syl20bnr d4b931e935 notmuch: refactor layer
- Make the notmuch layer more idiomatic.
- Move org related stuff to a use-package hook for org.
- Simplify configuration of helm and ivy
- Sort package config
- Move sections in README to avoid repetition of Evilified State sections
- Add docstrings to functions and use // convention for private function names
2018-01-06 23:50:52 -05:00

122 lines
4.6 KiB

;;; packages.el --- Notmuch Layer packages File for Spacemacs
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(setq notmuch-packages
(counsel-notmuch :requires ivy
:location (recipe :fetcher github
:repo "fuxialexander/counsel-notmuch"))
(helm-notmuch :reuiqres helm)
(defun notmuch/init-counsel-notmuch ()
(use-package counsel-notmuch
:defer t
:init (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "aNn" 'counsel-notmuch)))
(defun notmuch/init-helm-notmuch ()
(use-package helm-notmuch
:defer t
:init (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "aNn" 'helm-notmuch)))
(defun notmuch/init-notmuch ()
(use-package notmuch
:defer t
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "aN" "notmuch")
"aNN" 'notmuch
"aNi" 'spacemacs/notmuch-inbox
"aNj" 'notmuch-jump-search
"aNs" 'notmuch-search)
;; fixes: killing a notmuch buffer does not show the previous buffer
(push "\\*notmuch.+\\*" spacemacs-useful-buffers-regexp))
(dolist (prefix '(("ms" . "stash")
("mp" . "part")
("mP" . "patch")))
(spacemacs/declare-prefix-for-mode 'notmuch-show-mode
(car prefix) (cdr prefix)))
;; key bindings
(evil-define-key 'visual notmuch-search-mode-map
"*" 'notmuch-search-tag-all
"a" 'notmuch-search-archive-thread
"-" 'notmuch-search-remove-tag
"+" 'notmuch-search-add-tag)
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'notmuch-show-mode
"a" 'notmuch-show-save-attachments
;; part
"pm" 'notmuch-show-choose-mime-of-part
"p|" 'notmuch-show-pipe-part
"po" 'notmuch-show-interactively-view-part
"pv" 'notmuch-show-view-part
"ps" 'notmuch-show-save-part
;; stash
"sG" 'notmuch-show-stash-git-send-email
"sL" 'notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link-and-go
"sl" 'notmuch-show-stash-mlarchive-link
"st" 'notmuch-show-stash-to
"sT" 'notmuch-show-stash-tags
"ss" 'notmuch-show-stash-subject
"sI" 'notmuch-show-stash-message-id-stripped
"si" 'notmuch-show-stash-message-id
"sf" 'notmuch-show-stash-from
"sF" 'notmuch-show-stash-filename
"sd" 'notmuch-show-stash-date
"sc" 'notmuch-show-stash-cc
;; patch
"Po" 'spacemacs/notmuch-show-open-github-patch
"Pa" 'spacemacs/notmuch-git-apply-patch
"PA" 'spacemacs/notmuch-git-apply-patch-part)
;; evilified maps
(evilified-state-evilify-map notmuch-hello-mode-map
:mode notmuch-hello-mode)
(evilified-state-evilify-map notmuch-show-mode-map
:mode notmuch-show-mode
;; In notmuch-show-mode n would be bound to `notmuch-show-next-message`
;; but the evilified state moves the `n' bound function to C-n while
;; it's counterpart `notmuch-show-previous-message` remains bound to
;; `p'. Adding a binding for the previous function to `C-p' becomes
;; handy while navigation messages back and forth.
(kbd "C-p") 'notmuch-show-previous-message
(kbd "n") 'notmuch-show-next-open-message
(kbd "o") 'notmuch-show-open-or-close-all
(kbd "O") 'spacemacs/notmuch-show-close-all)
(evilified-state-evilify-map notmuch-tree-mode-map
:mode notmuch-tree-mode
(kbd "d") 'spacemacs/notmuch-message-delete-down
(kbd "D") 'spacemacs/notmuch-message-delete-up
(kbd "M") 'compose-mail-other-frame)
(evilified-state-evilify-map notmuch-search-mode-map
:mode notmuch-search-mode
(kbd "a") 'spacemacs/notmuch-search-archive-thread-down
(kbd "A") 'spacemacs/notmuch-search-archive-thread-up
(kbd "d") 'spacemacs/notmuch-message-delete-down
(kbd "D") 'spacemacs/notmuch-message-delete-up
(kbd "J") 'notmuch-jump-search
(kbd "L") 'notmuch-search-filter
(kbd "gg") 'notmuch-search-first-thread
(kbd "gr") 'notmuch-refresh-this-buffer
(kbd "gR") 'notmuch-refresh-all-buffers
(kbd "G") 'notmuch-search-last-thread
(kbd "M") 'compose-mail-other-frame))))
(defun notmuch/pre-init-org ()
(spacemacs|use-package-add-hook org
:post-config (require 'org-notmuch)))