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{"name":"The Usual Suspects","content":"<p>The Bluecoats grab someone in the periphery of your crew. One player volunteers a friend or vice purveyor as the person most likely to be taken. Make a <strong>fortune roll</strong> to find out if they resist questioning (<strong>1-3: +2 heat, 4/5: level 2 harm</strong>), or pay the Bluecoats off with<strong> 1 coin</strong>.</p>","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"thWDvNEhl7M3mC2d":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.Ok0pqerQgc5LjU5a"}},"_id":"13D84fBFJ1CCknl8"}
{"name":"Arrest","content":"<p>An Inspector presents a case file of evidence to a magistrate, to begin prosecution of your crew. The Bluecoats send a detail to arrest you (a gang at least equal in scale to your <strong>wanted level</strong>). Pay them off with <strong>coin </strong>equal to your <strong>wanted level +3</strong>, hand someone over for arrest (this clears your <strong>heat</strong>), or try to evade capture.</p>\n<p><em>A truncheon bangs on the shutters of the window. “Alright then! Come on out </em><em>and lets go quietly now!” It sounds like Sergeant Klellan. When you peek out, </em><em>you see a detail of about twenty Bluecoats, all geared up for a fight. Klellan </em><em>mumbles under his breath, so only you inside can hear: “Or perhaps I have </em><em>the wrong address?” He clears his throat and waits for some coin to appear.</em></p>","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"thWDvNEhl7M3mC2d":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.WRuCjNaFeQAugpvY"}},"_id":"36o0ggbWhnUXu7Cy"}
{"name":"Rivals","content":"<p>A neutral faction throws their weight around. They threaten you, a friend, a contact, or one of your vice purveyors. Forfeit (<strong>1 rep</strong> or <strong>1 coin</strong>) per Tier of the rival, or stand up to them and lose <strong>1 status</strong> with them.</p>","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"thWDvNEhl7M3mC2d":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.HLCamOpbBCJNRYLG"}},"_id":"ADi9NxzmVOAueO2n"}
{"name":"Demonic Notice","content":"<p>A demon approaches the crew with a dark offer. Accept their bargain, hide until it loses interest (forfeit<strong> 3 rep</strong>), or deal with it another way.</p>","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"thWDvNEhl7M3mC2d":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.cxGl35wCdByk8N9x"}},"_id":"BJLd501vCFsJlrCN"}
{"name":"Cooperation","content":"<p>A +3 status faction asks you for a favor. Agree to do it, or forfeit <strong>1 rep </strong>per Tier of the friendly faction, or<strong> </strong>lose<strong> 1 status</strong> with them. If you dont have a +3 faction status, you avoid entanglements right now.</p>","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"thWDvNEhl7M3mC2d":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.xoz34R22ATadDztX"}},"_id":"Cy31qmwfzifm7DaZ"}
{"name":"Interrogation","content":"<p>The Bluecoats round up one of the PCs to question them about the crews crimes. How did they manage to capture you? Either pay them off with 3 coin, or they beat you up (<strong>level 2 harm</strong>) and you tell them what they want to know (<strong>+3 heat</strong>). You can resist each of those consequences separately.</p>\n<p><em>Some players really hate it when their character gets captured! Just tell them </em><em>that this is completely normal for a scoundrel of the underworld. You spend time </em><em>in and out of jail, getting questioned and harassed by the law. Its not the end </em><em>of the world. But now that youre here in the interrogation room, what kind of  </em><em>person are you? Do you talk? Do you stand up to them? Do you make a deal?</em></p>","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"thWDvNEhl7M3mC2d":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.WtDjTgpX82BdQPJB"}},"_id":"F6TG2C6iSdJohpAI"}
{"name":"Show of Force","content":"<p>A faction with whom you have a negative status makes a play against your holdings. Give them <strong>1 claim</strong> or go to war (drop to -3 status). If you have no claims, lose<strong> 1 hold </strong>instead.</p>","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"thWDvNEhl7M3mC2d":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.nagSQyGbXzCv9bCw"}},"_id":"IJ5YyHTcpymRhkLQ"}
{"name":"Flipped","content":"<p>One of the PCs rivals arranges for one of your contacts, patrons, clients, or a group of your customers to switch allegiances due to the heat on you. Theyre loyal to another faction now.</p>\n<p><em>You hear word on the street that Laroze is working for the Billhooks now. He </em><em>was seen talking to Flint the other day... that bastard is probably behind it. </em><em>Remove Laroze as a contact until you can get that sorted out.</em></p>","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"thWDvNEhl7M3mC2d":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.CXvqaOROYyqpWZpK"}},"_id":"NoLY64zJ3lEF5Xia"}
{"name":"Unquiet Dead","content":"<p>A rogue spirit is drawn to you—perhaps its a past victim? Acquire the services of a Whisper or Rail Jack to attempt to destroy or banish it, or deal with it yourself.</p>\n<p><em>They can hire an NPC by using the acquire asset downtime activity (see page </em><em>153). Roll the NPCs quality level as a fortune roll to see how well they deal </em><em>with the spirit.</em></p>","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"thWDvNEhl7M3mC2d":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.K1wg10vMiU0bOSsb"}},"_id":"dR9zBnrjy4AyA9Ru"}
{"_id":"pEpm365I7XjEXeci","name":"Gang Trouble","content":"<p>One of your gangs (or other cohorts) causes trouble due to their flaw(s). You can lose face (forfeit rep equal to your Tier +1), make an example of one of the gang members, or face reprisals from the wronged party.</p>\n<p><em>After the PCs succeed at their assault and wipe out the Red Sashes, their savage </em><em>gang takes things too far. They start attacking any Iruvians they see in Crows </em><em>Foot, and during one brawl, they horribly maim a citizen. Everyones talking </em><em>about it. Is this how the Bloodletters run their crew? Arcy decides to handle </em><em>matters by making an example of one of the gang. She takes them back to the </em><em>tavern where the incident happened, and smashes the offending thugs face </em><em>into the bar, giving her a horrific scar.</em></p>\n<p><em>The GM thinks this treatment warrants a tick on a progress clock they created </em><em>in an earlier session when Arcy treated the gang roughly. The clock is called </em><em>“The Gang Fights Back.” It was already at three out of four segments, so now </em><em>its full! Looks like Arcys rough treatment of the savage gang is gonna come </em><em>back to bite her.</em></p>","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"thWDvNEhl7M3mC2d":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.FZyfk6PnXl8pDltO"}}}
{"name":"Reprisals","content":"<p>An enemy faction makes a move against you (or a friend, contact, or vice purveyor). Pay them (<strong>1 rep</strong> and <strong>1 coin</strong>) per Tier of the enemy as an apology, allow them to mess with you or yours, or fight back and show them whos boss.</p>","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"thWDvNEhl7M3mC2d":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.q0txK7pUnzstXrUy"}},"_id":"wVkkWR1jl10k7aeu"}
{"name":"Questioning","content":"<p>The Bluecoats grab an NPC member of your crew or one of the crews contacts, to question them about your crimes. Who do the Bluecoats think is most vulnerable? Make a <strong>fortune roll</strong> to see how much they talk (<strong>1-3: +2 heat, 4/5: +1 heat</strong>), or pay the Bluecoats off with<strong> 2 coin</strong>.</p>\n<p><em>Roll 2d for a normal person to see how well they keep quiet. If theyre an experienced underworld type or some kind of tough, give them 3d or 4d instead. If theyre soft or if they have some loyalty to the law, give them 1d or 0d.</em></p>","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"thWDvNEhl7M3mC2d":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.XNuIDt1MjPKwISTW"}},"_id":"whBkmsxokUuJ4t9J"}
{"_id":"IJ5YyHTcpymRhkLQ","name":"Show of Force","content":"<p>A faction with whom you have a negative status makes a play against your holdings. Give them <strong>1 claim</strong> or go to war (drop to -3 status). If you have no claims, lose<strong> 1 hold </strong>instead.</p>","folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"thWDvNEhl7M3mC2d":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.nagSQyGbXzCv9bCw"}}}