Thanh Vuong d445857178 [gtags] improve
make bindings stick to minor modes of helm/counsel-gtags-mode not major mode. so
the bindings will only be in force when ggtags-mode is enabled.

deprecate functions spacemacs/counsel-gtags-define-keys-for-mode and
spacemacs/helm-gtags-define-keys-for-mode that add ggtags bindings to major
mode. Next step is to remove these function calls from client layers.
2021-04-15 21:44:46 +02:00

152 lines
5.3 KiB

;;; packages.el --- gtags Layer packages File for Spacemacs
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2021 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; and: Christian E. Hopps <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(defconst gtags-packages
(counsel-gtags :requires ivy)
(helm-gtags :requires helm)
(defun gtags/init-counsel-gtags ()
(use-package counsel-gtags
:defer t
(setq counsel-gtags-ignore-case t
counsel-gtags-auto-update t)
(add-hook 'ggtags-mode-hook 'counsel-gtags-mode)
(add-hook 'ggtags-mode-hook #'spacemacs/counsel-ggtags-set-jump-handler))
;; TODO add mixing commands
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-minor-mode 'counsel-gtags-mode
"gC" 'counsel-gtags-create-tags
"gd" 'counsel-gtags-dwim
;; "gD" 'helm-gtags-find-tag-other-window
"gf" 'counsel-gtags-find-file
;; "gG" 'helm-gtags-dwim-other-window
;; "gi" 'helm-gtags-tags-in-this-function
;; "gl" 'helm-gtags-parse-file
"gn" 'counsel-gtags-go-forward
"gp" 'counsel-gtags-go-backward
"gr" 'counsel-gtags-find-reference
;; "gR" 'helm-gtags-resume
;; "gs" 'helm-gtags-select
;; "gS" 'helm-gtags-show-stack
"gy" 'counsel-gtags-find-symbol
"gu" 'counsel-gtags-update-tags)))
(defun gtags/init-ggtags ()
(use-package ggtags
:defer t
(spacemacs|add-toggle ggtags-mode
:status ggtags-mode
:on (ggtags-mode nil)
:off (ggtags-mode -1)
:documentation "Toggle GNU Global source code tagging system."
;; TODO make a list of all supported major modes by ggtags, check
;; how it is done with evil-cleverparens
;; TODO update the documentation in each supported layers like it
;; has been done with evil-cleverparens and lisp dialects
(asm-mode . "Tg")
(awk-mode . "Tg")
(c-mode . "Tg")
(c++-mode . "Tg")
(clojure-mode . "Tg")
(common-lisp-mode . "Tg")
(compilation-mode . "Tg")
(csharp-mode . "Tg")
(d-mode . "Tg")
(dired-mode . "Tg")
(dos-mode . "Tg")
(elixir-mode . "Tg")
(emacs-lisp-mode . "Tg")
(erlang-mode . "Tg")
(fsharp-mode . "Tg")
(go-mode . "Tg")
(haskell-mode . "Tg")
(java-mode . "Tg")
(js2-mode . "Tg")
(latex-mode . "Tg")
(lua-mode . "Tg")
(ocaml-mode . "Tg")
(octave-mode . "Tg")
(php-mode . "Tg")
(python-mode . "Tg")
(racket-mode . "Tg")
(ruby-mode . "Tg")
(rust-mode . "Tg")
(scala-mode . "Tg")
(scheme-mode . "Tg")
(sh-mode . "Tg")
(shell-mode . "Tg")
(tcl-mode . "Tg")
(vhdl-mode . "Tg")
(vimrc-mode . "Tg")))
(when (configuration-layer/package-used-p 'helm-gtags)
;; If anyone uses helm-gtags, they would want to use these key bindings.
;; These are bound in `ggtags-mode-map', since the functionality of
;; `helm-gtags-mode' is basically entirely contained within
;; `ggtags-mode-map' --- this way we don't have to enable both.
;; Note: all of these functions are autoloadable.
(define-key ggtags-mode-map (kbd "M-.") 'helm-gtags-dwim)
(define-key ggtags-mode-map (kbd "C-x 4 .") 'helm-gtags-find-tag-other-window)
(define-key ggtags-mode-map (kbd "M-,") 'helm-gtags-pop-stack)
(define-key ggtags-mode-map (kbd "M-*") 'helm-gtags-pop-stack))
(spacemacs|diminish ggtags-mode " 🅶" " [g]"))))
(defun gtags/init-helm-gtags ()
(use-package helm-gtags
:defer t
(setq helm-gtags-ignore-case t
helm-gtags-auto-update t
helm-gtags-use-input-at-cursor t
helm-gtags-pulse-at-cursor t)
(add-hook 'ggtags-mode-hook 'helm-gtags-mode)
(add-hook 'ggtags-mode-hook #'spacemacs/helm-ggtags-set-jump-handler))
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-minor-mode 'helm-gtags-mode
"gC" 'helm-gtags-create-tags
"gd" 'helm-gtags-find-tag
"gD" 'helm-gtags-find-tag-other-window
"gf" 'helm-gtags-select-path
"gG" 'helm-gtags-dwim-other-window
"gi" 'helm-gtags-tags-in-this-function
"gl" 'helm-gtags-parse-file
"gn" 'helm-gtags-next-history
"gp" 'helm-gtags-previous-history
"gr" 'helm-gtags-find-rtag
"gR" 'helm-gtags-resume
"gs" 'helm-gtags-select
"gS" 'helm-gtags-show-stack
"gy" 'helm-gtags-find-symbol
"gu" 'helm-gtags-update-tags)))