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;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2019-2022 Ludovic Courtès <>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Björn Höfling <>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <>.
;; This file contains machinery to build HTML and PDF copies of the manual
;; that can be readily published on the web site. To do that, run:
;; guix build -f build.scm
;; The result is a directory hierarchy that can be used as the manual/
;; sub-directory of the web site.
(use-modules (guix)
(guix gexp)
(guix git)
(guix git-download)
(guix utils)
(gnu packages base)
(gnu packages compression)
(gnu packages gawk)
(gnu packages gettext)
(gnu packages guile)
(gnu packages guile-xyz)
(gnu packages iso-codes)
(gnu packages texinfo)
(gnu packages tex)
(ice-9 match)
(srfi srfi-1)
(srfi srfi-19)
(srfi srfi-26)
(srfi srfi-71))
(define file-append*
(@@ (guix self) file-append*))
(define translated-texi-manuals
(@@ (guix self) translate-texi-manuals))
(define info-manual
(@@ (guix self) info-manual))
(define %manual
;; The manual to build--i.e., the base name of a .texi file, such as "guix"
;; or "guix-cookbook".
(or (getenv "GUIX_MANUAL")
(define %languages
;; The cookbook is not translated in the same languages as the manual
(if (string=? %manual "guix-cookbook")
'("de" "en" "fr")
'("de" "en" "es" "fr" "ru" "zh_CN")))
(define (texinfo-manual-images source)
"Return a directory containing all the images used by the user manual, taken
from SOURCE, the root of the source tree."
(define graphviz
(module-ref (resolve-interface '(gnu packages graphviz))
(define images
(file-append* source "doc/images"))
(define build
(with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
(use-modules (guix build utils)
(srfi srfi-26))
(define (dot->image dot-file format)
(invoke #+(file-append graphviz "/bin/dot")
"-T" format "-Gratio=.9" "-Gnodesep=.005"
"-Granksep=.00005" "-Nfontsize=9"
"-Nheight=.1" "-Nwidth=.1"
"-o" (string-append #$output "/"
(basename dot-file ".dot")
"." format)
;; Build graphs.
(mkdir-p #$output)
(for-each (lambda (dot-file)
(for-each (cut dot->image dot-file <>)
'("png" "pdf")))
(find-files #$images "\\.dot$"))
;; Copy other PNGs.
(for-each (lambda (png-file)
(install-file png-file #$output))
(find-files #$images "\\.png$")))))
(computed-file "texinfo-manual-images" build))
(define* (texinfo-manual-source source #:key
(version "0.0")
(languages %languages)
(date 1))
"Gather all the source files of the Texinfo manuals from SOURCE--.texi file
as well as images, OS examples, and translations."
(define documentation
(file-append* source "doc"))
(define examples
(file-append* source "gnu/system/examples"))
(define build
(with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
(use-modules (guix build utils)
(srfi srfi-19))
(define (make-version-texi language)
;; Create the 'version.texi' file for LANGUAGE.
(let ((file (if (string=? language "en")
(string-append "version-" language ".texi"))))
(call-with-output-file (string-append #$output "/" file)
(lambda (port)
(let* ((version #$version)
(time (make-time time-utc 0 #$date))
(date (time-utc->date time)))
(format port "
@set UPDATED ~a
@set EDITION ~a
@set VERSION ~a\n"
(date->string date "~e ~B ~Y")
(date->string date "~B ~Y")
version version))))))
(install-file #$(file-append documentation "/htmlxref.cnf")
(for-each (lambda (texi)
(install-file texi #$output))
(append (find-files #$documentation "\\.(texi|scm|json)$")
(find-files #$(translated-texi-manuals source)
;; Create 'version.texi'.
(for-each make-version-texi '#$languages)
;; Copy configuration templates that the manual includes.
(for-each (lambda (template)
(copy-file template
#$output "/os-config-"
(basename template ".tmpl")
(find-files #$examples "\\.tmpl$"))
(symlink #$(texinfo-manual-images source)
(string-append #$output "/images")))))
(computed-file "texinfo-manual-source" build))
(define %web-site-url
;; URL of the web site home page.
(or (getenv "GUIX_WEB_SITE_URL")
(define %makeinfo-html-options
;; Options passed to 'makeinfo --html'.
"-c" "EXTRA_HEAD=<meta name=\"viewport\" \
content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\" />"))
(define (normalize-language-code language) ;XXX: deduplicate
;; Normalize LANGUAGE. For instance, "zh_CN" becomes "zh-cn".
(string-map (match-lambda
(#\_ #\-)
(chr chr))
(string-downcase language)))
(define* (html-manual-identifier-index manual base-url
(name "html-manual-identifier-index"))
"Return an index of all the identifiers that appear in MANUAL, a
makeinfo-generated manual. The index is a file that contains an alist; each
key is an identifier and the associated value is the URL reference pointing to
that identifier. The URL is constructed by concatenating BASE-URL to the
actual file name."
(define build
(with-extensions (list guile-lib)
(with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
(use-modules (guix build utils)
(srfi srfi-1)
(srfi srfi-26)
(ice-9 ftw)
(ice-9 match)
(ice-9 threads)
(ice-9 pretty-print))
(%strict-tokenizer? #t)
(define file-url
(let ((prefix (string-append #$manual "/")))
(lambda (file)
;; Return the URL for FILE.
(let ((file (string-drop file (string-length prefix)))
(base #$base-url))
(if (string-null? base)
(string-append base "/" file))))))
(define (underscore-decode str)
;; Decode STR, an "underscore-encoded" string as produced by
;; makeinfo for indexes, such as "_0025base_002dservices" for
;; "%base-services".
(let loop ((str str)
(result '()))
(match (string-index str #\_)
(string-concatenate-reverse (cons str result)))
(let ((char (string->number
(substring str (+ index 1) (+ index 5))
(loop (string-drop str (+ index 5))
(append (list (string (integer->char char))
(string-take str index))
(define (anchor-id->key id)
;; Convert ID, an anchor ID such as
;; "index-pam_002dlimits_002dservice" to the corresponding key,
;; "pam-limits-service" in this example. Drop the suffix of
;; duplicate anchor IDs like "operating_002dsystem-1".
(let ((id (if (any (cut string-suffix? <> id)
'("-1" "-2" "-3" "-4" "-5"))
(string-drop-right id 2)
(string-drop id (string-length "index-")))))
(define* (collect-anchors file #:optional (anchors '()))
;; Collect the anchors that appear in FILE, a makeinfo-generated
;; file. Grab those from <dt> tags, which corresponds to
;; Texinfo @deftp, @defvr, etc. Return ANCHORS augmented with
;; more name/reference pairs.
(define string-or-entity?
((? string?) #t)
(('*ENTITY* _ ...) #t)
(_ #f)))
(define (worthy-entry? lst)
;; Attempt to match:
;; Scheme Variable: <strong>x</strong>
;; but not:
;; <code>cups-configuration</code> parameter: …
(let loop ((lst lst))
(match lst
(((? string-or-entity?) rest ...)
(loop rest))
((('strong _ ...) _ ...)
((('span ('@ ('class "symbol-definition-category"))
(? string-or-entity?) ...) rest ...)
(let ((shtml (call-with-input-file file html->shtml)))
(let loop ((shtml shtml)
(anchors anchors))
(match shtml
(('dt ('@ ('id id) _ ...) rest ...)
(if (and (string-prefix? "index-" id)
(worthy-entry? rest))
(alist-cons (anchor-id->key id)
(string-append (file-url file)
"#" id)
((tag ('@ _ ...) body ...)
(fold loop anchors body))
((tag body ...)
(fold loop anchors body))
(_ anchors)))))
(define (html-files directory)
;; Return the list of HTML files under DIRECTORY.
(map (cut string-append directory "/" <>)
(scandir #$manual (lambda (file)
(string-suffix? ".html" file)))))
(define anchors
(sort (concatenate
(n-par-map (parallel-job-count)
(cut collect-anchors <>)
(html-files #$manual)))
(((key1 . url1) (key2 . url2))
(if (string=? key1 key2)
(string<? url1 url2)
(string<? key1 key2))))))
(call-with-output-file #$output
(lambda (port)
(display ";; Identifier index for the manual.\n\n"
(pretty-print anchors port)))))))
(computed-file name build))
(define* (html-identifier-indexes manual directory-suffix
#:key (languages %languages)
(manual-name %manual)
(base-url (const "")))
(map (lambda (language)
(let ((language (normalize-language-code language)))
(list language
(file-append manual "/" language directory-suffix)
(base-url language)
#:name (string-append manual-name "-html-index-"
(define* (syntax-highlighted-html input
(name "highlighted-syntax")
(languages %languages)
(html-identifier-indexes input ""
(html-identifier-indexes input
"Return a derivation called NAME that processes all the HTML files in INPUT
to (1) add them a link to SYNTAX-CSS-URL, and (2) highlight the syntax of all
its <pre class=\"lisp\"> blocks (as produced by 'makeinfo --html')."
(define build
(with-extensions (list guile-lib guile-syntax-highlight)
(with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
(use-modules (htmlprag)
(syntax-highlight scheme)
(syntax-highlight lexers)
(guix build utils)
(srfi srfi-1)
(srfi srfi-26)
(ice-9 match)
(ice-9 threads)
(ice-9 vlist))
(%strict-tokenizer? #t)
(define (pair-open/close lst)
;; Pair 'open' and 'close' tags produced by 'highlights' and
;; produce nested 'paren' tags instead.
(let loop ((lst lst)
(level 0)
(result '()))
(match lst
((('open open) rest ...)
(lambda ()
(loop rest (+ 1 level) '()))
(lambda (inner close rest)
(loop rest level
(cons `(paren ,level ,open ,inner ,close)
((('close str) rest ...)
(if (> level 0)
(values (reverse result) str rest)
(format (current-error-port)
"warning: extra closing paren; context:~% ~y~%"
(reverse result))
(loop rest 0 (cons `(close ,str) result)))))
((item rest ...)
(loop rest level (cons item result)))
(when (> level 0)
(format (current-error-port)
"warning: missing ~a closing parens; context:~% ~y%"
level (reverse result)))
(values (reverse result) "" '())))))
(define (highlights->sxml* highlights anchors)
;; Like 'highlights->sxml', but handle nested 'paren tags. This
;; allows for paren matching highlights via appropriate CSS
;; "hover" properties. When a symbol is encountered, look it up
;; in ANCHORS, a vhash, and emit the corresponding href, if any.
(define (tag->class tag)
(string-append "syntax-" (symbol->string tag)))
(map (match-lambda
((? string? str) str)
(('paren level open (body ...) close)
`(span (@ (class ,(string-append "syntax-paren"
(number->string level))))
(span (@ (class "syntax-symbol"))
,@(highlights->sxml* body anchors))
(('symbol text)
;; Check whether we can emit a hyperlink for TEXT.
(match (vhash-assoc text anchors)
`(span (@ (class ,(tag->class 'symbol))) ,text))
((_ . target)
`(a (@ (class ,(tag->class 'symbol)) (href ,target))
((tag text)
`(span (@ (class ,(tag->class tag))) ,text)))
(define entity->string
("rArr" "⇒")
("rarr" "→")
("hellip" "…")
("rsquo" "")
("nbsp" " ")
(e (pk 'unknown-entity e) (primitive-exit 2))))
(define (concatenate-snippets pieces)
;; Concatenate PIECES, which contains strings and entities,
;; replacing entities with their corresponding string.
(let loop ((pieces pieces)
(strings '()))
(match pieces
(string-concatenate-reverse strings))
(((? string? str) . rest)
(loop rest (cons str strings)))
((('*ENTITY* "additional" entity) . rest)
(loop rest (cons (entity->string entity) strings)))
((('span _ lst ...) . rest) ;for <span class="roman">
(loop (append lst rest) strings))
((('var name) . rest) ;for @var{name} within @lisp
(loop rest (cons name strings))) ;XXX: losing formatting
(pk 'unsupported-code-snippet something)
(primitive-exit 1)))))
(define (highlight-definition id category symbol args)
;; Produce stylable HTML for the given definition (an @deftp,
;; @deffn, or similar).
`(dt (@ (id ,id) (class "symbol-definition"))
(span (@ (class "symbol-definition-category"))
(span (@ (class "symbol-definition-prototype"))
,symbol " " ,@args)))
(define (space? obj)
(and (string? obj)
(string-every char-set:whitespace obj)))
(define (syntax-highlight sxml anchors)
;; Recurse over SXML and syntax-highlight code snippets.
(let loop ((sxml sxml))
(match sxml
(('*TOP* decl body ...)
`(*TOP* ,decl ,@(map loop body)))
(('head things ...)
`(head ,@things
(link (@ (rel "stylesheet")
(type "text/css")
(href #$syntax-css-url)))))
(('pre ('@ ('class "lisp")) code-snippet ...)
`(pre (@ (class "lisp"))
(highlight lex-scheme
(concatenate-snippets code-snippet)))
;; Replace the ugly <strong> used for @deffn etc., which
;; translate to <dt>, with more stylable markup.
(('dt (@ ('id id)) category ... ('strong thing))
(highlight-definition id category thing '()))
(('dt (@ ('id id)) category ... ('strong thing)
(? space?) ('em args ...))
(highlight-definition id category thing args))
((tag ('@ attributes ...) body ...)
`(,tag (@ ,@attributes) ,@(map loop body)))
((tag body ...)
`(,tag ,@(map loop body)))
((? string? str)
(define (process-html file anchors)
;; Parse FILE and perform syntax highlighting for its Scheme
;; snippets. Install the result to #$output.
(format (current-error-port) "processing ~a...~%" file)
(let* ((shtml (call-with-input-file file html->shtml))
(highlighted (syntax-highlight shtml anchors))
(base (string-drop file (string-length #$input)))
(target (string-append #$output base)))
(mkdir-p (dirname target))
(call-with-output-file target
(lambda (port)
(write-shtml-as-html highlighted port)))))
(define (copy-as-is file)
;; Copy FILE as is to #$output.
(let* ((base (string-drop file (string-length #$input)))
(target (string-append #$output base)))
(mkdir-p (dirname target))
(catch 'system-error
(lambda ()
(if (eq? 'symlink (stat:type (lstat file)))
(symlink (readlink file) target)
(link file target)))
(lambda args
(let ((errno (system-error-errno args)))
(pk 'error-link file target (strerror errno))
(primitive-exit 3))))))
(define (html? file stat)
(string-suffix? ".html" file))
(define language+node-anchors
((language files ...)
(cons language
(fold (lambda (file vhash)
(let ((alist (call-with-input-file file read)))
;; Use 'fold-right' so that the first entry
;; wins (e.g., "car" from "Pairs" rather than
;; from "rnrs base" in the Guile manual).
(fold-right (match-lambda*
(((key . value) vhash)
(vhash-cons key value vhash)))
(define mono-node-anchors
;; List of language/vhash pairs, where each vhash maps an
;; identifier to the corresponding URL in a single-page manual.
(map language+node-anchors '#$mono-node-indexes))
(define multi-node-anchors
;; Likewise for split-node manuals.
(map language+node-anchors '#$split-node-indexes))
;; Install a UTF-8 locale so we can process UTF-8 files.
(setenv "GUIX_LOCPATH"
#+(file-append glibc-utf8-locales "/lib/locale"))
(setlocale LC_ALL "en_US.utf8")
;; First process the mono-node 'guix.html' files.
(for-each (match-lambda
((language . anchors)
(let ((files (find-files
(string-append #$input "/" language)
(n-par-for-each (parallel-job-count)
(cut process-html <> anchors)
;; Process the multi-node HTML files.
(for-each (match-lambda
((language . anchors)
(let ((files (find-files
(string-append #$input "/" language
(n-par-for-each (parallel-job-count)
(cut process-html <> anchors)
;; Last, copy non-HTML files as is.
(for-each copy-as-is
(find-files #$input (negate html?)))))))
(computed-file name build))
(define* (stylized-html source input
(languages %languages)
(manual %manual)
(manual-css-url "/static/base/css/manual.css"))
"Process all the HTML files in INPUT; add them MANUAL-CSS-URL as a <style>
link, and add a menu to choose among LANGUAGES. Use the Guix PO files found
(define build
(with-extensions (list guile-lib)
(with-imported-modules `((guix build utils)
=> ,(localization-helper-module
source languages)))
(use-modules (htmlprag)
(guix build utils)
(srfi srfi-1)
(ice-9 match)
(ice-9 threads))
(define* (menu-dropdown #:key (label "Item") (url "#") (items '()))
;; Return an SHTML <li> element representing a dropdown for the
;; navbar. LABEL is the text of the dropdown menu, and ITEMS is
;; the list of items in this menu.
(define id "visible-dropdown")
(@ (class "navbar-menu-item dropdown dropdown-btn"))
(input (@ (class "navbar-menu-hidden-input")
(type "radio")
(name "dropdown")
(id ,id)))
(label (@ (for ,id)) ,label)
(label (@ (for "all-dropdowns-hidden")) ,label)
(@ (class "navbar-submenu")
(id "navbar-submenu"))
(div (@ (class "navbar-submenu-triangle"))
" ")
(ul ,@items))))
(define (menu-item label url)
;; Return an SHTML <li> element for a menu item with the given
;; LABEL and URL.
`(li (a (@ (class "navbar-menu-item")
(href ,url))
(define* (navigation-bar menus #:key split-node?)
;; Return the navigation bar showing all of MENUS.
`(header (@ (class "navbar"))
(h1 (a (@ (class "branding")
(href ,(if split-node? ".." "#")))))
(nav (@ (class "navbar-menu"))
(input (@ (class "navbar-menu-hidden-input")
(type "radio")
(name "dropdown")
(id "all-dropdowns-hidden")))
(ul ,@menus))
;; This is the button that shows up on small screen in
;; lieu of the drop-down button.
(a (@ (class "navbar-menu-btn")
(href ,(if split-node? "../.." ".."))))))
(define* (base-language-url code manual
#:key split-node?)
;; Return the base URL of MANUAL for language CODE.
(if split-node?
(string-append "../../" (normalize code) "/html_node")
(string-append "../" (normalize code) "/" manual
(if (string=? code "en")
(string-append "." code))
(define (language-menu-items file)
;; Return the language menu items to be inserted in FILE.
(define split-node?
(string-contains file "/html_node/"))
(map (lambda (code)
(menu-item (language-code->native-name code)
(base-language-url code #$manual
(menu-item "⊕"
(if (string=? #$manual "guix-cookbook")
(define (stylized-html sxml file)
;; Return SXML, which was read from FILE, with additional
;; styling.
(define split-node?
(string-contains file "/html_node/"))
(let loop ((sxml sxml))
(match sxml
(('*TOP* decl body ...)
`(*TOP* ,decl ,@(map loop body)))
(('head elements ...)
;; Add reference to our own manual CSS, which provides
;; support for the language menu.
`(head ,@elements
(link (@ (rel "stylesheet")
(type "text/css")
(href #$manual-css-url)))))
(('body ('@ attributes ...) elements ...)
`(body (@ ,@attributes)
;; TODO: Add "Contribute" menu, to report
;; errors, etc.
(list (menu-dropdown
`(img (@ (alt "Language")
(src "/static/base/img/language-picker.svg")))
(language-menu-items file)))
#:split-node? split-node?)
((tag ('@ attributes ...) body ...)
`(,tag (@ ,@attributes) ,@(map loop body)))
((tag body ...)
`(,tag ,@(map loop body)))
((? string? str)
(define (process-html file)
;; Parse FILE and add links to translations. Install the result
;; to #$output.
(format (current-error-port) "processing ~a...~%" file)
(let* ((shtml (parameterize ((%strict-tokenizer? #t))
(call-with-input-file file html->shtml)))
(processed (stylized-html shtml file))
(base (string-drop file (string-length #$input)))
(target (string-append #$output base)))
(mkdir-p (dirname target))
(call-with-output-file target
(lambda (port)
(write-shtml-as-html processed port)))))
;; Install a UTF-8 locale so we can process UTF-8 files.
(setenv "GUIX_LOCPATH"
#+(file-append glibc-utf8-locales "/lib/locale"))
(setlocale LC_ALL "en_US.utf8")
(setenv "LC_ALL" "en_US.utf8")
(setvbuf (current-error-port) 'line)
(n-par-for-each (parallel-job-count)
(lambda (file)
(if (string-suffix? ".html" file)
(process-html file)
;; Copy FILE as is to #$output.
(let* ((base (string-drop file (string-length #$input)))
(target (string-append #$output base)))
(mkdir-p (dirname target))
(if (eq? 'symlink (stat:type (lstat file)))
(symlink (readlink file) target)
(copy-file file target)))))
(find-files #$input))))))
(computed-file "stylized-html-manual" build))
(define* (html-manual source #:key (languages %languages)
(version "0.0")
(manual %manual)
(mono-node-indexes (map list languages))
(split-node-indexes (map list languages))
(date 1)
(options %makeinfo-html-options))
"Return the HTML manuals built from SOURCE for all LANGUAGES, with the given
makeinfo OPTIONS."
(define manual-source
(texinfo-manual-source source
#:version version
#:languages languages
#:date date))
(define images
(texinfo-manual-images source))
(define build
(with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
(use-modules (guix build utils)
(ice-9 match))
(define (normalize language)
;; Normalize LANGUAGE. For instance, "zh_CN" becomes "zh-cn".
(string-map (match-lambda
(#\_ #\-)
(chr chr))
(string-downcase language)))
(define (language->texi-file-name language)
(if (string=? language "en")
(string-append #$manual-source "/"
#$manual ".texi")
(string-append #$manual-source "/"
#$manual "." language ".texi")))
;; Install a UTF-8 locale so that 'makeinfo' is at ease.
(setenv "GUIX_LOCPATH"
#+(file-append glibc-utf8-locales "/lib/locale"))
(setenv "LC_ALL" "en_US.utf8")
(setvbuf (current-output-port) 'line)
(setvbuf (current-error-port) 'line)
;; 'makeinfo' looks for "htmlxref.cnf" in the current directory, so
;; copy it right here.
(copy-file (string-append #$manual-source "/htmlxref.cnf")
(for-each (lambda (language)
(let* ((texi (language->texi-file-name language))
(opts `("--html"
"-c" ,(string-append "TOP_NODE_UP_URL=/manual/"
(format #t "building HTML manual for language '~a'...~%"
(mkdir-p (string-append #$output "/"
(normalize language)))
(setenv "LANGUAGE" language)
(apply invoke #$(file-append texinfo "/bin/makeinfo")
"-o" (string-append #$output "/"
(normalize language)
(apply invoke #$(file-append texinfo "/bin/makeinfo")
(string-append #$output "/"
(normalize language)
"/" #$manual
(if (string=? language "en")
(string-append "." language))
;; Make sure images are available.
(symlink #$images
(string-append #$output "/" (normalize language)
(symlink #$images
(string-append #$output "/" (normalize language)
(filter (compose file-exists? language->texi-file-name)
(let* ((name (string-append manual "-html-manual"))
(manual* (computed-file name build #:local-build? #f)))
(syntax-highlighted-html (stylized-html source manual*
#:languages languages
#:manual manual)
#:mono-node-indexes mono-node-indexes
#:split-node-indexes split-node-indexes
#:name (string-append name "-highlighted"))))
(define* (pdf-manual source #:key (languages %languages)
(version "0.0")
(manual %manual)
(date 1)
(options '()))
"Return the HTML manuals built from SOURCE for all LANGUAGES, with the given
makeinfo OPTIONS."
(define manual-source
(texinfo-manual-source source
#:version version
#:languages languages
#:date date))
;; FIXME: This union works, except for the table of contents of non-English
;; manuals, which contains escape sequences like "^^ca^^fe" instead of
;; accented letters.
;; (define texlive
;; (texlive-updmap.cfg (list texlive-tex-texinfo
;; texlive-generic-epsf
;; texlive-fonts-ec)))
(define build
(with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
(use-modules (guix build utils)
(srfi srfi-34)
(ice-9 match))
(define (normalize language) ;XXX: deduplicate
;; Normalize LANGUAGE. For instance, "zh_CN" becomes "zh-cn".
(string-map (match-lambda
(#\_ #\-)
(chr chr))
(string-downcase language)))
;; Install a UTF-8 locale so that 'makeinfo' is at ease.
(setenv "GUIX_LOCPATH"
#+(file-append glibc-utf8-locales "/lib/locale"))
(setenv "LC_ALL" "en_US.utf8")
(setenv "PATH"
(string-append #+(file-append texlive "/bin") ":"
#+(file-append texinfo "/bin") ":"
;; Below are command-line tools needed by
;; 'texi2dvi' and friends.
#+(file-append sed "/bin") ":"
#+(file-append grep "/bin") ":"
#+(file-append coreutils "/bin") ":"
#+(file-append gawk "/bin") ":"
#+(file-append tar "/bin") ":"
#+(file-append diffutils "/bin")))
(setvbuf (current-output-port) 'line)
(setvbuf (current-error-port) 'line)
(setenv "HOME" (getcwd)) ;for kpathsea/mktextfm
;; 'SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH' is honored by pdftex.
(setenv "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" "1")
(for-each (lambda (language)
(let ((opts `("--pdf"
"-I" "."
,(if (string=? language "en")
(string-append #$manual-source "/"
#$manual ".texi")
(string-append #$manual-source "/"
#$manual "." language ".texi")))))
(format #t "building PDF manual for language '~a'...~%"
(mkdir-p (string-append #$output "/"
(normalize language)))
(setenv "LANGUAGE" language)
;; FIXME: Unfortunately building PDFs for non-Latin
;; alphabets doesn't work:
;; <>.
(guard (c ((invoke-error? c)
(format (current-error-port)
"~%~%Failed to produce \
PDF for language '~a'!~%~%"
(apply invoke #$(file-append texinfo "/bin/makeinfo")
"--pdf" "-o"
(string-append #$output "/"
(normalize language)
"/" #$manual
(if (string=? language "en")
(string-append "."
(computed-file (string-append manual "-pdf-manual") build
#:local-build? #f))
(define (guix-manual-text-domain source languages)
"Return the PO files for LANGUAGES of the 'guix-manual' text domain taken
from SOURCE."
(define po-directory
(file-append* source "/po/doc"))
(define build
(with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
(use-modules (guix build utils))
(mkdir-p #$output)
(for-each (lambda (language)
(define directory
(string-append #$output "/" language
(mkdir-p directory)
(invoke #+(file-append gnu-gettext "/bin/msgfmt")
"-c" "-o"
(string-append directory "/")
(string-append #$po-directory "/guix-manual."
language ".po")))
'#$(delete "en" languages)))))
(computed-file "guix-manual-po" build))
(define* (localization-helper-module source
#:optional (languages %languages))
"Return a file-like object for use as the (localization) module. SOURCE
must be the Guix top-level source directory, from which PO files are taken."
(define content
(with-extensions (list guile-json-3)
(define-module (localization)
#:use-module (json)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (ice-9 popen)
#:export (normalize
(define (normalize language) ;XXX: deduplicate
;; Normalize LANGUAGE. For instance, "zh_CN" becomes "zh-cn".
(string-map (match-lambda
(#\_ #\-)
(chr chr))
(string-downcase language)))
(define-syntax-rule (with-language language exp ...)
(let ((lang (getenv "LANGUAGE")))
(lambda ()
(setenv "LANGUAGE" language)
(setlocale LC_MESSAGES))
(lambda () exp ...)
(lambda ()
(if lang
(setenv "LANGUAGE" lang)
(unsetenv "LANGUAGE"))
(setlocale LC_MESSAGES)))))
;; (put 'with-language 'scheme-indent-function 1)
(define* (translate str language
#:key (domain "guix-manual"))
(define exp
(bindtextdomain "guix-manual"
(bindtextdomain "iso_639-3" ;language names
#+(file-append iso-codes
(setenv "LANGUAGE" ,language)
(write (gettext ,str ,domain))))
;; Since the 'gettext' function caches msgid translations,
;; regardless of $LANGUAGE, we have to spawn a new process each
;; time we want to translate to a different language. Bah!
(let* ((pipe (open-pipe* OPEN_READ
#+(file-append guile-3.0
"-c" (object->string exp)))
(str (read pipe)))
(close-pipe pipe)
(define %iso639-languages
(assoc-ref (call-with-input-file
#+(file-append iso-codes
(define (language-code->name code)
"Return the full name of a language from its ISO-639-3 code."
(let ((code (match (string-index code #\_)
(#f code)
(index (string-take code index)))))
(any (lambda (language)
(and (string=? (or (assoc-ref language "alpha_2")
(assoc-ref language "alpha_3"))
(assoc-ref language "name")))
(define (language-code->native-name code)
"Return the name of language CODE in that language."
(translate (language-code->name code) code
#:domain "iso_639-3"))
(define (seconds->string seconds language)
(let* ((time (make-time time-utc 0 seconds))
(date (time-utc->date time)))
(with-language language (date->string date "~e ~B ~Y")))))))
(scheme-file "localization.scm" content))
(define* (html-manual-indexes source
#:key (languages %languages)
(version "0.0")
(manual %manual)
(title (if (string=? "guix" manual)
"GNU Guix Reference Manual"
"GNU Guix Cookbook"))
(date 1))
(define build
(with-imported-modules `((guix build utils)
=> ,(localization-helper-module
source languages)))
(use-modules (guix build utils)
(sxml simple)
(srfi srfi-1))
(define (guix-url path)
(string-append #$%web-site-url path))
(define (sxml-index language title body)
;; FIXME: Avoid duplicating styling info from guix-artwork.git.
`(html (@ (lang ,language))
(title ,(string-append title " — GNU Guix"))
(meta (@ (charset "UTF-8")))
(meta (@ (name "viewport") (content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0")))
;; Menu prefetch.
(link (@ (rel "prefetch") (href ,(guix-url "menu/index.html"))))
;; Base CSS.
(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (href ,(guix-url "static/base/css/elements.css"))))
(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (href ,(guix-url "static/base/css/common.css"))))
(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (href ,(guix-url "static/base/css/messages.css"))))
(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (href ,(guix-url "static/base/css/navbar.css"))))
(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (href ,(guix-url "static/base/css/breadcrumbs.css"))))
(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (href ,(guix-url "static/base/css/buttons.css"))))
(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (href ,(guix-url "static/base/css/footer.css"))))
(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (href ,(guix-url "static/base/css/page.css"))))
(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (href ,(guix-url "static/base/css/post.css")))))
(header (@ (class "navbar"))
(h1 (a (@ (class "branding")
(href #$%web-site-url)))
(span (@ (class "a11y-offset"))
(nav (@ (class "menu"))))
(nav (@ (class "breadcrumbs"))
(a (@ (class "crumb")
(href #$%web-site-url))
(define (language-index language)
(define title
(translate #$title language))
language title
(@ (class "page centered-block limit-width"))
(h2 ,title)
(p (@ (class "post-metadata centered-text"))
#$version " — "
,(seconds->string #$date language))
(li (a (@ (href "html_node"))
"HTML, with a separate page per node"))
(li (a (@ (href
(if (string=? language
(string-append "."
"HTML, entirely on one page"))
,@(if (member language '("ru" "zh_CN"))
`((li (a (@ (href ,(string-append
(if (string=? language "en")
(string-append "."
(define (top-level-index languages)
(define title #$title)
"en" title
(@ (class "page centered-block limit-width"))
(h2 ,title)
"This document is available in the following
,@(map (lambda (language)
`(li (a (@ (href ,(normalize language)))
,(language-code->native-name language))))
(define (write-html file sxml)
(call-with-output-file file
(lambda (port)
(display "<!DOCTYPE html>\n" port)
(sxml->xml sxml port))))
(setenv "GUIX_LOCPATH"
#+(file-append glibc-utf8-locales "/lib/locale"))
(setenv "LC_ALL" "en_US.utf8")
(setlocale LC_ALL "en_US.utf8")
(for-each (lambda (language)
(define directory
(string-append #$output "/"
(normalize language)))
(mkdir-p directory)
(write-html (string-append directory "/index.html")
(language-index language)))
(write-html (string-append #$output "/index.html")
(top-level-index '#$languages)))))
(computed-file "html-indexes" build))
(define* (pdf+html-manual source
#:key (languages %languages)
(version "0.0")
(date (time-second (current-time time-utc)))
(mono-node-indexes (map list %languages))
(split-node-indexes (map list %languages))
(manual %manual))
"Return the union of the HTML and PDF manuals, as well as the indexes."
(directory-union (string-append manual "-manual")
(map (lambda (proc)
(proc source
#:date date
#:languages languages
#:version version
#:manual manual))
(list html-manual-indexes
(lambda (source . args)
(apply html-manual source
#:mono-node-indexes mono-node-indexes
#:split-node-indexes split-node-indexes
#:copy? #t))
(define (latest-commit+date directory)
"Return two values: the last commit ID (a hex string) for DIRECTORY, and its
commit date (an integer)."
(let* ((repository (repository-open directory))
(head (repository-head repository))
(oid (reference-target head))
(commit (commit-lookup repository oid)))
;; TODO: Use (git describe) when it's widely available.
(values (oid->string oid) (commit-time commit))))
;;; Guile manual.
(define guile-manual
;; The Guile manual as HTML, including both the mono-node "guile.html" and
;; the split-node "html_node" directory.
(let ((guile guile-3.0-latest))
(computed-file (string-append "guile-manual-" (package-version guile))
(with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
(use-modules (guix build utils)
(ice-9 match))
(setenv "PATH"
(string-append #+tar "/bin:"
#+xz "/bin:"
#+texinfo "/bin"))
(invoke "tar" "xf" #$(package-source guile))
(mkdir-p (string-append #$output "/en/html_node"))
(let* ((texi (find-files "." "^guile\\.texi$"))
(documentation (match texi
((file) (dirname file)))))
(with-directory-excursion documentation
(invoke "makeinfo" "--html" "--no-split"
"-o" (string-append #$output
(invoke "makeinfo" "--html" "-o" "split"
(string-append #$output "/en/html_node")))))))))
(define %guile-manual-base-url
(define (for-all-languages index)
(map (lambda (language)
(list language index))
(define guile-mono-node-indexes
;; The Guile manual is only available in English so use the same index in
;; all languages.
(html-manual-identifier-index (file-append guile-manual "/en")
#:name "guile-html-index-en")))
(define guile-split-node-indexes
(html-manual-identifier-index (file-append guile-manual "/en/html_node")
(string-append %guile-manual-base-url
#:name "guile-html-index-en")))
(define (merge-index-alists alist1 alist2)
"Merge ALIST1 and ALIST2, both of which are list of tuples like:
where LANGUAGE is a string like \"en\" and INDEX1 etc. are indexes as returned
by 'html-identifier-indexes'."
(let ((languages (delete-duplicates
(append (match alist1
(((languages . _) ...)
(match alist2
(((languages . _) ...)
(map (lambda (language)
(cons language
(append (or (assoc-ref alist1 language) '())
(or (assoc-ref alist2 language) '()))))
(let* ((root (canonicalize-path
(string-append (current-source-directory) "/..")))
(commit date (latest-commit+date root))
(version (or (getenv "GUIX_MANUAL_VERSION")
(string-take commit 7)))
(select? (let ((vcs? (git-predicate root)))
(lambda (file stat)
(and (vcs? file stat)
;; Filter out this file.
(not (string=? (basename file) "build.scm"))))))
(source (local-file root "guix" #:recursive? #t
#:select? select?)))
(define guix-manual
(html-manual source
#:manual "guix"
#:version version
#:date date))
(define guix-mono-node-indexes
;; Alist of indexes for GUIX-MANUAL, where each key is a language code and
;; each value is a file-like object containing the identifier index.
(html-identifier-indexes guix-manual ""
#:manual-name "guix"
#:base-url (if (string=? %manual "guix")
(const "")
(cut string-append
"/manual/devel/" <>))
#:languages %languages))
(define guix-split-node-indexes
;; Likewise for the split-node variant of GUIX-MANUAL.
(html-identifier-indexes guix-manual "/html_node"
#:manual-name "guix"
#:base-url (if (string=? %manual "guix")
(const "")
(cut string-append
"/manual/devel/" <>
#:languages %languages))
(define mono-node-indexes
(merge-index-alists guix-mono-node-indexes guile-mono-node-indexes))
(define split-node-indexes
(merge-index-alists guix-split-node-indexes guile-split-node-indexes))
(format (current-error-port)
"building manual from work tree around commit ~a, ~a~%"
(let* ((time (make-time time-utc 0 date))
(date (time-utc->date time)))
(date->string date "~e ~B ~Y")))
(pdf+html-manual source
;; Always use the identifier indexes of GUIX-MANUAL and
;; GUILE-MANUAL. Both "guix" and "guix-cookbook" can
;; contain links to definitions that appear in either of
;; these two manuals.
#:mono-node-indexes mono-node-indexes
#:split-node-indexes split-node-indexes
#:version version
#:date date))