
173 lines
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"BITD.HelloThere": "General Kenobi",
"BITD.Heritage": "Heritage",
"BITD.Background": "Background",
"BITD.TitleDeleteItem": "Delete item",
"BITD.Vice": "Vice",
"BITD.Class": "Class",
"BITD.Stress": "Stress",
"BITD.Alias": "Alias",
"BITD.Trauma": "Trauma",
"BITD.TraumaCold": "Cold",
"BITD.TraumaHaunted": "Haunted",
"BITD.TraumaObsessed": "Obsessed",
"BITD.TraumaParanoid": "Paranoid",
"BITD.TraumaReckless": "Reckless",
"BITD.TraumaSoft": "Soft",
"BITD.TraumaUnstable": "Unstable",
"BITD.TraumaVicious": "Vicious",
"BITD.Harm": "Harm",
"BITD.Healing": "Healing",
"BITD.Armor": "Armor",
"BITD.NeedHelp": "Need Help",
"BITD.Heavy": "Heavy",
"BITD.Special": "Special",
"BITD.LessEffect": "Less Effect",
"BITD.Description": "Description",
"BITD.Loadout": "Loadout",
"BITD.CrewType": "Crew Type",
"BITD.Price": "Price",
"BITD.Logic": "Logic",
"BITD.ExpClues": "Exp Clues",
"BITD.AbilityPrice": "Ability Price",
"BITD.AbilityClass": "Ability Class",
"BITD.Information": "Information",
"BITD.CohortType": "Cohort Type",
"BITD.GangType": "Gang Type",
"BITD.ExpertType": "Expert Type",
"BITD.ScaleAndQuality": "Scale and Quality",
"BITD.ChooseOneOrTwoEdges": "Choose one or two edges and an equal number of flaws",
"BITD.Edges": "Edges",
"BITD.Flaws": "Flaws",
"BITD.Scale": "Scale",
"BITD.Quality": "Quality",
"BITD.AddAdditionalTypeOfGangText": "You can add an additional type to a gang or expert by spending two crew upgrades.<br>When a cohort performs actions for which its types apply, it uses its full quality rating. Otherwise, its quality is zero. A given cohort can have up to two types. Some crew upgrades will add the “Elite” feature to a gang, which gives them +1d when they roll for a given Type.",
"BITD.ClassExpClue1": "Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute.",
"BITD.ClassExpClue2": "You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background.",
"BITD.ClassExpClue3": "You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session.",
"BITD.ClassExpClueDescription": "At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times.",
"BITD.Turf": "Turf",
"BITD.Turfs": "Turfs",
"BITD.Lair": "Lair",
"BITD.Coin": "Coin",
"BITD.Coins": "Coins",
"BITD.Stash": "Stash",
"BITD.CrewReputation": "Crew Reputation",
"BITD.CrewUpgrades": "Crew Upgrades",
"BITD.Hold": "Hold",
"BITD.Weak": "Weak",
"BITD.Strong": "Strong",
"BITD.Tier": "Tier",
"BITD.Rep": "Rep",
"BITD.Vault": "Vault",
"BITD.Heat": "Heat",
"BITD.Wanted": "Wanted",
"BITD.Abilities": "Abilities",
"BITD.Upgrades": "Upgrades",
"BITD.Cohorts": "Cohorts",
"BITD.Notes": "Notes",
"BITD.AllItems": "All Items",
"BITD.CrewXP": "Crew XP",
"BITD.CrewExpClue1": "At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (or instead mark 2xp if that item occurred multiple times).",
"BITD.SpecialAbilities": "Special Abilities",
"BITD.Gang": "Gang",
"BITD.Expert": "Expert",
"BITD.GangTypeAdepts": "Adepts",
"BITD.GangTypeAdeptsDescription": "Scholars, tinkerers, occultists, and chemists.",
"BITD.GangTypeRooks": "Rooks",
"BITD.GangTypeRooksDescription": "Con artists, spies, and socialites.",
"BITD.GangTypeRovers": "Rovers",
"BITD.GangTypeRoversDescription": "Sailors, carriage drivers, and deathlands scavengers.",
"BITD.GangTypeSkulks": "Skulks",
"BITD.GangTypeSkulksDescription": "Scouts, infiltrators, and thieves.",
"BITD.GangTypeThugs": "Thugs",
"BITD.GangTypeThugsDescription": "Killers, brawlers, and roustabouts.",
"BITD.EdgesFearsome": "Fearsome",
"BITD.EdgesFearsomeDescription": "The cohort is terrifying in aspect and reputation.",
"BITD.EdgesIndependent": "Independent",
"BITD.EdgesIndependentDescription": "The cohort can be trusted to make good decisions and act on their own initiative in the absence of direct orders.",
"BITD.EdgesLoyal": "Loyal",
"BITD.EdgesLoyalDescription": "The cohort cant be bribed or turned against you.",
"BITD.EdgesTenacious": "Tenacious",
"BITD.EdgesTenaciousDescription": "The cohort wont be deterred from a task.",
"BITD.FlawsPrincipled": "Principled",
"BITD.FlawsPrincipledDescription": "The cohort has an ethic or values that it wont betray.",
"BITD.FlawsSavage": "Savage",
"BITD.FlawsSavageDescription": "The cohort is excessively violent and cruel.",
"BITD.FlawsUnreliable": "Unreliable",
"BITD.FlawsUnreliableDescription": "The cohort isnt always available, due to other obligations, stupefaction from their vices, etc.",
"BITD.FlawsWild": "Wild",
"BITD.FlawsWildDescription": "The cohort is drunken, debauched, and loud-mouthed.",
"BITD.HarmNoHarm": "No Harm",
"BITD.HarmNoHarmDescription": "The cohort is healthy.",
"BITD.HarmWeakened": "Weakened",
"BITD.HarmWeakenedDescription": "The cohort has reduced effect.",
"BITD.HarmImpaired": "Impaired",
"BITD.HarmImpairedDescription": "The cohort operates with reduced quality (-1d).",
"BITD.HarmBroken": "Broken",
"BITD.HarmBrokenDescription": "The cohort cant do anything until they recover.",
"BITD.HarmDead": "Dead",
"BITD.HarmDeadDescription": "The cohort is destroyed. You can spend coin equal to your Tier +2 to restore it, plus two downtime activities to recruit new gang members, or hire a new expert.",
"BITD.Roll": "Roll",
"BITD.RollFailure": "Failure",
"BITD.RollCriticalSuccess": "Critical Success!",
"BITD.RollSuccess": "Success",
"BITD.RollPartialSuccess": "Partial Success",
"BITD.RollSomeDice": "Roll Some Dice!",
"BITD.RollTokenDescription": "If you want to pull the numbers from a character, select their Token first.",
"BITD.RollNumberOfDice": "Number of Dice",
"BITD.RollDoWithIncreasedEffect": "You do it with <strong>increased effect</strong>.",
"BITD.RollDo": "You do it.",
"BITD.RollPartialSuccessPositionControlled": "You hesitate. Withdraw and try a different approach, or else do it with a minor consequence: a <strong>minor complication</strong> occurs, you have <strong>reduced effect</strong>, you suffer <strong>lesser harm</strong>, you end up in a <strong>risky</strong> position.",
"BITD.RollPartialSuccessPositionRisky": "You do it, but theres a consequence: you suffer <strong>harm</strong>, a <strong>complication</strong> occurs, you have <strong>reduced effect</strong>, you end up in a <strong>desperate</strong> position.",
"BITD.RollPartialSuccessPosition": "You do it, but theres a consequence: you suffer <strong>severe harm</strong>, a <strong>serious complication</strong> occurs, you have <strong>reduced effect</strong>.",
"BITD.RollFailurePositionControlled": "You falter. Press on by seizing a <strong>risky</strong> opportunity, or withdraw and try a different approach.",
"BITD.RollFailurePositionRisky": "Things go badly. You suffer <strong>harm</strong> a <strong>complication</strong> occurs, you end up in a <strong>desperate</strong> position, you <strong>lose this opportunity</strong>.",
"BITD.RollFailurePositionDesperate": "Its the worst outcome. You suffer <strong>severe harm</strong>, a <strong>serious complication occurs</strong>, you <strong>lose this opportunity for action</strong>.",
"BITD.PositionControlled": "Controlled",
"BITD.PositionRisky": "Risky",
"BITD.PositionDesperate": "Desperate",
"BITD.EffectLimited": "Limited",
"BITD.EffectStandard": "Standard",
"BITD.EffectGreat": "Great",
"BITD.SkillsInsight": "Insight",
"BITD.SkillsInsightShort": "Insight",
"BITD.SkillsHunt": "Hunt",
"BITD.SkillsStudy": "Study",
"BITD.SkillsSurvey": "Survey",
"BITD.SkillsTinker": "Tinker",
"BITD.SkillsProwess": "Prowess",
"BITD.SkillsProwessShort": "Prowess",
"BITD.SkillsFinesse": "Finesse",
"BITD.SkillsProwl": "Prowl",
"BITD.SkillsSkirmish": "Skirmish",
"BITD.SkillsWreck": "Wreck",
"BITD.SkillsResolve": "Resolve",
"BITD.SkillsResolveShort": "Resolve",
"BITD.SkillsAttune": "Attune",
"BITD.SkillsCommand": "Command",
"BITD.SkillsConsort": "Consort",
"BITD.SkillsSway": "Sway",
"BITD.AddAbility": "Add Ability",
"BITD.AddItem": "Add Item",
"BITD.Position": "Position",
"BITD.Effect": "Effect",
"BITD.Modifier": "Modifier",
2020-08-24 12:25:51 +00:00
"BITD.Drain": "Drain",
"BITD.Wear": "Wear",
"BITD.Gloom": "Gloom",
"BITD.Name": "Name"