const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const imgui = @import("imgui"); const glfw = @import("glfw"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const GLFW_HEADER_VERSION = glfw.GLFW_VERSION_MAJOR * 1000 + glfw.GLFW_VERSION_MINOR * 100; const GLFW_HAS_NEW_CURSORS = @hasDecl(glfw, "GLFW_RESIZE_NESW_CURSOR") and (GLFW_HEADER_VERSION >= 3400); // 3.4+ GLFW_RESIZE_ALL_CURSOR, GLFW_RESIZE_NESW_CURSOR, GLFW_RESIZE_NWSE_CURSOR, GLFW_NOT_ALLOWED_CURSOR const GLFW_HAS_GAMEPAD_API = (GLFW_HEADER_VERSION >= 3300); // 3.3+ glfwGetGamepadState() new api const GLFW_HAS_GET_KEY_NAME = (GLFW_HEADER_VERSION >= 3200); // 3.2+ glfwGetKeyName() const IS_EMSCRIPTEN = false; // GLFW data const GlfwClientApi = enum(u32) { Unknown, OpenGL, Vulkan, _, }; const Data = extern struct { Window: ?*glfw.Window = null, ClientApi: GlfwClientApi = .Unknown, Time: f64 = 0, MouseWindow: ?*glfw.Window = null, MouseCursors: [imgui.MouseCursor.COUNT]?*glfw.Cursor = [_]?*glfw.Cursor{null} ** imgui.MouseCursor.COUNT, LastValidMousePos: imgui.Vec2 = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0 }, InstalledCallbacks: bool = false, }; // Backend data stored in io.BackendPlatformUserData to allow support for multiple Dear ImGui contexts // It is STRONGLY preferred that you use docking branch with multi-viewports (== single Dear ImGui context + multiple windows) instead of multiple Dear ImGui contexts. // FIXME: multi-context support is not well tested and probably dysfunctional in this backend. // - Because glfwPollEvents() process all windows and some events may be called outside of it, you will need to register your own callbacks // (passing install_callbacks=false in ImGui_ImplGlfw_InitXXX functions), set the current dear imgui context and then call our callbacks. // - Otherwise we may need to store a GLFWWindow* -> ImGuiContext* map and handle this in the backend, adding a little bit of extra complexity to it. // FIXME: some shared resources (mouse cursor shape, gamepad) are mishandled when using multi-context. fn GetBackendData() ?*Data { return if (imgui.GetCurrentContext() != null) @ptrCast(?*Data, @alignCast(@alignOf(Data), imgui.GetIO().BackendPlatformUserData)) else null; } // Functions TODO //fn GetClipboardText(user_data: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) ?[*:0]const u8 { // return glfw.getClipboardString(@ptrCast(*glfw.Window, user_data)); //} // //fn SetClipboardText(user_data: ?*anyopaque, text: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void { // glfw.setClipboardString(@ptrCast(*glfw.Window, user_data), text.?); //} fn KeyToImGuiKey(key: i32) imgui.Key { return switch (key) { glfw.GLFW_KEY_TAB => .Tab, glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT => .LeftArrow, glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT => .RightArrow, glfw.GLFW_KEY_UP => .UpArrow, glfw.GLFW_KEY_DOWN => .DownArrow, glfw.GLFW_KEY_PAGE_UP => .PageUp, glfw.GLFW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN => .PageDown, glfw.GLFW_KEY_HOME => .Home, glfw.GLFW_KEY_END => .End, glfw.GLFW_KEY_INSERT => .Insert, glfw.GLFW_KEY_DELETE => .Delete, glfw.GLFW_KEY_BACKSPACE => .Backspace, glfw.GLFW_KEY_SPACE => .Space, glfw.GLFW_KEY_ENTER => .Enter, glfw.GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE => .Escape, glfw.GLFW_KEY_APOSTROPHE => .Apostrophe, glfw.GLFW_KEY_COMMA => .Comma, glfw.GLFW_KEY_MINUS => .Minus, glfw.GLFW_KEY_PERIOD => .Period, glfw.GLFW_KEY_SLASH => .Slash, glfw.GLFW_KEY_SEMICOLON => .Semicolon, glfw.GLFW_KEY_EQUAL => .Equal, glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_BRACKET => .LeftBracket, glfw.GLFW_KEY_BACKSLASH => .Backslash, glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET => .RightBracket, glfw.GLFW_KEY_GRAVE_ACCENT => .GraveAccent, glfw.GLFW_KEY_CAPS_LOCK => .CapsLock, glfw.GLFW_KEY_SCROLL_LOCK => .ScrollLock, glfw.GLFW_KEY_NUM_LOCK => .NumLock, glfw.GLFW_KEY_PRINT_SCREEN => .PrintScreen, glfw.GLFW_KEY_PAUSE => .Pause, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_0 => .Keypad0, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_1 => .Keypad1, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_2 => .Keypad2, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_3 => .Keypad3, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_4 => .Keypad4, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_5 => .Keypad5, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_6 => .Keypad6, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_7 => .Keypad7, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_8 => .Keypad8, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_9 => .Keypad9, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_DECIMAL => .KeypadDecimal, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_DIVIDE => .KeypadDivide, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_MULTIPLY => .KeypadMultiply, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_SUBTRACT => .KeypadSubtract, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_ADD => .KeypadAdd, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_ENTER => .KeypadEnter, glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_EQUAL => .KeypadEqual, glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT => .LeftShift, glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL => .LeftCtrl, glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_ALT => .LeftAlt, glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SUPER => .LeftSuper, glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT => .RightShift, glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL => .RightCtrl, glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_ALT => .RightAlt, glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SUPER => .RightSuper, glfw.GLFW_KEY_MENU => .Menu, glfw.GLFW_KEY_0 => .@"0", glfw.GLFW_KEY_1 => .@"1", glfw.GLFW_KEY_2 => .@"2", glfw.GLFW_KEY_3 => .@"3", glfw.GLFW_KEY_4 => .@"4", glfw.GLFW_KEY_5 => .@"5", glfw.GLFW_KEY_6 => .@"6", glfw.GLFW_KEY_7 => .@"7", glfw.GLFW_KEY_8 => .@"8", glfw.GLFW_KEY_9 => .@"9", glfw.GLFW_KEY_A => .A, glfw.GLFW_KEY_B => .B, glfw.GLFW_KEY_C => .C, glfw.GLFW_KEY_D => .D, glfw.GLFW_KEY_E => .E, glfw.GLFW_KEY_F => .F, glfw.GLFW_KEY_G => .G, glfw.GLFW_KEY_H => .H, glfw.GLFW_KEY_I => .I, glfw.GLFW_KEY_J => .J, glfw.GLFW_KEY_K => .K, glfw.GLFW_KEY_L => .L, glfw.GLFW_KEY_M => .M, glfw.GLFW_KEY_N => .N, glfw.GLFW_KEY_O => .O, glfw.GLFW_KEY_P => .P, glfw.GLFW_KEY_Q => .Q, glfw.GLFW_KEY_R => .R, glfw.GLFW_KEY_S => .S, glfw.GLFW_KEY_T => .T, glfw.GLFW_KEY_U => .U, glfw.GLFW_KEY_V => .V, glfw.GLFW_KEY_W => .W, glfw.GLFW_KEY_X => .X, glfw.GLFW_KEY_Y => .Y, glfw.GLFW_KEY_Z => .Z, glfw.GLFW_KEY_F1 => .F1, glfw.GLFW_KEY_F2 => .F2, glfw.GLFW_KEY_F3 => .F3, glfw.GLFW_KEY_F4 => .F4, glfw.GLFW_KEY_F5 => .F5, glfw.GLFW_KEY_F6 => .F6, glfw.GLFW_KEY_F7 => .F7, glfw.GLFW_KEY_F8 => .F8, glfw.GLFW_KEY_F9 => .F9, glfw.GLFW_KEY_F10 => .F10, glfw.GLFW_KEY_F11 => .F11, glfw.GLFW_KEY_F12 => .F12, else => .None, }; } fn KeyToModifier(key: i32) ?i32 { if (key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL or key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL) return glfw.GLFW_MOD_CONTROL; if (key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT or key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT) return glfw.GLFW_MOD_SHIFT; if (key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_ALT or key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_ALT) return glfw.GLFW_MOD_ALT; if (key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SUPER or key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SUPER) return glfw.GLFW_MOD_SUPER; return null; } fn UpdateKeyModifiers(mods: i32) void { const io = imgui.GetIO(); io.AddKeyEvent(.ModCtrl, (mods & glfw.GLFW_MOD_CONTROL) != 0); io.AddKeyEvent(.ModShift, (mods & glfw.GLFW_MOD_SHIFT) != 0); io.AddKeyEvent(.ModAlt, (mods & glfw.GLFW_MOD_ALT) != 0); io.AddKeyEvent(.ModSuper, (mods & glfw.GLFW_MOD_SUPER) != 0); } pub fn MouseButtonCallback(window: *glfw.Window, button: i32, action: i32, mods: i32) callconv(.C) void { const bd = GetBackendData().?; if (bd.PrevUserCallbackMousebutton != null and window == bd.Window) bd.PrevUserCallbackMousebutton.?(window, button, action, mods); UpdateKeyModifiers(mods); const io = imgui.GetIO(); if (button >= 0 and button < imgui.MouseButton.COUNT) io.AddMouseButtonEvent(button, action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS); } pub fn ScrollCallback(window: *glfw.Window, xoffset: f64, yoffset: f64) callconv(.C) void { const bd = GetBackendData().?; if (bd.PrevUserCallbackScroll != null and window == bd.Window) bd.PrevUserCallbackScroll.?(window, xoffset, yoffset); const io = imgui.GetIO(); io.AddMouseWheelEvent(@floatCast(f32, xoffset), @floatCast(f32, yoffset)); } fn TranslateUntranslatedKey(raw_key: i32, scancode: i32) i32 { if (GLFW_HAS_GET_KEY_NAME and !IS_EMSCRIPTEN) { // GLFW 3.1+ attempts to "untranslate" keys, which goes the opposite of what every other framework does, making using lettered shortcuts difficult. // (It had reasons to do so: namely GLFW is/was more likely to be used for WASD-type game controls rather than lettered shortcuts, but IHMO the 3.1 change could have been done differently) // See for details. // Adding a workaround to undo this (so our keys are translated->untranslated->translated, likely a lossy process). // This won't cover edge cases but this is at least going to cover common cases. if (raw_key >= glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_0 and raw_key <= glfw.GLFW_KEY_KP_EQUAL) return raw_key; if (glfw.glfwGetKeyName(raw_key, scancode)) |key_name| { if (key_name[0] != 0 and key_name[1] == 0) { const char_names = "`-=[]\\,;\'./"; const char_keys = [_]u8{ glfw.GLFW_KEY_GRAVE_ACCENT, glfw.GLFW_KEY_MINUS, glfw.GLFW_KEY_EQUAL, glfw.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_BRACKET, glfw.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET, glfw.GLFW_KEY_BACKSLASH, glfw.GLFW_KEY_COMMA, glfw.GLFW_KEY_SEMICOLON, glfw.GLFW_KEY_APOSTROPHE, glfw.GLFW_KEY_PERIOD, glfw.GLFW_KEY_SLASH }; comptime assert(char_names.len == char_keys.len); if (key_name[0] >= '0' and key_name[0] <= '9') { return glfw.GLFW_KEY_0 + (key_name[0] - '0'); } else if (key_name[0] >= 'A' and key_name[0] <= 'Z') { return glfw.GLFW_KEY_A + (key_name[0] - 'A'); } else if (key_name[0] >= 'a' and key_name[0] <= 'z') { return glfw.GLFW_KEY_A + (key_name[0] - 'a'); } else if (std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, char_names, key_name[0])) |idx| { return char_keys[idx]; } } } // if (action == GLFW_PRESS) std.debug.print("key {} scancode {} name '{s}'\n", .{ key, scancode, key_name }); } return raw_key; } pub fn KeyCallback(window: *glfw.Window, raw_keycode: i32, scancode: i32, action: i32, mods: i32) callconv(.C) void { const bd = GetBackendData().?; if (bd.PrevUserCallbackKey != null and window == bd.Window) bd.PrevUserCallbackKey.?(window, raw_keycode, scancode, action, mods); if (action != glfw.GLFW_PRESS and action != glfw.GLFW_RELEASE) return; // Workaround: X11 does not include current pressed/released modifier key in 'mods' flags. var key_mods = mods; if (KeyToModifier(raw_keycode)) |keycode_to_mod| key_mods = if (action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS) (mods | keycode_to_mod) else (mods & ~keycode_to_mod); UpdateKeyModifiers(key_mods); const keycode = TranslateUntranslatedKey(raw_keycode, scancode); const io = imgui.GetIO(); const imgui_key = KeyToImGuiKey(keycode); io.AddKeyEvent(imgui_key, (action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS)); io.SetKeyEventNativeData(imgui_key, keycode, scancode); // To support legacy indexing (<1.87 user code) } pub fn WindowFocusCallback(window: *glfw.Window, focused: i32) callconv(.C) void { const bd = GetBackendData().?; if (bd.PrevUserCallbackWindowFocus != null and window == bd.Window) bd.PrevUserCallbackWindowFocus.?(window, focused); const io = imgui.GetIO(); io.AddFocusEvent(focused != 0); } pub fn CursorPosCallback(window: *glfw.Window, x: f64, y: f64) callconv(.C) void { const bd = GetBackendData().?; if (bd.PrevUserCallbackCursorPos != null and window == bd.Window) bd.PrevUserCallbackCursorPos.?(window, x, y); const io = imgui.GetIO(); io.AddMousePosEvent(@floatCast(f32, x), @floatCast(f32, y)); bd.LastValidMousePos = .{ .x = @floatCast(f32, x), .y = @floatCast(f32, y) }; } // Workaround: X11 seems to send spurious Leave/Enter events which would make us lose our position, // so we back it up and restore on Leave/Enter (see pub fn CursorEnterCallback(window: *glfw.Window, entered: i32) callconv(.C) void { const bd = GetBackendData().?; if (bd.PrevUserCallbackCursorEnter != null and window == bd.Window) bd.PrevUserCallbackCursorEnter.?(window, entered); const io = imgui.GetIO(); if (entered != 0) { bd.MouseWindow = window; io.AddMousePosEvent(bd.LastValidMousePos.x, bd.LastValidMousePos.y); } else if (entered == 0 and bd.MouseWindow == window) { bd.LastValidMousePos = io.MousePos; bd.MouseWindow = null; io.AddMousePosEvent(-imgui.FLT_MAX, -imgui.FLT_MAX); } } pub fn CharCallback(window: *glfw.Window, c: u32) callconv(.C) void { const bd = GetBackendData().?; if (bd.PrevUserCallbackChar != null and window == bd.Window) bd.PrevUserCallbackChar.?(window, c); const io = imgui.GetIO(); io.AddInputCharacter(c); } pub fn MonitorCallback(monitor: *glfw.GLFWmonitor, event: i32) callconv(.C) void { const bd = GetBackendData().?; if (bd.PrevUserCallbackMonitor != null) bd.PrevUserCallbackMonitor.?(monitor, event); // Unused in 'master' branch but 'docking' branch will use this, so we declare it ahead of it so if you have to install callbacks you can install this one too. } fn Init(window: *glfw.Window, install_callbacks: bool, client_api: GlfwClientApi) bool { _ = install_callbacks; const io = imgui.GetIO(); assert(io.BackendPlatformUserData == null); // Already initialized a platform backend! // Setup backend capabilities flags const bd = @ptrCast(*Data, @alignCast(@alignOf(Data), imgui.MemAlloc(@sizeOf(Data)))); bd.* = .{ .Window = window, .Time = 0, .ClientApi = client_api, }; io.BackendPlatformUserData = bd; io.BackendPlatformName = "imgui_impl_glfw"; io.BackendFlags.HasMouseCursors = true; // We can honor GetMouseCursor() values (optional) io.BackendFlags.HasSetMousePos = true; // We can honor io.WantSetMousePos requests (optional, rarely used) //io.SetClipboardTextFn = SetClipboardText; //io.GetClipboardTextFn = GetClipboardText; io.ClipboardUserData = window; // Set platform dependent data in viewport if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) { imgui.GetMainViewport().?.PlatformHandleRaw = glfw.glfwGetWin32Window(window); } // Create mouse cursors // (By design, on X11 cursors are user configurable and some cursors may be missing. When a cursor doesn't exist, // GLFW will emit an error which will often be printed by the app, so we temporarily disable error reporting. // Missing cursors will return NULL and our _UpdateMouseCursor() function will use the Arrow cursor instead.) // TODO //bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.Arrow)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.arrow) catch unreachable); //bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.TextInput)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.ibeam) catch unreachable); //bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeNS)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.resize_ns) catch unreachable); //bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeEW)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.resize_ew) catch unreachable); //bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.Hand)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.pointing_hand) catch unreachable); //if (GLFW_HAS_NEW_CURSORS) { // bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeAll)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.resize_all) catch unreachable); // bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeNESW)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.resize_nesw) catch unreachable); // bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeNWSE)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.resize_nwse) catch unreachable); // bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.NotAllowed)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.not_allowed) catch unreachable); //} else { // bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeAll)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.arrow) catch unreachable); // bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeNESW)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.arrow) catch unreachable); // bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.ResizeNWSE)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.arrow) catch unreachable); // bd.MouseCursors[@enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.NotAllowed)] = &(glfw.Cursor.createStandard(.arrow) catch unreachable); //} return true; } pub fn InitForOpenGL(window: *glfw.Window, install_callbacks: bool) bool { return Init(window, install_callbacks, .OpenGL); } pub fn InitForVulkan(window: *glfw.Window, install_callbacks: bool) bool { return Init(window, install_callbacks, .Vulkan); } pub fn InitForOther(window: *glfw.Window, install_callbacks: bool) bool { return Init(window, install_callbacks, .Unknown); } pub fn Shutdown() void { const bd = GetBackendData(); assert(bd != null); // No platform backend to shutdown, or already shutdown? const io = imgui.GetIO(); for (bd.?.MouseCursors) |cursor| if (cursor) |c| glfw.glfwDestroyCursor(c); io.BackendPlatformName = null; io.BackendPlatformUserData = null; imgui.MemFree(bd.?); } fn UpdateMouseData() void { const bd = GetBackendData().?; const io = imgui.GetIO(); const is_app_focused = if (IS_EMSCRIPTEN) true else ((bd.Window.?.getAttrib(.focused) catch unreachable) != 0); if (is_app_focused) { // (Optional) Set OS mouse position from Dear ImGui if requested (rarely used, only when ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableSetMousePos is enabled by user) if (io.WantSetMousePos) bd.Window.?.setCursorPos(io.MousePos.x, io.MousePos.y) catch unreachable; // (Optional) Fallback to provide mouse position when focused (ImGui_ImplGlfw_CursorPosCallback already provides this when hovered or captured) if (is_app_focused and bd.MouseWindow == null) { const pos = bd.Window.?.getCursorPos() catch unreachable; io.AddMousePosEvent(@floatCast(f32, pos.xpos), @floatCast(f32, pos.ypos)); bd.LastValidMousePos = .{ .x = @floatCast(f32, pos.xpos), .y = @floatCast(f32, pos.ypos) }; } } } fn UpdateMouseCursor() void { const bd = GetBackendData().?; const io = imgui.GetIO(); if ((io.ConfigFlags.NoMouseCursorChange) or bd.Window.?.getInputModeCursor() == .disabled) return; const imgui_cursor = imgui.GetMouseCursor(); if (imgui_cursor == .None or io.MouseDrawCursor) { // Hide OS mouse cursor if imgui is drawing it or if it wants no cursor bd.Window.?.setInputModeCursor(.hidden) catch unreachable; } else { // Show OS mouse cursor // FIXME-PLATFORM: Unfocused windows seems to fail changing the mouse cursor with GLFW 3.2, but 3.3 works here. bd.Window.?.setCursor((bd.MouseCursors[@intCast(usize, @enumToInt(imgui_cursor))] orelse bd.MouseCursors[@intCast(usize, @enumToInt(imgui.MouseCursor.Arrow))] orelse unreachable).*) catch unreachable; bd.Window.?.setInputModeCursor(.normal) catch unreachable; } } // Update gamepad inputs inline fn Saturate(v: f32) f32 { return if (v < 0) 0 else if (v > 1) 1 else v; } // TODO, maybe //fn UpdateGamepads() void { // const io = imgui.GetIO(); // if (!io.ConfigFlags.NavEnableGamepad) // return; // // const InputKind = enum { Button, Analog }; // const Mapping = struct { kind: InputKind, key: imgui.Key, btn: glfw.GamepadButton, low: f32 = 0, high: f32 = 0 }; // const mappings = [_]Mapping{ // .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadStart, .btn = .start }, // .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadBack, .btn = .back }, // .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadFaceDown, .btn = .a }, // Xbox A, PS Cross // .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadFaceRight, .btn = .b }, // Xbox B, PS Circle // .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadFaceLeft, .btn = .x }, // Xbox X, PS Square // .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadFaceUp, .btn = .y }, // Xbox Y, PS Triangle // .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadDpadLeft, .btn = .dpad_left }, // .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadDpadRight, .btn = .dpad_right }, // .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadDpadUp, .btn = .dpad_up }, // .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadDpadDown, .btn = .dpad_down }, // .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadL1, .btn = .left_bumper }, // .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadR1, .btn = .right_bumper }, // .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadL2, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER, .low = -0.75, .high = 1.0 }, // .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadR2, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER, .low = -0.75, .high = 1.0 }, // .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadL3, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_THUMB }, // .{ .kind = .Button, .key = .GamepadR3, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_THUMB }, // .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadLStickLeft, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_X, .low = -0.25, .high = -1.0 }, // .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadLStickRight, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_X, .low = 0.25, .high = 1.0 }, // .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadLStickUp, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_Y, .low = -0.25, .high = -1.0 }, // .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadLStickDown, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_Y, .low = 0.25, .high = 1.0 }, // .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadRStickLeft, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_X, .low = -0.25, .high = -1.0 }, // .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadRStickRight, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_X, .low = 0.25, .high = 1.0 }, // .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadRStickUp, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_Y, .low = -0.25, .high = -1.0 }, // .{ .kind = .Analog, .key = .GamepadRStickDown, .btn = glfw.GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_Y, .low = 0.25, .high = 1.0 }, // }; // // io.BackendFlags.HasGamepad = false; // if (GLFW_HAS_GAMEPAD_API) { // var gamepad: glfw.GLFWgamepadstate = undefined; // if (glfw.Gamepad.getState(glfw.GLFW_JOYSTICK_1, &gamepad) == 0) // return; // inline for (mappings) |m| switch (m.kind) { // .Button => io.AddKeyEvent(m.key, gamepad.buttons[m.btn] != 0), // .Analog => { // var v = gamepad.axes[m.btn]; // v = (v - m.low) / (m.high - m.low); // io.AddKeyAnalogEvent(m.key, v > 0.1, Saturate(v)); // }, // }; // } else { // var axes_count: c_int = 0; // var buttons_count: c_int = 0; // const axes = glfw.glfwGetJoystickAxes(glfw.GLFW_JOYSTICK_1, &axes_count); // const buttons = glfw.glfwGetJoystickButtons(glfw.GLFW_JOYSTICK_1, &buttons_count); // if (axes_count == 0 or buttons_count == 0) // return; // // inline for (mappings) |m| switch (m.kind) { // .Button => io.AddKeyEvent(m.key, m.btn > buttons_count and buttons.?[m.btn] != 0), // .Analog => { // var v: f32 = if (m.btn < axes_count) axes.?[m.btn] else m.low; // v = (v - m.low) / (m.high - m.low); // io.AddKeyAnalogEvent(m.key, v > 0.1, Saturate(v)); // }, // }; // } // io.BackendFlags.HasGamepad = true; //} pub fn NewFrame() void { const bd = GetBackendData().?; // Did you call ImGui_ImplGlfw_InitForXXX()? const io = imgui.GetIO(); // Setup display size (every frame to accommodate for window resizing) const size = bd.Window.?.getSize() catch unreachable; const display_size = bd.Window.?.getFramebufferSize() catch unreachable; io.DisplaySize = .{ .x = @intToFloat(f32, size.width), .y = @intToFloat(f32, size.height) }; if (size.width > 0 and size.height > 0) { io.DisplayFramebufferScale = .{ .x = @intToFloat(f32, display_size.width) / @intToFloat(f32, size.width), .y = @intToFloat(f32, display_size.height) / @intToFloat(f32, size.height), }; } // Setup time step const current_time = glfw.getTime(); io.DeltaTime = if (bd.Time > 0) @floatCast(f32, current_time - bd.Time) else (1.0 / 60.0); bd.Time = current_time; UpdateMouseData(); //UpdateMouseCursor(); // Update game controllers (if enabled and available) //UpdateGamepads(); }