentation "Toggle the visibility of modeline."
:evil-leader "tmt")
(spacemacs|add-toggle transparent-frame
:status nil
:on (spacemacs/toggle-transparency)
:documentation "Make the current frame non-opaque."
:evil-leader "TT")
:status nil
:on (spacemacs/toggle-transparency)
:documentation "Make the current frame non-opaque."
:evil-leader "TT")
(spacemacs|add-toggle tool-bar
:if window-system
:status tool-bar-mode
:on (tool-bar-mode)
:off (tool-bar-mode -1)
:documentation "Display the tool bar in GUI mode."
:evil-leader "Tt")
:if window-system
:status tool-bar-mode
:on (tool-bar-mode)
:off (tool-bar-mode -1)
:documentation "Display the tool bar in GUI mode."
:evil-leader "Tt")
(spacemacs|add-toggle menu-bar
:if (or window-system (version<= "24.3.1" emacs-version))
:status menu-bar-mode
:on (menu-bar-mode)
:off (menu-bar-mode -1)
:documentation "Display the menu bar."
:evil-leader "Tm")
:if (or window-system (version<= "24.3.1" emacs-version))
:status menu-bar-mode
:on (menu-bar-mode)
:off (menu-bar-mode -1)
:documentation "Display the menu bar."
:evil-leader "Tm")
(spacemacs|add-toggle semantic-stickyfunc
:status semantic-stickyfunc-mode
:on (semantic-stickyfunc-mode)
:off (semantic-stickyfunc-mode -1)
:documentation "Enable semantic-stickyfunc."
:evil-leader "Ts")
:status semantic-stickyfunc-mode
:on (semantic-stickyfunc-mode)
:off (semantic-stickyfunc-mode -1)
:documentation "Enable semantic-stickyfunc."
:evil-leader "Ts")
(spacemacs|add-toggle semantic-stickfunc-globally
:status global-semantic-stickyfunc-mode
:on (global-semantic-stickyfunc-mode)
:off (global-semantic-stickyfunc-mode -1)
:documentation "Enable semantic-stickyfunc globally."
:evil-leader "T C-s")
:status global-semantic-stickyfunc-mode
:on (global-semantic-stickyfunc-mode)
:off (global-semantic-stickyfunc-mode -1)
:documentation "Enable semantic-stickyfunc globally."
:evil-leader "T C-s")
;; quit -----------------------------------------------------------------------
"qs" 'spacemacs/save-buffers-kill-emacs

View File

@ -203,17 +203,17 @@
(spacemacs|add-toggle aggressive-indent
:status aggressive-indent-mode
:on (aggressive-indent-mode)
:off (aggressive-indent-mode -1)
:documentation "Keep code always indented."
:evil-leader "tI")
:status aggressive-indent-mode
:on (aggressive-indent-mode)
:off (aggressive-indent-mode -1)
:documentation "Keep code always indented."
:evil-leader "tI")
(spacemacs|add-toggle aggressive-indent-globally
:status aggressive-indent-mode
:on (global-aggressive-indent-mode)
:off (global-aggressive-indent-mode -1)
:documentation "Globally keep code always indented."
:evil-leader "t C-I"))
:status aggressive-indent-mode
:on (global-aggressive-indent-mode)
:off (global-aggressive-indent-mode -1)
:documentation "Globally keep code always indented."
:evil-leader "t C-I"))
(defun spacemacs/disable-aggressive-indent ()
@ -1156,11 +1156,11 @@ Example: (evil-map visual \"<\" \"<gv\")"
;; lighter
(push '(fci-mode "") minor-mode-alist)
(spacemacs|add-toggle fill-column-indicator
:status fci-mode
:on (turn-on-fci-mode)
:off (turn-off-fci-mode)
:documentation "Display the fill column indicator."
:evil-leader "tf"))
:status fci-mode
:on (turn-on-fci-mode)
:off (turn-off-fci-mode)
:documentation "Display the fill column indicator."
:evil-leader "tf"))
(spacemacs|hide-lighter fci-mode)))
@ -1177,13 +1177,13 @@ Example: (evil-map visual \"<\" \"<gv\")"
:defer t
(spacemacs|add-toggle golden-ratio
:status golden-ratio-mode
:on (golden-ratio-mode) (golden-ratio)
:off (golden-ratio-mode -1) (balance-windows)
(concat "Dynamically resize the focused window using "
"the golden ratio.")
:evil-leader "tg")
:status golden-ratio-mode
:on (golden-ratio-mode) (golden-ratio)
:off (golden-ratio-mode -1) (balance-windows)
(concat "Dynamically resize the focused window using "
"the golden ratio.")
:evil-leader "tg")
(setq golden-ratio-exclude-modes '("bs-mode"
@ -2083,17 +2083,17 @@ Search for a search tool in the order provided by `dotspacemacs-search-tools'."
(spacemacs|add-toggle highlight-indentation
:status highlight-indentation-mode
:on (highlight-indentation-mode)
:off (highlight-indentation-mode -1)
:documentation "Highlight indentation levels."
:evil-leader "thi")
:status highlight-indentation-mode
:on (highlight-indentation-mode)
:off (highlight-indentation-mode -1)
:documentation "Highlight indentation levels."
:evil-leader "thi")
(spacemacs|add-toggle highlight-indentation-current-column
:status highlight-indentation-current-column-mode
:on (highlight-indentation-current-column-mode)
:off (highlight-indentation-current-column-mode -1)
:documentation "Highlight indentation level at point."
:evil-leader "thc"))))
:status highlight-indentation-current-column-mode
:on (highlight-indentation-current-column-mode)
:off (highlight-indentation-current-column-mode -1)
:documentation "Highlight indentation level at point."
:evil-leader "thc"))))
(defun spacemacs/init-highlight-numbers ()
(use-package highlight-numbers
@ -2146,12 +2146,12 @@ Search for a search tool in the order provided by `dotspacemacs-search-tools'."
:defer t
(spacemacs|add-toggle hungry-delete
:status hungry-delete-mode
:on (hungry-delete-mode)
:off (hungry-delete-mode -1)
:documentation "Delete consecutive horizontal whitespace with a single key.
:status hungry-delete-mode
:on (hungry-delete-mode)
:off (hungry-delete-mode -1)
:documentation "Delete consecutive horizontal whitespace with a single key.
Put (global-hungry-delete-mode) in dotspacemacs/config to enable by default."
:evil-leader "td")
:evil-leader "td")
(setq-default hungry-delete-chars-to-skip " \t\f\v") ; only horizontal whitespace
@ -2296,25 +2296,25 @@ Put (global-hungry-delete-mode) in dotspacemacs/config to enable by default."
(setq indent-guide-delay 0.3)
(spacemacs|add-toggle indent-guide
:status indent-guide-mode
:on (indent-guide-mode)
:off (indent-guide-mode -1)
(concat "Enbale a guide to highlight "
"the current indentation (alternative "
"to the toggle"
:evil-leader "ti")
:status indent-guide-mode
:on (indent-guide-mode)
:off (indent-guide-mode -1)
(concat "Enbale a guide to highlight "
"the current indentation (alternative "
"to the toggle"
:evil-leader "ti")
(spacemacs|add-toggle indent-guide-globally
:status indent-guide-mode
:on (indent-guide-global-mode)
:off (indent-guide-global-mode -1)
(concat "Enbale globally a guide to highlight "
"the current indentation (alternative "
"to the toggle"
:evil-leader "t C-i"))
:status indent-guide-mode
:on (indent-guide-global-mode)
:off (indent-guide-global-mode -1)
(concat "Enbale globally a guide to highlight "
"the current indentation (alternative "
"to the toggle"
:evil-leader "t C-i"))
(spacemacs|diminish indent-guide-mode "" " i")))
@ -2617,47 +2617,47 @@ Put (global-hungry-delete-mode) in dotspacemacs/config to enable by default."
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp t
"If not nil, minor modes lighter are displayed in the mode-line.")
(spacemacs|add-toggle mode-line-minor-modes
:status spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp nil)
:documentation "Show minor modes in mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmm")
:status spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-minor-modesp nil)
:documentation "Show minor modes in mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmm")
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-major-modep t
"If not nil, major mode is displayed in the mode-line.")
(spacemacs|add-toggle mode-line-major-mode
:status spacemacs-mode-line-major-modep
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-major-modep t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-major-modep nil)
:documentation "Show major mode in mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmM")
:status spacemacs-mode-line-major-modep
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-major-modep t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-major-modep nil)
:documentation "Show major mode in mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmM")
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-version-controlp t
"If not nil, version control info is displayed in the mode-line.")
(spacemacs|add-toggle mode-line-version-control
:status spacemacs-mode-line-version-controlp
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-version-controlp t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-version-controlp nil)
:documentation "Show version control info in mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmv")
:status spacemacs-mode-line-version-controlp
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-version-controlp t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-version-controlp nil)
:documentation "Show version control info in mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmv")
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp t
"If not nil, new version lighter is displayed in the mode-line.")
(spacemacs|add-toggle mode-line-new-version
:status spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp nil)
:documentation "Show new version in the mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmV")
:status spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-new-version-lighterp nil)
:documentation "Show new version in the mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmV")
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p nil
"If not nil, display point alongside row/column in the mode-line.")
(spacemacs|add-toggle mode-line-display-point
:status spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p nil)
:documentation "Show point in the mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmp")
:status spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-display-point-p nil)
:documentation "Show point in the mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmp")
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp nil
"If not nil, the currently clocked org-mode task will be
@ -2666,11 +2666,11 @@ displayed in the mode-line.")
"Function used to render the currently clocked org-mode task.")
(spacemacs|add-toggle mode-line-org-clock-current-task
:status spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp nil)
:documentation "Show org clock in mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmc")
:status spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp
:on (setq spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp t)
:off (setq spacemacs-mode-line-org-clock-current-taskp nil)
:documentation "Show org clock in mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmc")
(defvar spacemacs-mode-line-left
'(((workspace-number window-number)
@ -3200,18 +3200,18 @@ one of `l' or `r'."
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'conditionally-enable-smartparens-mode)
(spacemacs|add-toggle smartparens
:status smartparens-mode
:on (smartparens-mode)
:off (smartparens-mode -1)
:documentation "Enable smartparens."
:evil-leader "tp")
:status smartparens-mode
:on (smartparens-mode)
:off (smartparens-mode -1)
:documentation "Enable smartparens."
:evil-leader "tp")
(spacemacs|add-toggle smartparens-globally
:status smartparens-mode
:on (smartparens-global-mode)
:off (smartparens-global-mode -1)
:documentation "Enable smartparens globally."
:evil-leader "t C-p")
:status smartparens-mode
:on (smartparens-global-mode)
:off (smartparens-global-mode -1)
:documentation "Enable smartparens globally."
:evil-leader "t C-p")
(setq sp-show-pair-delay 0
sp-show-pair-from-inside t ; fix paren highlighting in normal mode
@ -3279,17 +3279,17 @@ one of `l' or `r'."
(default-value 'evil-cjk-word-separating-categories))))
(add-hook 'subword-mode-hook 'spacemacs//subword-enable-camel-case)
(spacemacs|add-toggle camel-case-motion
:status subword-mode
:on (subword-mode +1)
:off (subword-mode -1)
:documentation "Toggle CamelCase motion."
:evil-leader "tc")
:status subword-mode
:on (subword-mode +1)
:off (subword-mode -1)
:documentation "Toggle CamelCase motion."
:evil-leader "tc")
(spacemacs|add-toggle camel-case-motion-globally
:status subword-mode
:on (global-subword-mode +1)
:off (global-subword-mode -1)
:documentation "Globally toggle CamelCase motion."
:evil-leader "t C-c"))
:status subword-mode
:on (global-subword-mode +1)
:off (global-subword-mode -1)
:documentation "Globally toggle CamelCase motion."
:evil-leader "t C-c"))
(spacemacs|diminish subword-mode "" " c"))))
@ -3316,13 +3316,13 @@ one of `l' or `r'."
(spacemacs|add-toggle vi-tilde-fringe
:status vi-tilde-fringe-mode
:on (global-vi-tilde-fringe-mode)
:off (global-vi-tilde-fringe-mode -1)
(concat "Globally display a ~ on "
"empty lines in the fringe.")
:evil-leader "t~")
:status vi-tilde-fringe-mode
:on (global-vi-tilde-fringe-mode)
:off (global-vi-tilde-fringe-mode -1)
(concat "Globally display a ~ on "
"empty lines in the fringe.")
:evil-leader "t~")
;; don't enable it on spacemacs home buffer
(with-current-buffer "*spacemacs*"
(vi-tilde-fringe-mode -1))
@ -3368,17 +3368,17 @@ one of `l' or `r'."
(spacemacs|add-toggle whitespace
:status whitespace-mode
:on (whitespace-mode)
:off (whitespace-mode -1)
:documentation "Display whitespace."
:evil-leader "tw")
:status whitespace-mode
:on (whitespace-mode)
:off (whitespace-mode -1)
:documentation "Display whitespace."
:evil-leader "tw")
(spacemacs|add-toggle whitespace-globally
:status global-whitespace-mode
:on (global-whitespace-mode)
:off (global-whitespace-mode -1)
:documentation "Globally display whitespace."
:evil-leader "t C-w")
:status global-whitespace-mode
:on (global-whitespace-mode)
:off (global-whitespace-mode -1)
:documentation "Globally display whitespace."
:evil-leader "t C-w")
(defun spacemacs//set-whitespace-style-for-diff ()
"Whitespace configuration for `diff-mode'"
(setq-local whitespace-style '(face
@ -3412,12 +3412,12 @@ one of `l' or `r'."
(setq which-key-max-description-length 32)
(spacemacs|add-toggle which-key
:status which-key-mode
:on (which-key-mode)
:off (which-key-mode -1)
"Display a buffer with available key bindings."
:evil-leader "tK")
:status which-key-mode
:on (which-key-mode)
:off (which-key-mode -1)
"Display a buffer with available key bindings."
:evil-leader "tK")
;; (defadvice which-key--update
;; (around spacemacs/inhibit-which-key-buffer activate)
;; "Prevent the popup of the which-key buffer in some case."