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BibTeX layer



BibTeX and BibLaTeX files are a common way to manage bibliographies. The format was original designed to work with LaTeX files and subsequently has been adopted by other markup formats such as MarkDown and Org mode.

This layer adds support to manipulate BibTeX and BibLaTeX files in Spacemacs.


  • Syntax highlighting for BibTeX and BibLaTeX files.
  • Utilities for automatically adding entries from different data sources.
  • Support for inserting citations in various other modes.
  • Optionally install full fledged ebib reference manager


To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add bibtex to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.


This layer also supports having a global BibTeX file. For a basic configuration, add this to your ~/.spacemacs inside dotspacemacs/user-config:

  (setq org-ref-default-bibliography '("~/Papers/references.bib")
        org-ref-pdf-directory "~/Papers/"
        org-ref-bibliography-notes "~/Papers/")

Certain modes, such as latex-mode with AucTeX, will automatically lookup references in a document if any of the recognized bibliography commands are used. Other modes may have a similar feature, or one could always set file-local variables (through SPC f v f).

You can also customize which program is used to display the PDFs. For example, to use Zathura:

  (setq org-ref-open-pdf-function
    (lambda (fpath)
      (start-process "zathura" "*helm-bibtex-zathura*" "/usr/bin/zathura" fpath)))

More configuration options are available and are detailed in the org-ref, helm-bibtex, ivy-bibtex and biblio package documentations.

Ebib and biblio

To enable installation of the ebib reference manager set the variable bibtex-enable-ebib-support as shown in the following code block:

  (bibtex :variables
          bibtex-enable-ebib-support t
          ebib-preload-bib-files '("path-to-bib-file.bib")
          ebib-file-search-dirs '("/path-to-documents-directory")
          ebib-import-directory "path-to-e.g.-download-directory")

The code block also shows how to set some optional ebib variables.

With the installation of the ebib package, Spacemacs automatically loads the ebib-biblio package that uses the biblio package to provide an easy way of fetching citations from the web into the database (follow the links to the packages additional descriptions and usage instructions).

Key bindings

In a Bib(La)TeX file, the following key bindings are added:

Key binding Description
SPC m j / g j / C-j Next entry
SPC m k / g k / C-k Previous entry
SPC m p Open PDF
SPC m n Open notes
SPC m b Open browser
SPC m i Insert new entry
SPC m s Sort entry
SPC m h Various actions on entry
SPC m m Manage bibtex library
SPC m l a Lookup and add arXiv paper (don't get PDF)
SPC m l A Lookup and add arXiv paper (download PDF)
SPC m l d Lookup and add paper by DOI
SPC m l i Lookup and add book by ISBN
SPC m l p Lookup and add paper by PMID

In addition, org-mode, latex-mode and markdown-mode all have the following key binding added:

Key binding Description
SPC m i c Insert citation


Index buffer

Key binding Description
J/K scroll page down/up
g j jump to entry (searches only author and title fields)
SPC u g j jump to entry (only) in current database
/ ebib-search (searches in all fields)
n ebib-search-next
e switch to entry buffer
SPC m k delete current entry
SPC m b fetch current entry bibtex from web
q quit ebib

Entry buffer

q quit entry buffer

Biblio selection buffer

e import entry to current database (requires 'active' database in ebib index buffer)
C-j Next entry
C-k Previous entry