# docker-twins A basic Dockerfile and docker-compose file for the [twins](https://code.rocketnine.space/tslocum/twins) Gemini server. ## Certs Don't forget to map at least one certificate and key in the docker-compose file. You will also have to reference this key in the configuration file. ## Configuration file First, please see the [twins configuration guide](https://code.rocketnine.space/tslocum/twins/src/branch/master/CONFIGURATION.md) for information on the config format config.yaml. The image is set up to read the configuration file from `/app/config.yaml`. You'll want to map this in your docker-compose file. Inside your `config.yaml`, specify both `cert` and `key` with your certificate. This should match the certificate and key mapped in your docker-compose file. ## Hosting a directory When hosting a directory you'll of course have to map it in the docker-compose file!