(menu-bar-mode -1) (tool-bar-mode -1) (scroll-bar-mode -1) (use-package parinfer-rust :custom ((parinfer-rust-library-directory "/home/skylar/.guix-home/profile/lib/") (parinfer-rust-library "/home/skylar/.guix-home/profile/lib/libparinfer_rust.so")) :hook (emacs-lisp-mode scheme-mode lisp-mode geiser-mode)) (use-package ivy :config (ivy-mode t)) (use-package counsel :config (counsel-mode t)) (use-package swiper :bind ("C-x /" . swiper)) (use-package company :config (global-company-mode t)) (use-package company-quickhelp :config (company-quickhelp-mode 1)) (use-package mu4e :config (setq mu4e-sent-folder "/posteo/Sent" mu4e-drafts-folder "/posteo/Drafts" mu4e-trash-folder "/posteo/Trash" mu4e-get-mail-command "offlineimap" mu4e-update-interval 3000)) (use-package dracula-theme :config (load-theme 'dracula :no-confirm)) (use-package org :hook (org-superstar-mode)) (use-package poly-org :config (pm-around-advice #'org-babel-tangle #'polymode-with-current-base-buffer) (pm-around-advice #'org-babel-demarcate-block #'polymode-with-current-base-buffer) :bind (:map poly-org-mode-map ("C-c C-v C-t" . org-babel-tangle) ("C-c C-v t" . org-babel-tangle) ("C-c C-v C-d" . org-babel-demarcate-block) ("C-c C-v d" . org-babel-demarcate-block)) :hook ((poly-org-mode . (lambda () (setq-local org-src-fontify-natively t))) (org-mode . poly-org-mode))) (use-package geiser-guile :config (add-to-list 'geiser-guile-load-path "~/software/guix")) (use-package yasnippet :config (add-to-list 'yas-snippet-dirs "~/software/guix/etc/snippets/yas/")) (setq user-full-name "Skylar Hill" user-mail-address "stellarskylark@posteo.net") (load-file "~/software/guix/etc/copyright.el") (use-package smtpmail :config (setq message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it smtpmail-stream-type 'ssl smtpmail-smtp-server "posteo.de" smtpmail-smtp-service 465)) (use-package ligature :config ;; Enable the "www" ligature in every possible major mode (ligature-set-ligatures 't '("www")) ;; Enable traditional ligature support in eww-mode, if the ;; `variable-pitch' face supports it (ligature-set-ligatures 'eww-mode '("ff" "fi" "ffi")) ;; Enable all Cascadia and Fira Code ligatures in programming modes (ligature-set-ligatures 'prog-mode '(;; == === ==== => =| =>>=>=|=>==>> ==< =/=//=// =~ ;; =:= =!= ("=" (rx (+ (or ">" "<" "|" "/" "~" ":" "!" "=")))) ;; ;; ;;; (";" (rx (+ ";"))) ;; && &&& ("&" (rx (+ "&"))) ;; !! !!! !. !: !!. != !== !~ ("!" (rx (+ (or "=" "!" "\." ":" "~")))) ;; ?? ??? ?: ?= ?. ("?" (rx (or ":" "=" "\." (+ "?")))) ;; %% %%% ("%" (rx (+ "%"))) ;; |> ||> |||> ||||> |] |} || ||| |-> ||-|| ;; |->>-||-<<-| |- |== ||=|| ;; |==>>==<<==<=>==//==/=!==:===> ("|" (rx (+ (or ">" "<" "|" "/" ":" "!" "}" "\]" "-" "=")))) ;; \\ \\\ \/ ("\\" (rx (or "/" (+ "\\")))) ;; ++ +++ ++++ +> ("+" (rx (or ">" (+ "+")))) ;; :: ::: :::: :> :< := :// ::= (":" (rx (or ">" "<" "=" "//" ":=" (+ ":")))) ;; // /// //// /\ /* /> /===:===!=//===>>==>==/ ("/" (rx (+ (or ">" "<" "|" "/" "\\" "\*" ":" "!" "=")))) ;; .. ... .... .= .- .? ..= ..< ("\." (rx (or "=" "-" "\?" "\.=" "\.<" (+ "\.")))) ;; -- --- ---- -~ -> ->> -| -|->-->>->--<<-| ("-" (rx (+ (or ">" "<" "|" "~" "-")))) ;; *> */ *) ** *** **** ("*" (rx (or ">" "/" ")" (+ "*")))) ;; www wwww ("w" (rx (+ "w"))) ;; <>