syl20bnr 19ea540c67 Split Erlang and Elixir into their own layers
Simplify the Erlang layer to make it basic by removing EDTS
2015-06-08 23:27:15 -04:00

127 lines
3.4 KiB

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\newcommand{\docheading}{\Huge\centering{Alchemist Quick Reference Card [Spacemacs Version]}\normalsize\bigskip}
\helpgroup{Getting help in Emacs}
\helpkey{SPC h d f}{describe a function}
\helpkey{SPC h d v}{describe a variable}
\helpkey{SPC h d k}{describe a key}
\helpkey{SPC h d m}{describe current modes}
\helpkey{SPC h d p}{describe a package}
\helpkey{SPC h m}{search available man pages}
\key{SPC m m :}{alchemist-mix}
\key{SPC m t a}{alchemist-mix-test}
\key{SPC m m c}{alchemist-mix-compile}
\key{SPC m t f}{alchemist-mix-test-file}
\key{SPC m t b}{alchemist-mix-test-this-buffer}
\key{SPC m t t}{alchemist-mix-test-at-point}
\key{SPC m c :}{alchemist-compile}
\key{SPC m c f}{alchemist-compile-file}
\key{SPC m c b}{alchemist-compile-this-buffer}
\key{SPC m x :}{alchemist-execute}
\key{SPC m x f}{alchemist-execute-file}
\key{SPC m x b}{alchemist-execute-this-buffer}
\key{SPC m s i}{alchemist-iex-run}
\key{SPC m s I}{alchemist-iex-project-run}
\key{SPC m s l}{alchemist-iex-send-current-line}
\key{SPC m s L}{alchemist-iex-send-current-line-and-go}
\key{SPC m s r}{alchemist-iex-send-region}
\key{SPC m s R}{alchemist-iex-send-region-and-go}
\key{SPC m s c}{alchemist-iex-compile-this-buffer}
\group{Documentation Lookup}
\key{SPC m h :}{alchemist-help}
\key{SPC m h H}{alchemist-help-history}
\key{SPC m h h}{alchemist-help-search-at-point}
\key{SPC m h r}{alchemist-help-search-marked-region}
\key{SPC m p t}{alchemist-project-find-test}
\key{SPC m g t}{alchemist-project-toggle-file-and-tests}
\key{SPC m g T}{alchemist-project-toggle-file-and-tests-other-window}
\key{SPC m e l}{alchemist-eval-current-line}
\key{SPC m e L}{alchemist-eval-print-current-line}
\key{SPC m e j}{alchemist-eval-quoted-current-line}
\key{SPC m e J}{alchemist-eval-print-quoted-current-line}
\key{SPC m e r}{alchemist-eval-region}
\key{SPC m e R}{alchemist-eval-print-region}
\key{SPC m e u}{alchemist-eval-quoted-region}
\key{SPC m e U}{alchemist-eval-print-quoted-region}
\key{SPC m e b}{alchemist-eval-buffer}
\key{SPC m e B}{alchemist-eval-print-buffer}
\key{SPC m e v}{alchemist-eval-quoted-buffer}
\key{SPC m e V}{alchemist-eval-print-quoted-buffer}
\group{Definition Lookup}
\key{SPC m g g}{alchemist-goto-definition-at-point}
\key{SPC m ,}{alchemist-goto-jump-back}