syl20bnr ebe4c60264 Revert "Defer packages by default using use-package-always-defer"
This reverts commit 29c78ce841 and all other fixes
that have been made afterwards.

The motivation is that use-package is seen by many as a replacement for
`require`. Is use-package always defer the loading of packages then is breaks
this use case, this does not respect POLA so even if it was making Spacemacs
loading faster (up to 3s faster on some startup on my machine) we just cannot
use it, it would be irresponsible. Spacemacs should be easy to use, loading
performance will come with time but it is not a priority.
2018-03-03 23:40:10 -05:00

235 lines
8.1 KiB

;;; packages.el --- Git Layer packages File for Spacemacs
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(setq git-packages
(helm-gitignore :requires helm)
;; not compatible with magit 2.1 at the time of release
;; magit-svn
(orgit :requires org)
(defun git/pre-init-evil-magit ()
(spacemacs|use-package-add-hook magit
(when (spacemacs//support-evilified-buffer-p dotspacemacs-editing-style)
(evil-define-key 'motion magit-mode-map
(kbd dotspacemacs-leader-key) spacemacs-default-map)))
(defun git/init-evil-magit ()
(use-package evil-magit
:defer t
:init (add-hook 'spacemacs-editing-style-hook
(defun git/post-init-fill-column-indicator ()
(add-hook 'git-commit-mode-hook 'fci-mode))
(defun git/init-helm-gitignore ()
(use-package helm-gitignore
:defer t
:init (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "gI" 'helm-gitignore)))
(defun git/init-git-commit ()
(use-package git-commit
:defer t))
(defun git/init-git-link ()
(use-package git-link
:defer t
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "gl" "links")
"gll" 'spacemacs/git-link
"glL" 'spacemacs/git-link-copy-url-only
"glc" 'spacemacs/git-link-commit
"glC" 'spacemacs/git-link-commit-copy-url-only)
;; default is to open the generated link
(setq git-link-open-in-browser t))))
(defun git/init-git-messenger ()
(use-package git-messenger
:defer t
:init (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "gM" 'git-messenger:popup-message)
:config (define-key git-messenger-map [escape] 'git-messenger:popup-close)))
(defun git/init-git-timemachine ()
(use-package git-timemachine
:defer t
:commands spacemacs/time-machine-transient-state/body
"gt" 'spacemacs/time-machine-transient-state/body)
(spacemacs|define-transient-state time-machine
:title "Git Timemachine Transient State"
:doc "
[_p_/_N_] previous [_n_] next [_c_] current [_g_] goto nth rev [_Y_] copy hash [_q_] quit"
:on-enter (let (golden-ratio-mode)
(unless (bound-and-true-p git-timemachine-mode)
(call-interactively 'git-timemachine)))
:on-exit (when (bound-and-true-p git-timemachine-mode)
:foreign-keys run
("c" git-timemachine-show-current-revision)
("g" git-timemachine-show-nth-revision)
("p" git-timemachine-show-previous-revision)
("n" git-timemachine-show-next-revision)
("N" git-timemachine-show-previous-revision)
("Y" git-timemachine-kill-revision)
("q" nil :exit t)))))
(defun git/init-gitattributes-mode ()
(use-package gitattributes-mode
:defer t))
(defun git/init-gitconfig-mode ()
(use-package gitconfig-mode
:defer t))
(defun git/init-gitignore-mode ()
(use-package gitignore-mode
:defer t))
(defun git/init-magit ()
(use-package magit
:defer t
(setq magit-completing-read-function
(if (configuration-layer/layer-used-p 'ivy)
(setq magit-revision-show-gravatars '("^Author: " . "^Commit: "))
;; On Windows, we must use Git GUI to enter username and password
;; See:
(when (eq window-system 'w32)
(setenv "GIT_ASKPASS" "git-gui--askpass"))
;; key bindings
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "gd" "diff")
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "gf" "file")
"gb" 'spacemacs/git-blame-micro-state
"gc" 'magit-clone
"gff" 'magit-find-file
"gfh" 'magit-log-buffer-file
"gi" 'magit-init
"gL" 'magit-list-repositories
"gm" 'magit-dispatch-popup
"gs" 'magit-status
"gS" 'magit-stage-file
"gU" 'magit-unstage-file)
;; transient state
;; TODO use transient state instead of old micro-state, IIRC we continue
;; to use micro-state because of the re-entry keyword :on-enter which is
;; not available in transient state
(spacemacs|define-micro-state git-blame
:title "Git Blame Transient State"
:doc "
Press [_b_] again to blame further in the history, [_q_] to go up or quit."
:on-enter (let (golden-ratio-mode)
(unless (bound-and-true-p magit-blame-mode)
(call-interactively 'magit-blame)))
:foreign-keys run
("b" magit-blame)
;; here we use the :exit keyword because we should exit the
;; micro-state only if the magit-blame-quit effectively disable
;; the magit-blame mode.
("q" nil :exit (progn (when (bound-and-true-p magit-blame-mode)
(not (bound-and-true-p magit-blame-mode))))))
;; seems to be necessary at the time of release
(require 'git-rebase)
;; bind function keys
;; (define-key magit-mode-map (kbd "<tab>") 'magit-section-toggle)
(evilified-state-evilify-map magit-repolist-mode-map
:mode magit-repolist-mode
(kbd "gr") 'magit-list-repositories
(kbd "RET") 'magit-repolist-status)
;; confirm/abort
(when dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key
(add-hook 'with-editor-mode-hook 'evil-normalize-keymaps)
(let ((mm-key dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key))
(dolist (state '(normal motion))
(evil-define-key state with-editor-mode-map
(concat mm-key mm-key) 'with-editor-finish
(concat mm-key "a") 'with-editor-cancel
(concat mm-key "c") 'with-editor-finish
(concat mm-key "k") 'with-editor-cancel))))
;; whitespace
(define-key magit-status-mode-map (kbd "C-S-w")
;; full screen magit-status
(when git-magit-status-fullscreen
(setq magit-display-buffer-function 'magit-display-buffer-fullframe-status-v1)))))
(defun git/init-magit-gitflow ()
(use-package magit-gitflow
:commands turn-on-magit-gitflow
:init (progn
(add-hook 'magit-mode-hook 'turn-on-magit-gitflow)
(with-eval-after-load 'magit
(define-key magit-mode-map "%" 'magit-gitflow-popup)))
:config (spacemacs|diminish magit-gitflow-mode "Flow")))
(defun git/init-magit-svn ()
(use-package magit-svn
:if git-enable-magit-svn-plugin
:commands turn-on-magit-svn
:init (add-hook 'magit-mode-hook 'turn-on-magit-svn)
(evil-define-key 'emacs magit-status-mode-map
"N" 'magit-key-mode-popup-svn))))
(defun git/init-orgit ())
(defun git/init-smeargle ()
(use-package smeargle
:defer t
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "gH" "highlight")
(when (configuration-layer/package-used-p 'which-key)
;; TODO abstract this to a function
(let ((descr
'(("smeargle" . "highlight by last update time")
("smeargle-commits" . "highlight by age of changes")
("smeargle-clear" . "clear"))))
(dolist (nd descr)
;; ensure the target matches the whole string
(push (cons (cons nil (concat "\\`" (car nd) "\\'")) (cons nil (cdr nd)))
"gHc" 'smeargle-clear
"gHh" 'smeargle-commits
"gHt" 'smeargle))))