Nicer api and added back scroll-up/scroll-down

This commit is contained in:
Vivianne 2024-02-11 00:02:09 -05:00
parent 164639f223
commit 1a560ea3d3
1 changed files with 41 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
@ -68,118 +70,126 @@
(define %SHOW-CURSOR "?25h")
(define %HIDE-CURSOR "?25l")
(define (reset port)
(define* (reset #:optional (port #t))
"Reset the terminal to its default style, removing any active styles"
(format port (string-append %CSI "0m")))
(define (set-foreground-color port r g b)
(define* (set-foreground-color hex #:optional (port #t))
"Sets the default foreground color"
(format port (string-append %OSC %SET-FOREGROUND-COLOR) (make-color r g b)))
(format port (string-append %OSC %SET-FOREGROUND-COLOR) (color-styled (make-foreground hex))))
(define (set-background-color port r g b)
(define* (set-background-color hex #:optional (port #t))
"Sets the default background color"
(format port (string-append %OSC %SET-BACKGROUND-COLOR) (make-color r g b)))
(format port (string-append %OSC %SET-BACKGROUND-COLOR) (color-styled (make-background hex))))
(define (set-cursor-color port r g b)
(define* (set-cursor-color hex #:optional (port #t))
"Sets the cursor color"
(format port (string-append %OSC %SET-CURSOR-COLOR) (make-color r g b)))
(format port (string-append %OSC %SET-CURSOR-COLOR) (color-styled (make-foreground hex))))
(define (restore-screen port)
(define* (restore-screen #:optional (port #t))
"Restores a previously saved screen state"
(format port (string-append %CSI %RESTORE-SCREEN)))
(define (save-screen port)
(define* (save-screen #:optional (port #t))
"Saves the screen state"
(format port (string-append %CSI %SAVE-SCREEN)))
(define (alt-screen port)
(define* (alt-screen #:optional (port #t))
"Switches to the alternate screen buffer. The former view can be restored with exit-alt-screen"
(format port (string-append %CSI %ALT-SCREEN)))
(define (exit-alt-screen port)
(define* (exit-alt-screen #:optional (port #t))
"Exits the alternate screen buffer and returns to the former terminal window"
(format port (string-append %CSI %EXIT-ALT-SCREEN)))
(define (clear-screen port)
(define* (clear-screen #:optional (port #t))
"Clears the visible portion of the terminal"
(format port (string-append %CSI %ERASE-DISPLAY) 2)
(move-cursor port 1 1))
(define (move-cursor port y x)
(define* (scroll-up #:optional (amount 1) (port #t))
(format port (string-append %CSI %SCROLL-UP) amount))
(define* (scroll-down #:optional (amount 1) (port #t))
(format port (string-append %CSI %SCROLL-DOWN) amount))
(define* (move-cursor y x #:optional (port #t))
"Moves the cursor to a given position"
(format port (string-append %CSI %CURSOR-POSITION) y x))
(define (hide-cursor port)
(define* (hide-cursor #:optional (port #t))
"Hides the cursor"
(format port (string-append %CSI %HIDE-CURSOR)))
(define (show-cursor port)
(define* (show-cursor #:optional (port #t))
"Shows the cursor"
(format port (string-append %CSI %SHOW-CURSOR)))
(define (save-cursor-position port)
(define* (save-cursor-position #:optional (port #t))
"Saves the cursor position"
(format port (string-append %CSI %SAVE-CURSOR-POSITION)))
(define (restore-cursor-position port)
(define* (restore-cursor-position #:optional (port #t))
"Restores a saved cursor position"
(format port (string-append %CSI %RESTORE-CURSOR-POSITION)))
(define* (cursor-up port #:optional (distance 1))
(define* (cursor-up #:optional (distance 1) (port #t))
"Moves the cursor up a given number of lines"
(format port (string-append %CSI %CURSOR-UP) distance))
(define* (cursor-down port #:optional (distance 1))
(define* (cursor-down #:optional (distance 1) (port #t))
"Moves the cursor down a given number of lines"
(format port (string-append %CSI %CURSOR-DOWN) distance))
(define* (cursor-forward port #:optional (distance 1))
(define* (cursor-forward #:optional (distance 1) (port #t))
"Moves the cursor forward a given number of lines"
(format port (string-append %CSI %CURSOR-FORWARD) distance))
(define* (cursor-back port #:optional (distance 1))
(define* (cursor-back #:optional (distance 1) (port #t))
"Moves the cursor backwards a given number of lines"
(format port (string-append %CSI %CURSOR-BACK) distance))
(define* (cursor-next-line port #:optional (distance 1))
(define* (cursor-next-line #:optional (distance 1) (port #t))
"Moves the cursor down a given number of lines and places it at the beginning of the line"
(format port (string-append %CSI %CURSOR-NEXT-LINE) distance))
(define* (cursor-prev-line port #:optional (distance 1))
(define* (cursor-prev-line #:optional (distance 1) (port #t))
"Moves the cursor up a given number of lines and places it at the beginning of the line"
(format port (string-append %CSI %CURSOR-PREV-LINE) distance))
(define (clear-line port)
(define* (clear-line #:optional (port #t))
"Clears the current line"
(format port (string-append %CSI %ERASE-ENTIRE-LINE)))
(define (clear-line-left port)
(define* (clear-line-left #:optional (port #t))
"Clears the line to the left of the cursor"
(format port (string-append %CSI %ERASE-LINE-LEFT)))
(define (clear-line-right port)
(define* (clear-line-right #:optional (port #t))
"Clears the line to the right of the cursor"
(format port (string-append %CSI %ERASE-LINE-RIGHT)))
(define (clear-lines port n)
(define* (clear-lines n #:optional (port #t))
"Clears a given number of lines"
(define clear (format #f (string-append %CSI %ERASE-LINE) 2))
(define up (format #f (string-append %CSI %CURSOR-UP) 1))
(define l (make-list n (string-append up clear)))
(format port (string-append clear (string-join l ""))))
(define (change-scrolling-region port top bottom)
(define* (change-scrolling-region top bottom #:optional (port #t))
"Sets the scrolling region of the terminal"
(format port (string-append %CSI %CHANGE-SCROLLING-REGION) top bottom))
(define (insert-lines port n)
(define* (insert-lines n #:optional (port #t))
"Inserts the given number of lines at the top of the scrollable region, pushing lines below down"
(format port (string-append %CSI %INSERT-LINE) n))
(define (delete-lines port n)
(define* (delete-lines n #:optional (port #t))
"Deletes the given number of lines, pulling any lines in the scrollable region below up"
(format port (string-append %CSI %DELETE-LINE) n))
(define (set-window-title port title)
(define* (set-window-title title #:optional (port #t))
"Sets the terminal window title"
(format port (string-append %OSC %SET-WINDOW-TITLE) title))