Bar Magal edb27a089e Create window-purpose layer
- Proper integration with popwin
- Integrate with Helm via helm-purpose
- Integrate with Ivy via ivy-purpose
- Integrate with opening a new eyebrowse workspace
- Enable purpose-x-kill: purpose-aware replacement of a window's buffer
  when a  buffer is killed
2016-10-16 22:25:04 -04:00

243 lines
10 KiB

;;; purpose-popwin.el --- Purpose extension to act like Popwin -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(defconst pupo--direction-to-purpose '((left . popl)
(right . popr)
(top . popt)
(bottom . popb))
"Mapping of popwin positions to purposes.")
(defconst pupo--purposes
(loop for (direction . purpose) in pupo--direction-to-purpose collect purpose)
"List of purposes used to present popwin positions.")
(defvar pupo--windows nil
"List of popup windows.")
(defvar pupo--auto-windows nil
"List of popup windows that should be closed automatically.")
(defvar pupo--saved-buffers nil
"Temporary list of displayed popup buffers.")
(defvar pupo--saved-auto-buffers nil
"Temporary list of non-sticky displayed popup buffers.")
(defun pupo//popup-function (position size)
"Generate a display function to create a popup window.
POSITION should be one of bottom, top, left and right.
SIZE should be either a positive number of nil. Size is interpreted as
width or height depending on POSITION."
(let* ((size (cl-case position
('left (purpose--normalize-width (or size
('right (purpose--normalize-width (or size
('top (purpose--normalize-height (or size
('bottom (purpose--normalize-height (or size
(size (when size (- size)))
(side (cl-case position
('left 'left)
('right 'right)
('top 'above)
('bottom 'below))))
(lambda (buffer alist)
(let ((window (ignore-errors
(split-window (frame-root-window) size side))))
(when window
(purpose-change-buffer buffer window 'window alist))))))
(defun pupo//position-to-display-function (position width height)
"Generate a display function for creating a popup window.
POSITION defaults to bottom.
WIDTH and HEIGHT should be either a positive number or nil."
(cl-case (or position 'bottom)
((left right) (pupo//popup-function position width))
((top bottom) (pupo//popup-function position height))))
(defun pupo//position-to-purpose (position)
"Translate POSITION to a purpose.
Direction -> purpose:
left -> popl
right -> popr
top -> popt
bottom -> popb
POSITION defaults to bottom."
(cl-case (or position 'bottom)
;; names are short so they don't take much room in the mode-line
('left 'popl)
('right 'popr)
('top 'popt)
('bottom 'popb)))
(defun pupo//actions (settings)
"Generate list of display functions for displaying a popup window.
SETTINGS is the settings for the popup buffer, and corresponds to what
popwin calls \"config keywords\"."
(delq nil
(list #'purpose-display-reuse-window-buffer
(unless (plist-get settings :dedicated)
(pupo//position-to-display-function (plist-get settings :position)
(plist-get settings :width)
(plist-get settings :height)))))
(defun pupo/display-condition (_purpose buffer _alist)
"A condition to be used in `purpose-special-action-sequences'.
Return non-nil if BUFFER is a popup buffer, according to the settings in
See `purpose-special-action-sequences' for a description of _PURPOSE,
(popwin:match-config buffer))
(defun pupo/display-function (buffer alist)
"A display function to be used in `purpose-special-action-sequences'.
Display BUFFER as a popup buffer, according to the settings in
See `purpose-special-action-sequences' for a description of BUFFER and
(do ((display-fns (pupo//actions (cdr (popwin:match-config buffer)))
(cdr display-fns))
(window nil (and display-fns (funcall (car display-fns) buffer alist))))
((or window (null display-fns)) window)))
(defun pupo/after-display (window)
"Additional initialization for popup windows.
Sets properties for WINDOW and updates some variables, if WINDOW is a
popup window.
This function should be hooked to `purpose-display-buffer-functions'."
(let* ((buffer (window-buffer window))
(config (popwin:match-config buffer))
(settings (cdr (popwin:listify config))))
(when config
(setq pupo--windows (delete window pupo--windows))
(push window pupo--windows)
(when (plist-get settings :dedicated)
(set-window-dedicated-p window t))
(unless (plist-get settings :stick)
(push window pupo--auto-windows))
(unless (or (minibuffer-window-active-p (selected-window))
(plist-get settings :noselect))
;; popwin selects window unless :noselect is t
;; in contrast, popwin doesn't prevent selection when :noselect is nil
(select-window window))
;; make \\[C-g] delete last popup window
(global-set-key [remap keyboard-quit] #'pupo/close-window))))
(defun pupo//safe-delete-window (&optional window)
"Delete WINDOW if possible.
Return t if successful, nil otherwise.
WINDOW defaults to the selected window."
(ignore-errors (delete-window window) t))
(defun pupo/auto-delete-windows (window)
"Delete all non-sticky popup windows, unless WINDOW is a popup window.
This function should be hooked to `purpose-display-buffer-functions'."
(unless (member (purpose-window-purpose window) pupo--purposes)
(mapc #'pupo//safe-delete-window pupo--auto-windows)
(setq pupo--auto-windows nil)))
(defun pupo/close-window ()
"Close most recent popup window.
This command can be used repeatedly to close all popup windows."
(let ((searching t))
(while (and pupo--windows searching)
(when (window-live-p (car pupo--windows))
(pupo//safe-delete-window (car pupo--windows))
(setq searching nil))
(pop pupo--windows))
(unless pupo--windows
;; no more popup windows, revert \\[C-g] to `keyboard-quit'
(global-set-key [remap keyboard-quit] nil))))
(defun pupo/close-all-windows ()
"Close all popup windows."
(dolist (purpose pupo--purposes)
(mapc #'pupo//safe-delete-window (purpose-windows-with-purpose purpose))))
(defun pupo/popwin-config-to-purpose-config ()
"Create a purpose configuration matching current popwin's settings.
Return a `purpose-conf' object.
Popwin's settings are taken from `popwin:special-display-config'."
(let (mode-purposes name-purposes regexp-purposes)
(loop for config-entry in popwin:special-display-config
for (pattern . settings) = (popwin:listify config-entry)
(push (cons pattern
(pupo//position-to-purpose (plist-get settings :position)))
(cond ((symbolp pattern) mode-purposes)
((plist-get settings :regexp) regexp-purposes)
(t name-purposes))))
(purpose-conf "pupo"
:mode-purposes mode-purposes
:name-purposes name-purposes
:regexp-purposes regexp-purposes)))
(defun pupo/update-purpose-config ()
"Update purpose configuration according to current popwin's settings.
Popwin's settings are taken from `popwin:special-display-config'."
(purpose-set-extension-configuration :pupo (pupo/popwin-config-to-purpose-config)))
(define-minor-mode pupo-mode
"Minor mode for combining `purpose-mode' and `popwin-mode'."
:global t
(if pupo-mode
(push '(pupo/display-condition pupo/display-function)
(add-hook 'purpose-display-buffer-functions #'pupo/after-display)
(add-hook 'purpose-display-buffer-functions #'pupo/auto-delete-windows))
(purpose-del-extension-configuration :pupo)
(setq purpose-special-action-sequences
(delete '(pupo/display-condition pupo/display-function)
(remove-hook 'purpose-display-buffer-functions #'pupo/after-display)
(remove-hook 'purpose-display-buffer-functions #'pupo/auto-delete-windows)))
(defadvice popwin:create-popup-window (before pupo/before-popwin-create)
"Save current popup windows for later restoration.
The windows are restored in `pupo/after-popwin-create'.
Note that the windows themselves aren't saved, but some internal
variables are updated instead."
(setq pupo--saved-buffers (mapcar #'window-buffer pupo--windows))
(setq pupo--saved-auto-buffers (mapcar #'window-buffer pupo--auto-windows)))
(defadvice popwin:create-popup-window (after pupo/after-popwin-create)
"Restore popup windows.
The windows were saved in `pupo/before-popwin-create'.
Note that the windows themselves aren't restored, but some internal
variables are updated instead."
(setq pupo--windows nil)
(loop for buffer in pupo--saved-buffers
do (setq pupo--windows
(append pupo--windows
(get-buffer-window-list buffer))))
(setq pupo--auto-windows nil)
(loop for buffer in pupo--saved-auto-buffers
do (setq pupo--auto-windows
(append pupo--auto-windows
(get-buffer-window-list buffer)))))
(defun pupo/sync-advices ()
(if pupo-mode
(ad-enable-advice 'popwin:create-popup-window 'before 'pupo/before-popwin-create)
(ad-enable-advice 'popwin:create-popup-window 'after 'pupo/after-popwin-create)
(ad-update 'popwin:create-popup-window)
(ad-activate 'popwin:create-popup-window))
(ad-disable-advice 'popwin:create-popup-window 'before 'pupo/before-popwin-create)
(ad-disable-advice 'popwin:create-popup-window 'after 'pupo/after-popwin-create)
(ad-update 'popwin:create-popup-window)))
(add-hook 'pupo-mode-hook #'pupo/sync-advices)
(provide 'purpose-popwin)
;;; purpose-popwin.el ends here