Lucius Hu 49d1eaed50 rust and lsp: better integration of lsp-rust-analyzer-reload-workspace
- Introduced a new command cargo-process-outdated
- Certain commands are known to change Cargo.toml and needs to reload workspace,
  wrapper functions that automatically reload workspace are added.
  - spacemacs/cargo-process-add
  - spacemacs/cargo-process-rm
  - spacemacs/cargo-process-outdated
- Added a layer variable for rust layer, cargo-process-reload-on-modify,
  which toggle the aforementioned behaviour.
- Added a new utility function in LSP layer, which returns server ID associated
  with current project.
  - spacemacs//lsp-client-server-id
- Rearranged keybindings for rust layers (see table below for details)

Commands wrapped with auto-reload functionality:

|Command                  |Binding      |
|`cargo-process-repeat`   |`SPC m c .`  |
|`cargo-process-add`      |`SPC m c a`  |
|`cargo-process-rm`       |`SPC m c r`  |
|`cargo-process-upgrade`  |`SPC m c U`  |

Commands with new bindings:

|Command                            |Old Binding |New Binding |
|`cargo-process-search`             |`SPC m c s` |`SPC m c /` |
|`cargo-process-fmt`                |`SPC m c f` |`SPC m c =` |
|`cargo-process-current-file-tests` |`SPC m c o` |`SPC m t b` |
|`cargo-process-current-test`       |`SPC m c t` |`SPC m t t` |
|`cargo-process-test`               |`SPC m t`   |`SPC m t a` |
2021-04-09 21:56:22 +02:00

8.6 KiB

Rust layer



This layer supports Rust development in Spacemacs.




To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add rust to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

Choosing a backend

To choose a default backend set the layer variable rust-backend:

  (rust :variables rust-backend 'racer)

Alternatively the lsp backend will be automatically chosen if the layer lsp is used and you did not specify any value for rust-backend.

Backend can be chosen on a per project basis using directory local variables (files named .dir-locals.el at the root of a project), an example to use the lsp backend:

  ;;; Directory Local Variables
  ;;; For more information see (info "(emacs) Directory Variables")

  ((rust-mode (rust-backend . lsp)))

Note: you can easily add a directory local variable with SPC f v d.


You must install Racer to use this backend. Make sure the racer binary is available in your PATH and to set the environment variable RUST_SRC_PATH, as described in the installation instructions.

To enable auto-completion, ensure that the auto-completion layer is enabled.


You must add lsp to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers in your ~/.spacemacs.

Consult the installation command for the desired language server found at lsp-mode for instructions.

The default LSP server for Rust is rls, i.e. rust language server. To choose the experimental rust-analyzer, you need to set the layer variable lsp-rust-server of lsp layer:

  (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
                 '(lsp :variables lsp-rust-server 'rust-analyzer))
Switch to another LSP server

If both rls and rust-analyzer server are installed, you can press SPC m s s to switch to another LSP server backend.


To enable auto-completion, ensure that the auto-completion layer is enabled.

By default, currently Racer is the only code completion backend of rls, so you also need to install it.

Debugger (dap integration)

To install the debug adapter you may run M-x dap-gdb-lldb-setup when you are on Linux or download it manually from Native Debug and adjust dap-gdb-lldb-path.

Automatically Reload Workspace

When the LSP server is rust-analyzer, it may needs to reload the workspace to pickup changes made in Cargo.toml. You can call spacemacs/lsp-rust-analyzer-reload-workspace, which would be faster than restarting the LSP backend.

You can also set cargo-process-reload-on-modify to t, then it will automatically reload the workspace after one of the following is run:

  • cargo-process-add
  • cargo-process-rm
  • cargo-process-upgrade
  (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
                 '(lsp :variables lsp-rust-server 'rust-analyzer
                                  cargo-process-reload-on-modify t))


Cargo is a project management command line tool for Rust. Installation instructions can be found on the main page of Cargo.


cargo-edit allows you to add, remove, and upgrade dependencies by modifying your Cargo.toml file.

  cargo install cargo-edit


cargo-audit audits Cargo.lock files for crates with security vulnerabilities.

  cargo install cargo-audit


cargo-outdated displays dependencies that have new version available.

  cargo install cargo-outdated


Format Rust code according to style guidelines using rustfmt.

  rustup component add rustfmt

To enable automatic buffer formatting on save, set the variable rust-format-on-save to t.


Clippy provides a collection of lints to to catch common mistakes and improve your code.

  rustup component add clippy

Key bindings

Key binding Description
SPC m = = reformat the buffer
SPC m b R reload Rust-Analyzer workspace
SPC m c . repeat the last Cargo command
SPC m c / search for packages on with Cargo
SPC m c = format all project files with rustfmt
SPC m c a add a new dependency with cargo-edit
SPC m c A audit dependencies for known vulnerability with cargo-audit
SPC m c c compile project
SPC m c C remove build artifacts
SPC m c d generate documentation
SPC m c D generate documentation and open it in default browser
SPC m c e run benchmarks
SPC m c E run a project example
SPC m c i initialise a new project with Cargo (init)
SPC m c l run linter (cargo-clippy)
SPC m c n create a new project with Cargo (new)
SPC m c o display outdated dependencies (cargo-outdated)
SPC m c r remove a dependency with cargo-edit
SPC m c u update dependencies with Cargo
SPC m c U upgrade dependencies to LATEST version with cargo-edit
SPC m c v check (verify) a project with Cargo
SPC m c x execute the default binary
SPC m c X execute a specific binary
SPC m g g jump to definition
SPC m h h describe symbol at point
SPC m s s switch to other LSP server backend
SPC m t a test current project
SPC m t t run the current test
SPC m t b run all tests in current buffe


Using the dap layer you'll get access to all the DAP key bindings, see the complete list of key bindings on the dap layer description.