Maximilian Wolff f971ee7120
[typescript] Require tide layer as it is used as formatter by default
I have also updated the installation instructions as tsserver is not
longer available as single executable on npm. Also I've made sure that
modes register for tide backend only if it is really intended to.
2020-03-08 13:05:31 +01:00

3.4 KiB

Tide Layer


This layer installs tide package which allows communication with standalone typescript server tsserver for JavaScript/TypeScript development.


  • First class support from tsserver just like vscode: speed and accuracy
  • Linter
  • Refactor
  • Go to definition
  • Find references


See tide for details. First you must have `tsserver` installed in your project or globally:

  npm install -g typescript

Next enable this layer in your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add tide to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file. Then set the backend variables for JavaScript layer, React layer and TypeScript layer to tide in dotspacemacs-configuration-layers

  (javascript :variables
               javascript-backend 'tide)

  (typescript :variables
              typescript-backend 'tide)

Both javascript-backend and typescript-backend can be set per project.

When using this layer, make sure tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json is present in the root folder of the project.

Example from emacs tide package: For JavaScript projects you may want to create jsconfig.json in the root folder of your project. jsconfig.json is tsconfig.json with allowjs attribute set to true.

    "compilerOptions": {
      "target": "es2017",
      "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
      "noEmit": true,
      "checkJs": true,
      "jsx": "react",
      "lib": [ "dom", "es2017" ]

Without this file tsserver will pick up current folder as project root.

Key bindings

Major Mode

Key binding Description
SPC m E d add tslint:disable-next-line at point
SPC m E e fix thing at point
SPC m g b jump back
SPC m g g jump to entity's definition
SPC m g t jump to entity's type definition
SPC m g r references
SPC m h h documentation at point
SPC m r i organize imports
SPC m r r rename symbol
SPC m r f rename file
SPC m S r restart server
SPC m S j create a barebone jsconfig.json at project root

Reference Major Mode

Key binding Description
C-j find previous reference
C-k find next reference
C-l goto reference