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(define-module (reflow wrap)
#:use-module (reflow ansi)
#:use-module (uniseg)
#:use-module (uniseg graphemes)
#:use-module (uniseg graphemes iterator)
#:use-module (ice-9 textual-ports)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
#:export (make-wrapping-port))
(define* (make-wrapping-port
#:key (keep-newlines? #t)
(preserve-space? #f)
(tab-width 4))
"Return a soft port which wraps the given output port such that text cleanly wraps to a new line if longer than max width."
(define-values (ansi-port current-sequence reset-ansi restore-ansi)
(make-ansi-port-tuple o-port))
(define iterator (make-grapheme-iterator))
(define %cur-width 0)
(define %in-escape-seq? #f)
(define %waiting-for-non-space? #f)
(define (put-n-times char num)
(do ((i 1 (1+ 1)))
((> i num))
(put-char ansi-port char)))
(define (new-line)
(when (not preserve-space?)
(set! %waiting-for-non-space? #t))
(put-char ansi-port #\newline))
(define (handle-char char)
;; Track when we are in an escape sequence
((eq? %ansi-marker char)
(set! %in-escape-seq? #t)
(put-char ansi-port char))
;; Skip processing escape sequences and track when we leave escape sequence
(put-char ansi-port char)
(when (ansi-terminator? char)
(set! %in-escape-seq? #f)))
;; Support for stripping spaces from front of newline
((eq? #\newline char)
(when keep-newlines?
(set! %cur-width 0)
;; Skip whitespace at beginning of line if configured
((and (char-set-contains? char-set:whitespace char)
;; Convert tabs to desired number of spaces
((eq? #\tab char)
(for-each handle-char (make-list tab-width #\space)))
;; Subtract backspaces from width
((eq? #\backspace char)
(set! %cur-width (- %cur-width 1))
(put-char ansi-port char))
;; Main processing area
(set! %waiting-for-non-space? #f)
(let* ((grapheme (iterator char))
(new-width (+ %cur-width (grapheme-delta-width grapheme))))
(if (> new-width max-width)
(let* ((g-width (grapheme-width grapheme))
(g-modification? (grapheme-modification? grapheme))
(g-string (grapheme-string grapheme)))
;; If we go over the width, and the grapheme is a modification,
;; then we need to backspace to before the grapheme before we go to the next line.
;; But we also need to add spaces to fill in the characters already printed!
(when g-modification?
(let* ((num-to-delete (- g-width 1)))
(put-n-times #\backspace num-to-delete)
(put-n-times #\space num-to-delete)))
;; This possibly sets %waiting-for-non-space = #t
;; and we need to handle it.
(when %waiting-for-non-space?
;; Remove all whitespace chars from the grapheme
(set! g-string (string-filter (λ (c) (not (char-set-contains? char-set:whitespace c))) g-string))
;; Recalculate width with remaining characters
(set! g-width (string-width g-string))
;; If anything is left, we have satisfied the newline non-space check already
(when (> (string-length g-string) 0)
(set! %waiting-for-non-space? #f)))
(put-string ansi-port g-string)
(set! %cur-width g-width))
;; Otherwise we can just output to the ansi port as normal.
(put-char ansi-port char)
(set! %cur-width new-width)))))))
(define output-port
;; Char out
;; string out, char by char
(λ (s) (string-for-each handle-char s))
#f #f #f)