2020-12-13 21:56:49 +01:00
packages.el documentation formatting: Sun Dec 13 10:32:28 UTC 2020 2020-12-13 21:56:49 +01:00

LaTeX layer



This layer adds support for LaTeX files with AucTeX.


  • Auto-build with auctex-latexmk
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Auto-completion
  • Tags navigation on % with evil-matchit
  • Labels, references, citations and index entries management with RefTeX


For more extensive support of BibTeX files than RefTeX provides, have a look at the BibTeX layer.


To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add latex to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.


Most layer configurations can be done by setting layer variables in your dotfile. Some however require adding lines to your user-config.


A number of configuration variables have been exposed via the layer config.el. Sensible defaults have been provided, however they may all be overridden in your .spacemacs.

Variable Name Default Description
latex-backend nil Use LSP backend, unless it's `company-auctex` or LSP layer isn't enabled
latex-build-command 'latexmk if it's found Default command to use with SPC m b
latex-build-engine 'xetex if it's found and chinese / japanese layer is enabled Default TeX engine to use with SPC m b
latex-enable-auto-fill t When non-nil, enable auto-fill-mode
latex-enable-folding nil When non-nil, enable TeX-fold-mode
latex-enable-magic nil When non-nil, enable magic symbols
latex-nofill-env See details below A list of LaTeX environment name where auto-fill-mode is disabled
latex-refresh-preview nil When non-nil, enable refresh preview buffer when file changes

Choosing a backend

This layer provides two alternative backends to choose from.


This is the default backend if LSP layer is enabled. It provides proper IDE support and is recommended over company-auctex.

Currently, the LaTeX LSP backend depends on TexLab. You may built it from source, install it in your package manager, or get the pre-compiled binaries. You also need to enable LSP layer in your ~/.spacemacs.

To explicitly choose LSP backend for LaTeX layer, add the following:

  (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
                '((latex :variables latex-backend 'lsp)))


This would be the backend if LSP layer is not enabled, and latex-backend is not set.

This mode only provides very limited IDE capabilities and only recommended best for infrequent LaTeX editing needs.

To explicitly choose company-auctex as the backend, set the following in your ~/.spacemacs:

  (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
                '((latex :variables latex-backend 'company-auctex)))


LaTex layer support full-document previews and inline preview (via SPC m p).

To update the preview buffer whenever the compiled PDF file changes, set latex-refresh-preview to t in your ~/.spacemacs:

  (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
                '((latex :variables latex-refresh-preview t)))

TexLab also supports more sophisticated previewing setup, which is documented here.

Build command

A build command can be specified via the layer variable latex-build-command. This variable can be set to any of the entities in TeX-command-list, including any custom entries you may have added there.

If latexmk is found on your system PATH, LatexMk will be chosen as your latex-build-command, unless if it's not set.

To use the regular AucTeX command, set latex-build-command to LaTeX as shown below.

  (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
                '((latex :variables latex-build-command "LaTeX")))

TeX Engine

auctex and auctex-latexmk have default rules to determine build command and build options according to the buffer-local variable TeX-engine.

It should be one of the symbol defined in TeX-engine-alise. The default valid symbols are:

  • 'default
  • 'luatex
  • 'omega
  • 'xetex

An appropriate TeX-engine is required for high-quality typesetting in certain languages. For convenience, 'xetex is chosen when it's found on PATH and when either chinese or japanese layer is enabled.

You can choose the engine on a per file basis, by setting file-local variable. For example, you can append these code to the end of a .tex file:

  %%% Local Variables:
  %%% TeX-engine: 'xetex
  %%% End:

If you predominantly works with one specific engine, you can set it as a layer variable.

  (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
                '((latex :variables latex-build-engine 'xetex)))

More information on TeX engine and languages support can be found in auctex manual page.


To disable auto-fill (which is on by default) set the variable latex-enable-auto-fill to nil.

  (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
                '((latex :variables latex-enable-auto-fill nil)))

The variable latex-nofill-env provides the list of environment names where auto-fill-mode will be inhibited. By default it includes:

  • "equation"
  • "equation*"
  • "align"
  • "align*"
  • "tabular"
  • "tabular*"
  • "tabu"
  • "tabu*"
  • "tikzpicture"


Enable folding of text by setting latex-enable-folding to t. Default value is nil.

  (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
                '((latex :variables latex-enable-folding t)))

Magic latex buffer

To enable "magic" symbols in latex buffers, set the variable latex-enable-magic to t.

  (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
                '((latex :variables latex-enable-magic t)))

The precise effect of this feature can be modified by adjusting the following variables:

  • magic-latex-enable-block-highlight: show font properties like \large (default t).
  • magic-latex-enable-block-align: reflect block alignment such as \center (default nil).
  • magic-latex-enable-pretty-symbols: substitute symbols in place of code, e.g. greek letters (default t).
  • magic-latex-enable-suscript: show subscripts and superscripts (default t).
  • magic-latex-enable-inline-image: show images inline (default nil).

By default, the underlying latex code is echoed in the echo area.

Key bindings

Key binding Description
SPC m - recenter output buffer
SPC m , TeX command on master file
SPC m . mark LaTeX environment
SPC m * mark LaTeX section
SPC m % comment or uncomment a paragraph
SPC m ; comment or uncomment a region
SPC m a or with LSP SPC m a u run all commands (compile and open viewer)
SPC m b or with LSP SPC m c build the document (compile)
SPC m c or with LSP SPC m i c close LaTeX environment
SPC m e or with LSP SPC m i e insert LaTeX environment
SPC m i i insert \item
SPC m k kill TeX job
SPC m l recenter output buffer
SPC m m insert LaTeX macro
SPC m n goto next error
SPC m N goto previous error
SPC m s insert LaTeX section
SPC m v view output
SPC m h d TeX documentation, can be very slow
SPC m f e fill LaTeX environment
SPC m f p fill LaTeX paragraph
SPC m f r fill LaTeX region
SPC m f s fill LaTeX section
SPC m p r preview region
SPC m p b preview buffer
SPC m p d preview document
SPC m p e preview environment
SPC m p s preview section
SPC m p p preview at point
SPC m p f cache preamble for preview
SPC m p c clear previews
SPC m v view
SPC m x b make font bold
SPC m x B make font medium weight
SPC m x c make font monospaced (for code)
SPC m x e make font emphasised
SPC m x i make font italic
SPC m x o make font oblique
SPC m x r remove font properties
SPC m x f a use calligraphic font
SPC m x f c use small-caps font
SPC m x f f use sans serif font
SPC m x f n use normal font
SPC m x f r use serif font
SPC m x f u use upright font


Available only when latex-enable-folding is non nil.

Key binding Description
SPC m z = fold TeX math
SPC m z b fold TeX buffer
SPC m z e fold TeX environment
SPC m z m fold TeX macro
SPC m z r fold TeX region


Key binding Description
SPC m r c or with LSP SPC m R c reftex-citation
SPC m r g or with LSP SPC m R g reftex-grep-document
SPC m r i or with LSP SPC m R i reftex-index-selection-or-word
SPC m r I or with LSP SPC m R I reftex-display-index
SPC m r TAB or with LSP SPC m R TAB reftex-index
SPC m r l or with LSP SPC m R l reftex-label
SPC m r p or with LSP SPC m R p reftex-index-phrase-selection-or-word
SPC m r P or with LSP SPC m R P reftex-index-visit-phrases-buffer
SPC m r r or with LSP SPC m R r reftex-reference
SPC m r s or with LSP SPC m R s reftex-search-document
SPC m r t or with LSP SPC m R t reftex-toc
SPC m r T or with LSP SPC m R T reftex-toc-recenter
SPC m r v or with LSP SPC m R v reftex-view-crossref