2014-11-27 00:33:55 -05:00
packages.el Add evil-search support in paradox buffer 2014-11-27 00:33:55 -05:00 Add Paradox (list-packages replacement) with GPG Auth 2014-11-26 22:46:56 -05:00


This contrib layer switches the old list-packages for the more feature rich Paradox package. you can find more info here. Important this will override your old list-packages.


You can do SPC a P to open paradox-list-packages. Sad part is that for now you can only swap to evil-emacs-state C-z and navigate with n and p, other helpful tips show when you press h. Refer to the github page of the package for more info.

Repo stars

To be able to star packages you have to create a github token and only add Read permissions to your public repos then you set it in your configuration files like this:

  (setq paradox-github-token "<replace your token here>")


If you are feeling like so, create a .authinfo.gpg file in your home directory. (With Emacs, obviously... C-x C-f ~/.authinfo.gpg RET).

The contents of this file follow netrc guidelines. You should have a file like this:

machine user paradox password <here goes your token without quotes> port paradox 

And then proceed to save that buffer. Just going for OK in the pop up menu is OK. Enter your super secure password and now you have your GitHub token being accesed securely ( even though you only gave permissions to read your public repos, I'm sure I'll find another use for this code later)