Local dir

* Now setxkb.sh should support running from a local dir. Not properly tested though...
This commit is contained in:
DreymaR 2022-12-21 16:35:24 +01:00
parent a8db6e705e
commit d0fa7e4965
4 changed files with 100 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -31,18 +31,31 @@ The xkb-data package is very consistent between distros. I use the [Debian xkb-d
The .deb packages may be opened using `dpkg -x` or `ar -xv` (from `binutils`) on Linux, and for instance PeaZip on Windows.
* If you use Extend and want the `Ctrl+Alt+F#` TTY shortcuts back, disable F#-key Extend mappings in the `symbols/extend` file.
- This is achieved easily by commenting out the [include "extend(lv5_fk)"][BB-ExtFK] bit (with two trailing slashes).
- If you had already installed the BigBag you must either edit the file in its target X11 directory, or edit and then reinstall the files.
- In theory, we could make such shortcuts part of Extend so you can have both them and the Multimedia key shortcuts. I'll think about it.
See [DREYMAR'S BigBag XKB topic on the Colemak Forums][BigBag4X].
There are plenty of explanations and further links in there.
One good source of info on the `xkb-data` package is the [xkeyboard-config][XKB-conf] repository itself, and its `docs` folder.
Happy XKB hacking!
DreymaR, 2021-10
* Add colemak-dh to the colemak symbols file? Both ISO and ANSI?
* Ensure a consistent Space key implementation for `_ks` layouts. Many layouts are sloppy about that. Maybe make a `common` include w/ Space+Enter?
* Rename setxkb --> setkb? It's easier to type! Would have to update all docs including the Forum topic.
* Make a restore to default layout shortcut? It's only an alias for `setxkb 4n/5n`. Maybe `resetxkb 4/5`?
* To get Extend with the currently active layout, use `setxkbmap -v 9 -option "" -option "misc:extend,lv5:caps_switch_lock,compose:menu"`.
@ -140,4 +153,6 @@ DONE:
[XKB-pkgs]: https://pkgs.org/download/xkb-data (pkgs.org xkb-data page)
[XKB-DebS]: https://packages.debian.org/sid/xkb-data (Debian Sid xkb-data download)
[XKB-Ub18]: https://ubuntu.pkgs.org/18.04/ubuntu-main-amd64/xkb-data_2.23.1-1ubuntu1_all.deb.html (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS xkb-data page)
[XKB-Ub22]: https://ubuntu.pkgs.org/22.04/ubuntu-main-amd64/xkb-data_2.33-1_all.deb.html (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS xkb-data page)
[BigBag4X]: http://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?id=1438 (DreymaR's BigBag for Linux/XKB on the Colemak Forum)
[BB-ExtFK]: https://github.com/DreymaR/BigBagKbdTrixXKB/blob/a8db6e705e78721a1f2d82c54fcebfe304b4d66a/xkb-data_xmod/xkb/symbols/extend#L64 (BigBag FK include in symbol/extend)

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@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
## ======================================================
## === SETXKB.sh to set the XKB keyboard options ===
## === by Øystein Bech "DreymaR" Gadmar, 2014 ===
## === by Øystein Bech "DreymaR" Gadmar, 2014- ===
## ======================================================
HeadStr="DreymaR's setxkbmap script (by GadOE, 2020-12)"
HeadStr="DreymaR's setxkbmap script (by GadOE, 2022-10)"
"\e[1mShell script to change X.org keyboard setup\e[0m\n"\
" using the 'setxkbmap' command.\n"\
@ -35,16 +35,18 @@ MyNAME=`basename $0`
## @@@ The default X11 dir under Debian/Ubuntu/etc is /usr/share/X11 @@@
## @@@ The default X11 dir under some (older) distros is /usr/lib/X11 @@@
X11DIR='/usr/share/X11'; [ -d "${X11DIR}" ] || X11DIR='/usr/lib/X11'
XKBDIR="${X11DIR}/xkb" # The default X11 xkb dir
XKBLOC="./xkb-data_xmod/xkb" # The default local xkb dir in this repo
#~ XKBmodel=pc104aw-zqu # ANSI-104 keyboard w/ Angle(Z)Wide(Quote) mod
XKBmodel=pc105aw-sl # ISO-105 keyboard w/ CurlAngleWide(Slash) mod
#~ XKBlayout='us(cmk_ed_us),gr(colemak),ru(colemak)' # Multiple layouts
XKBlayout='us(cmk_ed_us)' # US English Colemak[eD]'Universal Symbols' layout
VerboseLvl=9 # (-v) How much info should setxkbmap print out?
Verbosity=9 # (-v) How much info should setxkbmap print out?
KeepXKM='no' # (-k) Retain old /var/lib/xkb/server-*.xkm files?
XKBdir="${X11DIR}/xkb" # (-d) The xkb-type dir to run setxkbmap from
AddCmd='no' # (-a) Add setxkbmap cmd to file?
XRunDir=${XKBDIR} # (-d) The xkb-type dir to run setxkbmap from
AddCmdYN='no' # (-a) Add setxkbmap cmd to file?
AddCmdTo=${AddDefault} # (-f) File (such as '~/.bashrc') to add setxkbmap cmd to
SetXStr='' #'5caw us us' # (--) Shortcut string for setxkb (model locale eD-variant)
@ -58,12 +60,13 @@ HelpStr="\e[1mUsage: bash ${MyNAME} [optional args] [<kbd> [<loc> <sym>]]\e[0m\n
"[-l] <layout(variant)> - '${XKBlayout}'\n"\
"[-o] <options> - \n"\
" '${XKBoption}'\n"\
"[-v] <verbose level> - '${VerboseLvl}'\n"\
"[-d] Run from <directory> - '${XKBdir}'\n"\
"[-k] Keep old XKB server(s) - '${KeepXKM}'\n"\
"[-a] Add cmd line to file? - '${AddCmd}'\n"\
"[-v] <verbose level> - '${Verbosity}'\n"\
"[-d] Run from <directory> - '${XRunDir}'\n"\
"[-k] Keep old XKB server(s) - '${KeepXKM}' [toggle, no arg.]\n"\
"[-a] Add cmd line to file? - '${AddCmdYN}' [toggle, no arg.]\n"\
"[-f] <file> to add cmd to - '${AddCmdTo}'\n"\
"[--] <ShortStr> - '${SetXStr}'\n"\
"\nSpecify '-d-' to run from the local repo directory w/o installing.\n"\
"\n\e[1mShortStr syntax, defining eD model+layout as a short split string:\e[0m\n"\
" <kbd> 4/5 - ANSI-104/ISO-105 keyboard model, then...\n"\
@ -71,9 +74,9 @@ HelpStr="\e[1mUsage: bash ${MyNAME} [optional args] [<kbd> [<loc> <sym>]]\e[0m\n
" w/f - Wide/A-Wing (a.k.a. 'A-Frame')\n"\
" <loc> Two-letter locale layout code like 'us' for USA, 'gb' for UK etc\n"\
" <sym> 'us'/'ks' for 'Universal' or 'Keep Locale' symbol variants\n\n"\
" Examples: '5a se us': PC105-Angle, Swedish Cmk[eD] 'UnifiedSym'\n"\
" '4ca gb ks': PC104-Curl(DH)Angle, Eng.(UK) Cmk[eD] 'KeepSym'\n"\
" '5caw': PC105-Curl(DH)AngleWide, keep current layout/variant\n"
" Examples: '5a se us': Angle-ISO, Swedish Cmk[eD] 'UnifiedSym'\n"\
" '4ca gb ks': Curl(DH)Angle-ANSI, Eng.(UK) Cmk[eD] 'KeepSym'\n"\
" '5caw': Curl(DH)AngleWide-ISO, keep current layout/variant\n"
#~ " (See the script's comments for more info.)"
@ -86,15 +89,6 @@ MyMsg() # Formatted output: last arg is printf 'style[;fgcolor[;bgcolor]]'
printf "\n\e[${3:-1;32;40}m@@@ $1 @@@\e[0m\n$2" # default: Bold green on black
MyMsg "${HeadStr}" "\n"
printf "${DescStr}\n"
printf "${HelpStr}"
MyMsg "${FootStr}" "\n"
exit $1
printf "$1\n"
@ -118,6 +112,15 @@ MyError()
exit 1
MyMsg "${HeadStr}" "\n"
printf "${DescStr}\n"
printf "${HelpStr}"
MyMsg "${FootStr}" "\n"
exit $1
@ -132,10 +135,10 @@ while getopts "m:l:o:v:d:f:akh?" cmdarg; do
m) XKBmodel="$OPTARG" ;;
l) XKBlayout="$OPTARG" ;;
o) XKBoption="$OPTARG" ;;
v) VerboseLvl="$OPTARG" ;;
d) XKBdir="$OPTARG" ;;
v) Verbosity="$OPTARG" ;;
d) XRunDir="$OPTARG" ;;
f) AddCmdTo="$OPTARG" ;;
a) AddCmd='yes' ;;
a) AddCmdYN='yes' ;;
k) KeepXKM='yes' ;;
h) PrintHelpAndExit 0 ;;
\?) PrintHelpAndExit 0 ;;
@ -146,6 +149,8 @@ done
shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 )) # Remove already processed args
[[ "$@" == "" ]] || SetXStr=($@) # Split the ShortString
[[ "${XRunDir}" == '-' ]] && XRunDir="${XKBLOC}" # Use the default local dir
if [ -n "${SetXStr}" ]; then # Use ShortString notation
case ${SetXStr[0]} in
4n|4c) XKBmodel='pc104' ;; # Generic ANSI-101/104-key
@ -160,6 +165,10 @@ if [ -n "${SetXStr}" ]; then # Use ShortString notation
*) MyError "ShortStr model '${SetXStr[0]}' unknown!" ;;
##case ${SetXStr[0]} in # eD WIP: Check for Sym mods, add as option. Can we do a search for s in the string?
## Also double the model checks above.
## Can we lop of 4/5 first, and make a model string 'pc10#' based on that, to simplify the above?
## Can we search for c and s separately in the string? The c will be first after 4/5, and s at the end.
if [ -n "${SetXStr[2]}" ]; then # If there are three parts, ...
case ${SetXStr[2]} in # ...determine the layout variant.
us) XKBvar='cmk_ed_us' ;; # Cmk-eD Unified Symbols variant
@ -178,18 +187,17 @@ fi
## NOTE: The code below post processes Curl models into model+option, as per my XKB implementation.
[[ ${SetXStr[0]} =~ "c" ]] && XKBoption+=',misc:cmk_curl_dh'
## [[ ${SetXStr[0]} =~ "s" ]] && XKBoption+=',misc:ed_sym-w' # TODO: Implement Sym, for both Wide and non-Wide configs
##-------------- main ------------------------------------------
MyMsg "$HeadStr"
#~ MyCD "${XKBpath%/}/${XKBdir%/}"
#~ MyCD "${XKBpath%/}/${XRunDir%/}"
if [ -n "${SetXStr}" ]; then
MyPoint "Using model/layout '$XKBmodel'/'$XKBlayout' from ShortStr"
MyCD "${XKBdir%/}"
#~ MyPoint "Running from `pwd`"
MyCD "${XRunDir%/}" # Change to the xkb dir first
## Check for root privileges (if not root, needs the sudo command)
@ -198,7 +206,7 @@ if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then # or [ `whoami` = 'root' ]; not root, so test for sud
## Purge the old xkb server files
## Purge the old xkb server files (usually desirable)
if [ ${KeepXKM} == 'no' ]; then
MyPoint "Looking for and removing any old .xkm server files"
${DoSudo} rm -f /var/lib/xkb/server-*.xkm || MyPoint "No .xkm files removed"
@ -208,19 +216,25 @@ fi
setxkbmap -option ''
## Run the actual setxkbmap command
MySetXKB="-model ${XKBmodel} -layout ${XKBlayout} -option ${XKBoption} -v ${VerboseLvl}"
MyPoint "Running setxkbmap:\n"
setxkbmap $MySetXKB
SetXKB="-model ${XKBmodel} -layout ${XKBlayout} -option ${XKBoption}"
if [ ${XRunDir} == ${XKBDIR} ]; then
MyPoint "Running setxkbmap with the system XKB dir:\n"
OptXKB="-v ${Verbosity}" # Note: Verbosity doesn't work well with -print
MyPoint "Running setxkbmap with a local XKB dir:\n" # . is the local dir
OptXKB="-print | xkbcomp -I -I. -I${XKBDIR} $DISPLAY 2>/dev/null" # Wasn't there a hyphen before $DISPLAY?
setxkbmap $SetXKB $OptXKB
MyEcho ""
## Add the setxkbmap command to a file, if specified (Note the special format for MySetXKB!)
MySetXKB="-model '${XKBmodel}' -layout '${XKBlayout}' -option '${XKBoption}'"
if [ ${AddCmd} == 'yes' ] || [ ${AddCmdTo} != ${AddDefault} ]; then
## Add the setxkbmap command to a file, if specified. Note the quotes necessary for FileXKB.
if [ ${AddCmdYN} == 'yes' ] || [ ${AddCmdTo} != ${AddDefault} ]; then
FileXKB="-model '${XKBmodel}' -layout '${XKBlayout}' -option '${XKBoption}'"
MyPoint "Adding setxkbmap cmd to ${AddCmdTo}\n"
[ -w ${AddCmdTo} ] || MyError "Writing to '${AddCmdTo}' failed"
printf "\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" \
"##-> DreymaR's SetXKB.sh: Activate layout" \
"setxkbmap ${MySetXKB}" \
"setxkbmap ${FileXKB} ${OptXKB}" \
"##<- DreymaR's SetXKB.sh" \
>> ${AddCmdTo}

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
XKB data for DreymaR's Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks
File description: Original xkb-data files selected from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Files found here: https://ubuntu.pkgs.org/18.04/ubuntu-main-amd64/xkb-data_2.23.1-1ubuntu1_all.deb.html
xkb-data version: 2-23-1-1ub1
Deb archive date: 2018-02-02

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
XKB data for DreymaR's Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks
File description: Modified xkb-data files for DreymaR's Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks (Linux/XKB)
Files found here: https://github.com/DreymaR/BigBagKbdTrixXKB
xkb-data version: 2-23-1-1ub1, edition DreymaR
Deb archive date: 2018-02-02
My starting date: 2018-08-21