Chris Taylor 4cc801f42f Remove calls to window_close(Game_wind) when game finished or over
Replace calls to window_close(Game_wind) with returning window_event_result::close to game handler. Applies to when DoEndGame() is called, DoGameOver() is called, aborting in the kmatrix screen (multiplayer game) during AdvanceLevel() and playing one demo frame causes playback to stop in GameProcessFrame(). Closing a window within its handler is problematic - it can result in an unstable state.
2017-01-08 21:08:50 +08:00

350 lines
12 KiB

* Portions of this file are copyright Rebirth contributors and licensed as
* described in COPYING.txt.
* Portions of this file are copyright Parallax Software and licensed
* according to the Parallax license.
* See COPYING.txt for license details.
#pragma once
#include <type_traits>
#include "dxxsconf.h"
#include "dsx-ns.h"
#include "compiler-array.h"
#include "objnum.h"
#include "cpp-valptridx.h"
#include "fwd-vecmat.h"
#include "fwd-segment.h"
#include "fwd-window.h"
struct bitmap_index;
namespace dcx {
// Movement types
enum movement_type_t : uint8_t;
constexpr std::size_t MAX_OBJECTS = 350;
constexpr std::integral_constant<std::size_t, MAX_OBJECTS - 20> MAX_USED_OBJECTS{};
#ifdef dsx
namespace dsx {
struct object;
#include "fwd-valptridx.h"
#ifdef dsx
namespace dsx {
static constexpr valptridx<object>::magic_constant<0xfffe> object_guidebot_cannot_reach{};
static constexpr valptridx<object>::magic_constant<0xffff> object_none{};
static constexpr valptridx<object>::magic_constant<0> object_first{};
#if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I)
constexpr unsigned MAX_OBJECT_TYPES = 15;
#elif defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II)
constexpr unsigned MAX_OBJECT_TYPES = 16;
// Result types
typedef unsigned result_type_t;
constexpr result_type_t RESULT_NOTHING = 0; // Ignore this collision
constexpr result_type_t RESULT_CHECK = 1; // Check for this collision
// Control types - what tells this object what do do
typedef unsigned control_type_t;
constexpr control_type_t CT_NONE = 0; // doesn't move (or change movement)
constexpr control_type_t CT_AI = 1; // driven by AI
constexpr control_type_t CT_EXPLOSION = 2; // explosion sequencer
constexpr control_type_t CT_FLYING = 4; // the player is flying
constexpr control_type_t CT_SLEW = 5; // slewing
constexpr control_type_t CT_FLYTHROUGH = 6; // the flythrough system
constexpr control_type_t CT_WEAPON = 9; // laser, etc.
constexpr control_type_t CT_REPAIRCEN = 10; // under the control of the repair center
constexpr control_type_t CT_MORPH = 11; // this object is being morphed
constexpr control_type_t CT_DEBRIS = 12; // this is a piece of debris
constexpr control_type_t CT_POWERUP = 13; // animating powerup blob
constexpr control_type_t CT_LIGHT = 14; // doesn't actually do anything
constexpr control_type_t CT_REMOTE = 15; // controlled by another net player
constexpr control_type_t CT_CNTRLCEN = 16; // the control center/main reactor
// Render types
typedef unsigned render_type_t;
constexpr render_type_t RT_NONE = 0; // does not render
constexpr render_type_t RT_POLYOBJ = 1; // a polygon model
constexpr render_type_t RT_FIREBALL = 2; // a fireball
constexpr render_type_t RT_LASER = 3; // a laser
constexpr render_type_t RT_HOSTAGE = 4; // a hostage
constexpr render_type_t RT_POWERUP = 5; // a powerup
constexpr render_type_t RT_MORPH = 6; // a robot being morphed
constexpr render_type_t RT_WEAPON_VCLIP = 7; // a weapon that renders as a vclip
// misc object flags
typedef unsigned object_flag_t;
constexpr object_flag_t OF_EXPLODING = 1; // this object is exploding
constexpr object_flag_t OF_SHOULD_BE_DEAD = 2; // this object should be dead, so next time we can, we should delete this object.
constexpr object_flag_t OF_DESTROYED = 4; // this has been killed, and is showing the dead version
constexpr object_flag_t OF_SILENT = 8; // this makes no sound when it hits a wall. Added by MK for weapons, if you extend it to other types, do it completely!
constexpr object_flag_t OF_ATTACHED = 16; // this object is a fireball attached to another object
constexpr object_flag_t OF_PLAYER_DROPPED = 64; // this object was dropped by the player...
// physics flags
typedef unsigned physics_flag_t;
constexpr physics_flag_t PF_TURNROLL = 0x01; // roll when turning
constexpr physics_flag_t PF_LEVELLING = 0x02; // level object with closest side
constexpr physics_flag_t PF_BOUNCE = 0x04; // bounce (not slide) when hit will
constexpr physics_flag_t PF_WIGGLE = 0x08; // wiggle while flying
constexpr physics_flag_t PF_STICK = 0x10; // object sticks (stops moving) when hits wall
constexpr physics_flag_t PF_PERSISTENT = 0x20; // object keeps going even after it hits another object (eg, fusion cannon)
constexpr physics_flag_t PF_USES_THRUST = 0x40; // this object uses its thrust
constexpr physics_flag_t PF_BOUNCED_ONCE = 0x80; // Weapon has bounced once.
constexpr physics_flag_t PF_FREE_SPINNING = 0x100; // Drag does not apply to rotation of this object
constexpr physics_flag_t PF_BOUNCES_TWICE = 0x200; // This weapon bounces twice, then dies
namespace dcx {
enum object_type_t : uint8_t;
struct object_base;
typedef unsigned powerup_flag_t;
constexpr powerup_flag_t PF_SPAT_BY_PLAYER = 1; //this powerup was spat by the player
constexpr unsigned IMMORTAL_TIME = 0x3fffffff; // Time assigned to immortal objects, about 32768 seconds, or about 9 hours.
struct shortpos;
struct quaternionpos;
// This is specific to the shortpos extraction routines in gameseg.c.
constexpr unsigned RELPOS_PRECISION = 10;
constexpr unsigned MATRIX_PRECISION = 9;
struct physics_info;
struct physics_info_rw;
struct laser_parent;
struct laser_info_rw;
struct explosion_info;
struct explosion_info_rw;
struct light_info;
struct light_info_rw;
struct powerup_info;
struct vclip_info;
struct vclip_info_rw;
struct polyobj_info;
struct polyobj_info_rw;
struct obj_position;
struct object_rw;
#ifdef dsx
namespace dsx {
#if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I)
constexpr unsigned MAX_CONTROLCEN_GUNS = 4;
#elif defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II)
constexpr unsigned MAX_CONTROLCEN_GUNS = 8;
struct powerup_info_rw;
struct window_rendered_data;
struct reactor_static;
typedef array<uint8_t, MAX_OBJECT_TYPES> collision_inner_array_t;
typedef array<collision_inner_array_t, MAX_OBJECT_TYPES> collision_outer_array_t;
extern const collision_outer_array_t CollisionResult;
namespace dcx {
extern int Object_next_signature; // The next signature for the next newly created object
extern int num_objects;
extern int Num_robot_types;
#ifdef dsx
namespace dsx {
extern object *ConsoleObject; // pointer to the object that is the player
extern object *Viewer; // which object we are seeing from
extern object *Dead_player_camera;
enum class player_dead_state : uint8_t
namespace dcx {
extern player_dead_state Player_dead_state; // !0 means player is dead!
extern int Death_sequence_aborted;
extern objnum_t Player_fired_laser_this_frame;
// Draw a blob-type object, like a fireball
void draw_object_blob(const object_base &obj, bitmap_index bitmap);
#ifdef dsx
namespace dsx {
// do whatever setup needs to be done
void init_objects();
// when an object has moved into a new segment, this function unlinks it
// from its old segment, and links it into the new segment
void obj_relink(vobjptridx_t objnum,vsegptridx_t newsegnum);
// for getting out of messed up linking situations (i.e. caused by demo playback)
void obj_relink_all();
// links an object into a segment's list of objects.
// takes object number and segment number
void obj_link(vobjptridx_t objnum,vsegptridx_t segnum);
/* Link an object without checking whether the object is currently
* unlinked. This should be used only in cases where the caller is
* intentionally overriding the normal linking rules (such as loading
* objects from demos or from the network).
void obj_link_unchecked(vobjptridx_t obj, vsegptridx_t segnum);
// unlinks an object from a segment's list of objects
void obj_unlink(object_base &objnum);
// initialize a new object. adds to the list for the given segment
// returns the object number
objptridx_t obj_create(object_type_t type, ubyte id, vsegptridx_t segnum, const vms_vector &pos, const vms_matrix *orient, fix size, ubyte ctype, ubyte mtype, ubyte rtype);
// make a copy of an object. returs num of new object
objptridx_t obj_create_copy(const object &srcobj, const vms_vector &new_pos, vsegptridx_t newsegnum);
// remove object from the world
void obj_delete(vobjptridx_t objnum);
// called after load. Takes number of objects, and objects should be
// compressed
void reset_objects(int n_objs);
// make object array non-sparse
void compress_objects();
// Render an object. Calls one of several routines based on type
void render_object(vobjptridx_t obj);
// draw an object that is a texture-mapped rod
void draw_object_tmap_rod(vobjptridx_t obj, bitmap_index bitmap, int lighted);
// move all objects for the current frame
window_event_result object_move_all(); // moves all objects
// set viewer object to next object in array
void object_goto_next_viewer();
// make object0 the player, setting all relevant fields
void init_player_object();
// check if object is in object->segnum. if not, check the adjacent
// segs. if not any of these, returns false, else sets obj->segnum &
// returns true callers should really use find_vector_intersection()
// Note: this function is in gameseg.c
int update_object_seg(vobjptridx_t obj);
// Finds what segment *obj is in, returns segment number. If not in
// any segment, returns -1. Note: This function is defined in
// gameseg.h, but object.h depends on gameseg.h, and object.h is where
// object is defined...get it?
segptridx_t find_object_seg(vobjptr_t obj);
// go through all objects and make sure they have the correct segment
// numbers used when debugging is on
void fix_object_segs();
// Drops objects contained in objp.
objptridx_t object_create_robot_egg(vobjptr_t objp);
objptridx_t object_create_robot_egg(int type, int id, int num, const vms_vector &init_vel, const vms_vector &pos, const vsegptridx_t segnum);
// Interface to object_create_egg, puts count objects of type type, id
// = id in objp and then drops them.
objptridx_t call_object_create_egg(const object_base &objp, unsigned count, int id);
void dead_player_end();
// Extract information from an object (objp->orient, objp->pos,
// objp->segnum), stuff in a shortpos structure. See typedef
// shortpos.
void create_shortpos_little(shortpos *spp, vcobjptr_t objp);
void create_shortpos_native(shortpos *spp, vcobjptr_t objp);
// Extract information from a shortpos, stuff in objp->orient
// (matrix), objp->pos, objp->segnum
void extract_shortpos_little(vobjptridx_t objp, const shortpos *spp);
// create and extract quaternion structure from object data which greatly saves bytes by using quaternion instead or orientation matrix
void create_quaternionpos(quaternionpos * qpp, vobjptr_t objp, int swap_bytes);
void extract_quaternionpos(vobjptridx_t objp, quaternionpos *qpp, int swap_bytes);
// delete objects, such as weapons & explosions, that shouldn't stay
// between levels if clear_all is set, clear even proximity bombs
void clear_transient_objects(int clear_all);
// Returns a new, unique signature for a new object
object_signature_t obj_get_signature();
// returns the number of a free object, updating Highest_object_index.
// Generally, obj_create() should be called to get an object, since it
// fills in important fields and does the linking. returns -1 if no
// free objects
objptridx_t obj_allocate();
// after calling init_object(), the network code has grabbed specific
// object slots without allocating them. Go though the objects &
// build the free list, then set the apporpriate globals Don't call
// this function if you don't know what you're doing.
void special_reset_objects();
// attaches an object, such as a fireball, to another object, such as
// a robot
void obj_attach(vobjptridx_t parent,vobjptridx_t sub);
void create_small_fireball_on_object(vobjptridx_t objp, fix size_scale, int sound_flag);
window_event_result dead_player_frame();
extern int Drop_afterburner_blob_flag; //ugly hack
// returns object number
objptridx_t drop_marker_object(const vms_vector &pos, vsegptridx_t segnum, const vms_matrix &orient, int marker_num);
void wake_up_rendered_objects(vobjptr_t gmissp, window_rendered_data &window);
void fuelcen_check_for_goal(vcsegptr_t);
objptridx_t obj_find_first_of_type(int type);
void object_rw_swap(struct object_rw *obj_rw, int swap);
void reset_player_object();