Adding ui of chat, untested

This commit is contained in:
Vivianne 2024-02-02 21:17:02 -05:00
parent 476f0a3a7c
commit 6189ac719a
1 changed files with 26 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -15,15 +15,9 @@
#:use-module (ice-9 suspendable-ports)
#:export (say))
;; ;;
;; (let* ((input (current-input-port))
;; (flags (fcntl input F_GETFL)))
;; (fcntl input F_SETFL (logior O_NONBLOCK flags)))
;; (install-suspendable-ports!)
(define ocapn-registry #f)
(define listener-actor #f)
(define room-actor #f)
(define (is-command? str)
(and (> (string-length str) 0) (eq? (string-ref str 0) #\/)))
@ -47,24 +41,40 @@
(λ (args)
(loop! #t)))
"- Create a new chat and join it."
(λ (args)
(define my-presence (spawn ^room-presence "user"))
(set! room-actor (spawn ^room my-presence))
(format #t "Room ID: ~a\n" ($ ocapn-registry 'register room))
(loop! #t)))
"<text> - Me command, you like roleplay or whatever"
(λ (args)
(when (room-actor)
;; eww, maybe fix mangling the input by joining
(<- room-actor 'me (string-join args " "))
(loop! #t))))
"<listener-id> - Switch chats to another listener"
"<room-id> - Switch chats to another room"
(λ (args)
(unless (eq? 2 (length args))
(error "Need one argument, the listener sturdyref!"))
(error "Need one argument, the room sturdyref!"))
(let* ((listener-id (list-ref args 1))
(listener-sref (string->ocapn-id listener-id)))
(unless listener-sref
(let* ((room-id (list-ref args 1))
(room-sref (string->ocapn-id room-id)))
(unless room-sref
(error "Badly formatted sturdyref!"))
(unless ocapn-registry
(error "Relay not yet connected."))
(format #t "Connecting...\n")
(on (<- ocapn-registry 'enliven listener-sref)
(on (<- ocapn-registry 'enliven room-sref)
(λ (l)
(set! listener-actor l)
(set! room-actor l)
(format #t "Joined chat.\n")
(loop! #t))
@ -103,8 +113,8 @@
((eq? 0 (string-length line)) (loop! #t))
((is-command? line)
(%eval-command line))
(else (if listener-actor
(on (<- listener-actor line) (λ (val) (loop! val)))
(else (if room-actor
(on (<- room-actor 'say line) (λ (val) (loop! val)))
(format #t "Not connected to anyone yet. Use /join <sturdyref>!\n")
(loop! #t))))))))