Maximilian Wolff 0bcfec3afb
[restructuredtext] Disable not working not maintained packages
This layer supported the very old linum and the non working
auto-complete-rst package. The later is not longer maintained
and does not work with up-to-date releases of sphinx causing

To fix the issue I have disabled `linum` and `auto-complete-rst`.
2020-02-20 23:30:59 +01:00

66 lines
2.1 KiB

;;; packages.el --- rest layer packages file for Spacemacs.
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: <wwguo@hiGDP>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(defconst restructuredtext-packages
;; Disabled due to package is not longer maintained
;; (auto-complete-rst :requires auto-complete)
;; Linum is deprecated, use nlinum layer or native line numbers
;; linum
(rst :location built-in)
(rst-directives :location local)
(rst-lists :location local)
(defun restructuredtext/post-init-auto-complete ()
(add-hook 'rst-mode-hook 'auto-complete-mode))
;; (defun restructuredtext/init-auto-complete-rst ()
;; (use-package auto-complete-rst
;; :commands (auto-complete-rst-add-sources
;; auto-complete-rst-init)
;; :init (spacemacs/add-to-hook 'rst-mode-hook '(auto-complete-rst-init
;; auto-complete-rst-add-sources))))
;; (defun restructuredtext/post-init-linum ()
;; ;; important auto-complete work-around to be applied to make both linum
;; ;; and auto-complete to work together
;; (when (configuration-layer/package-used-p 'auto-complete)
;; (add-hook 'rst-mode-hook 'ac-linum-workaround t)))
(defun restructuredtext/init-rst-directives ()
(use-package rst-directives))
(defun restructuredtext/init-rst-lists ()
(use-package rst-lists))
(defun restructuredtext/init-rst ()
(use-package rst
:defer t
:config (add-hook 'rst-adjust-hook 'rst-toc-update)))
(defun restructuredtext/post-init-flyspell ()
(spell-checking/add-flyspell-hook 'rst-mode-hook)
;; important auto-complete work-around to be applied to make both flyspell
;; and auto-complete to work together
(when (configuration-layer/package-used-p 'auto-complete)
(add-hook 'rst-mode-hook 'ac-flyspell-workaround t)))
(defun restructuredtext/post-init-yasnippet ()
(add-hook 'rst-mode-hook 'spacemacs/load-yasnippet))
(defun restructuredtext/post-init-smartparens ()
(add-hook 'rst-mode-hook 'smartparens-mode))