
137 lines
3.4 KiB

#!@GUILE@ --no-auto-compile
-*- scheme -*-
;; Goal: Make a todo list like the one used for intro to bubbletea
(srfi srfi-1)
(ice-9 match)
(rnrs io ports)
(goblins actor-lib methods)
(goblins actor-lib joiners)
(goblins actor-lib let-on)
(goblins actor-lib cell)
(goblins actor-lib io)
(fibers conditions)
(fibers operations)
(termenv screen))
(define vat (spawn-vat))
(define* (^list-item bcom label #:optional (selected? #f))
((view) (format #f "[~a] ~a" (if selected? "x" " ") label)
((selected?)) selected?)
(bcom (^list-item bcom label (not selected?))))))
(define (expand-view engine tree)
(match tree
((? procedure? proc) (proc engine))
((? list? lst) (map (λ (item) (expand-view engine item)) lst))
(else tree)))
(define-syntax-rule (define-vprim (name args ...)
exp ...
((eng content) ...))
(define (name args ...)
exp ...
(lambda (engine)
(match engine
;; Problem: Content can contain any number of these functions
;; Need to identify them and resolve them.
('eng (expand-view engine content)) ...))))
(define-vprim (box content)
`(div (@ (class "pr-box"))
(term content)))
(define-vprim (hbox items)
(define items-list (map box items))
`(div (@ (class "pr-flex pr-hbox"))
`(happend* ,items-list))))
(define-vprim (vbox items)
(define items-list (map box items))
`(div (@ (class "pr-flex pr-vbox"))
`(vappend* ,items-list))))
(define* (^list bcom choices #:optional (cursor 0))
((update event)
(match event
(($ <keypress> (or 'q 'escape))
(($ <keypress> (or 'k 'up))
(when (> cursor 0)
(bcom (^list bcom choices (- cursor 1)))))
(($ <keypress> (or 'k 'down))
(when (< cursor (- (length choices) 1))
(bcom (^list bcom choices (1+ cursor)))))
(($ <keypress> (or 'return 'space))
(<- (list-ref choices cursor) 'toggle))
(else #f)))
;; View primitives:
;; - h-box : horizontal flexbox
;; - v-box : vertical flexbox
;; - append : directly append primitive text
;; - b-list : bulleted list
;; - n-list : numbered list
;; - define-primitive : Takes an a-list of driver names ('html 'term 'gtk, etc?)
;; to templates for the DOM of said driver.
;; Example:
;; (define (h-box . items)
;; `((html
;; (div (@ (class "praline-flex"))
;; ,(map (λ (x)
;; `(div (@ (class "praline-h-box")) ,x))
;; items)))
;; (guart
;; (happend @,items))))
"What should we buy at the market?"
(λ (choice)
(if (= i cursor) ">" " ")
"Press q to quit"
#:padding 1))))))
(define (make-initial-list)
(spawn ^list
(spawn ^list-item "Buy carrots")
(spawn ^list-item "Buy celery")
(spawn ^list-item "Buy kohlrabi"))))
(define cup (make-cup (make-initial-list)))
;; Program spawning:
;; - Converts terminal to raw mode
;; - Creates and hooks up IO actor
;; - Update loop does an update and render
;; - Creates condition to keep app running
;; - Cleans up on receiving 'quit
($ cup 'run))