syl20bnr fdd4e944ef Reload dotfile and layer anywhere with SPC f e R
Replace `SPC m c c` and `C-c C-c` in the dotfile

Resolve #1210
2015-04-18 23:40:24 -04:00
packages.el Reload dotfile and layer anywhere with SPC f e R 2015-04-18 23:40:24 -04:00 Slight edition of evil-commentary readme 2015-03-20 21:22:02 -04:00

Evil-commentary contribution layer for Spacemacs


This layer replaces evil-nerd-commenter with evil-commentary for those who prefer the behaviour of vim-commentary.

Use gcc to comment out a line (takes a count), gc to comment out the target of a motion (for example, gcap to comment out a paragraph), gc in visual mode to comment out the selection.

For more details see the evil-commentary repository.


To use this contribution add it to your ~/.spacemacs.

(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(evil-commentary))