#+title: matrix-dendrite-admin #+OPTIONS: toc:nil Simple administration commandline application for the Dendrite server. [[https://matrix-org.github.io/dendrite/administration/adminapi][Check out information on the Dendrite Admin API, here]]. * To use Install with cargo as usual. Place an .env file in the working directory and fill out the following variables (KEY=VALUE): - ACCESS_TOKEN - Your account's access token, which can be found in Settings -> Help & About -> Advanced -> Access Token - INSTANCE_URL - full URL to your instance (this may be removed eventually) - INSTANCE_DOMAIN - the domain used for user accounts (after the colon). You may instead supply ACCESS_TOKEN as a normal environment variable if you don't want to store that information on disk. You can now run the application and change someone's password by following the prompts. * Achieved ** Basic password reset endpoint * Goals ** TODO whois query on a user ** TODO Resolve instance redirection automatically ** TODO TUI interface ** TODO Refresh devices ** TODO Evacuating a room ** TODO Evacuating a user from all rooms ** TODO Reindexing fulltext search ** TODO Purging a room