aijony 6acf33263f Fix and update eshell's clear features
Modify the default behavior for eshell's clear functionality.

 - Make eshell `clear RET` _similar_ to `C-l`
   - `clear RET` is eshell/clear
   - `C-l` is eshell-clear-stroke
 - Prevent `C-l` clearing cycle
 - Prevent `clear RET` inserting a page of white-space
 - Prevent duplicate insert lines from `clear RET`
 - Make eshell-clear-keystroke that is dependent on eshell/clear
 - Load both after eshell is initialized to prevent them from being overwritten

This fixes #5424, fixes #5419

Modify eshell clear statements load position

Change the clear statements load position from after loading eshell to
after enabling eshell.
This produces the same result, but is cleaner.
Note, they _cannot_ be defined before eshell loads, otherwise they are overwritten.

Refactor eshell-clear-keystroke to spacemacs/eshell-clear-keystroke

- Reduce steps needed to access clear command with define key
- Rename function to match naming conventions
  - The function shouldn't be accessed from the shell prompt
    - So not eshell/clear-keystroke
  - The function isn't from eshell.el
    - So not eshell-clear-keystroke
      - However, eshell/clear should be since it is overwriting a command
2017-04-12 23:27:07 -04:00

173 lines
6.4 KiB

;;; funcs.el --- Shell Layer functions File
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(defun spacemacs/projectile-shell-pop ()
"Open a term buffer at projectile project root."
(let ((default-directory (projectile-project-root)))
(call-interactively 'spacemacs/default-pop-shell)))
(defun spacemacs/disable-hl-line-mode ()
"Locally disable global-hl-line-mode"
(setq-local global-hl-line-mode nil))
(defun spacemacs/init-eshell-xterm-color ()
"Initialize xterm coloring for eshell"
(setq-local xterm-color-preserve-properties t)
(make-local-variable 'eshell-preoutput-filter-functions)
(add-hook 'eshell-preoutput-filter-functions 'xterm-color-filter)
(setq-local eshell-output-filter-functions
(remove 'eshell-handle-ansi-color
(defun ansi-term-handle-close ()
"Close current term buffer when `exit' from term buffer."
(when (ignore-errors (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
(set-process-sentinel (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
(lambda (proc change)
(when (string-match "\\(finished\\|exited\\)"
(kill-buffer (process-buffer proc))
(when (> (count-windows) 1)
(defun spacemacs/default-pop-shell ()
"Open the default shell in a popup."
(let ((shell (if (eq 'multi-term shell-default-shell)
(call-interactively (intern (format "spacemacs/shell-pop-%S" shell)))))
(defmacro make-shell-pop-command (func &optional shell)
"Create a function to open a shell via the function FUNC.
SHELL is the SHELL function to use (i.e. when FUNC represents a terminal)."
(let* ((name (symbol-name func)))
`(defun ,(intern (concat "spacemacs/shell-pop-" name)) (index)
,(format (concat "Toggle a popup window with `%S'.\n"
"Multiple shells can be opened with a numerical prefix "
"argument. Using the universal prefix argument will "
"open the shell in the current buffer instead of a "
"popup buffer.") func)
(interactive "P")
(require 'shell-pop)
(if (equal '(4) index)
;; no popup
(,func ,shell)
(backquote (,name
,(concat "*" name "*")
(lambda nil (,func ,shell)))))
(shell-pop index)))))
(defun projectile-multi-term-in-root ()
"Invoke `multi-term' in the project's root."
(projectile-with-default-dir (projectile-project-root) (multi-term)))
(defun spacemacs//toggle-shell-auto-completion-based-on-path ()
"Deactivates automatic completion on remote paths.
Retrieving completions for Eshell blocks Emacs. Over remote
connections the delay is often annoying, so it's better to let
the user activate the completion manually."
(if (file-remote-p default-directory)
(setq-local company-idle-delay nil)
(setq-local company-idle-delay 0.2)))
(defun spacemacs//eshell-switch-company-frontend ()
"Sets the company frontend to `company-preview-frontend' in e-shell mode."
(setq-local company-frontends '(company-preview-frontend)))
(defun spacemacs//eshell-auto-end ()
"Move point to end of current prompt when switching to insert state."
(when (and (eq major-mode 'eshell-mode)
;; Not on last line, we might want to edit within it.
(not (eq (line-end-position) (point-max))))
(defun spacemacs//protect-eshell-prompt ()
"Protect Eshell's prompt like Comint's prompts.
E.g. `evil-change-whole-line' won't wipe the prompt. This
is achieved by adding the relevant text properties."
(let ((inhibit-field-text-motion t))
'(rear-nonsticky t
inhibit-line-move-field-capture t
field output
read-only t
front-sticky (field inhibit-line-move-field-capture)))))
(defun spacemacs//init-eshell ()
"Stuff to do when enabling eshell."
(setq pcomplete-cycle-completions nil)
(if (bound-and-true-p linum-mode) (linum-mode -1))
(unless shell-enable-smart-eshell
;; we don't want auto-jump to prompt when smart eshell is enabled.
;; Idea: maybe we could make auto-jump smarter and jump only if
;; point is not on a prompt line
(add-hook 'evil-insert-state-entry-hook
'spacemacs//eshell-auto-end nil t)
(add-hook 'evil-hybrid-state-entry-hook
'spacemacs//eshell-auto-end nil t))
(when (configuration-layer/package-usedp 'semantic)
(semantic-mode -1))
;; This is an eshell alias
(defun eshell/clear ()
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
;; This is a key-command
(defun spacemacs/eshell-clear-keystroke ()
"Allow for keystrokes to invoke eshell/clear"
;; Caution! this will erase buffer's content at C-l
(define-key eshell-mode-map (kbd "C-l") 'spacemacs/eshell-clear-keystroke)
(define-key eshell-mode-map (kbd "C-d") 'eshell-delchar-or-maybe-eof))
(defun spacemacs/helm-eshell-history ()
"Correctly revert to insert state after selection."
(defun spacemacs/helm-shell-history ()
"Correctly revert to insert state after selection."
(defun spacemacs/init-helm-eshell ()
"Initialize helm-eshell."
;; this is buggy for now
;; (define-key eshell-mode-map (kbd "<tab>") 'helm-esh-pcomplete)
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'eshell-mode
"H" 'spacemacs/helm-eshell-history)
(define-key eshell-mode-map
(kbd "M-l") 'spacemacs/helm-eshell-history))
(defun multiterm (_)
"Wrapper to be able to call multi-term from shell-pop"
(defun term-send-tab ()
"Send tab in term mode."
(term-send-raw-string "\t"))