David King 6b7aee200b Update Scheme docs to curl over https
Felt more comfortable running this over https. Not sure what the risks
are of piping files into a root privilege tar process, but the server
supports it so may as well use it.
2016-03-01 18:50:32 +01:00
packages.el Register all REPLs and make SPC m ' bindings 2016-01-31 23:39:25 -05:00 Update Scheme docs to curl over https 2016-03-01 18:50:32 +01:00

Scheme layer


A spacemacs contribution layer providing Scheme support via Geiser.


The scheme layer currently supports: Chicken and Guile. Combined usage of racket-mode and geiser has not been tested.

To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add scheme to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

For full Chicken support, the following commands should be run:

  $ chicken-install -s apropos chicken-doc
  $ cd `csi -p '(chicken-home)'`
  $ curl | sudo tar zx

Key Bindings


Key Binding Description
SPC m c c Compile current buffer
SPC m c p Add directory to load path


Key Binding Description
SPC m g g Goto Definition
SPC m g b Go Back
SPC m g m Goto Module
SPC m g n Goto next error
SPC m g N Goto previous error


Key Binding Description
SPC m h h Docs for symbol at point
SPC m h d Look up manual entry for symbol at point
SPC m h m Display exports for module
SPC m h < Display callers
SPC m h > Display callees


Key Binding Description
SPC m i l Insert Lambda


Key Binding Description
SPC m m e Macroexpand last sexp
SPC m m f Macroexpand surrounding sexp
SPC m m r Macroexpand region


Key Binding Description
SPC m s i Start or switch to the REPL
SPC m s s Select Scheme implementation
SPC m s b Send buffer to the REPL
SPC m s B Send buffer to the REPL and focus it
SPC m s f Send definition to the REPL
SPC m s F Send definition to the REPL and focus it
SPC m s e Send last sexp to the REPL
SPC m s r Send region to the REPL
SPC m s R Send region to the REPL and focus it


Key Binding Description
SPC m e b Evaluate the whole buffer
SPC m e e Evaluate last sexp
SPC m e f Evaluate current function
SPC m e l Evaluate line
SPC m e r Evaluate region