syl20bnr 82fdd9a511 Use evil in holy-mode

While disabling Evil in holy-mode makes its implementation shorter and
sounds elegant on the paper, in practice it puts a big burden on the
configuration parts which need to know if Evil is enable or not. This is
a bad separation of concerns and the bunch of fixes that we were forced
to do in the past weeks shows this issue. Those fixes were about
removing the knowledge of the activation of Evil by implementing new
dispatching functions to be used by layers, this is cumbersome and makes
Spacemacs layer configuration more subtle which is not good. There was
additional bad consequences of the removal of Evil state like the
impossibility to use Evil lisp state or iedit states, or we would have
been forced to implement a temporary activation of Evil which is

Instead I reintroduce Evil as the central piece of Spacemacs design thus
Evil is now re-enabled in holy-mode. It provides the abstraction we need
to isolate editing styles and be able to grow the Spacemacs
configuration coverage sanely. Layers don't need to check whether the
holy mode is active or not and they don't need to know if Evil is
available (it is always available). We also don't need to write
additional dispatching functions, this is the job of Evil, and I think
it provides everything for this. Ideally configuration layer should be
implemented with only Evil in mind and the holy-mode (and hybrid-mode)
should magically make it work for Emacs style users, for instance we can
freely use `evil-insert-state` anywhere in the code without any guard.

Evil is now even more part of Spacemacs, we can really say that
Spacemacs is Emacs+Evil which is now an indivisible pair. Spacemacs
needed this stable API to continue on the right track.

While these changes should be rather transparent to the user, I'm sorry
for this experimental period, I failed to see all the implications of
such a change, I was just excited about the possibility to make Evil
optional. The reality is that Spacemacs has to embrace it and keep its
strong position on being Emacs+Evil at the core.


- insert, motion and normal states are forced to emacs state using an
advice on `evil-insert-state`, `evil-motion-state` and
`evil-normal-state` respectively. These functions can be used freely in
the layer configuration.
- A new general hook `spacemacs-editing-style-hook` allow to hook any
code that need to be configured based on the editing style. Functions
hooked to this hook takes the current style as parameter, this
basically generalize the hook used to setup hjkl navigation bindings.
- ESC has been removed from the emacs state map.
- Revert unneeded changes
  - Revert "evil: enter insert-state only from normal-state"
    commit bdd702dfbe.
  - Revert "avoid being evil in deft with emacs editing style"
    commit f3a16f49ed.

Additional changes

All editing style packages have been moved to a layer called


I did not have time to attack hybrid mode, I should be able to do it
2016-03-13 21:16:55 -04:00

326 lines
11 KiB

;;; packages.el --- Spacemacs Editing Layer packages File
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(setq spacemacs-editing-packages
(hexl :location built-in)
;; Initialization of packages
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-aggressive-indent ()
(use-package aggressive-indent
:defer t
(spacemacs|add-toggle aggressive-indent
:status aggressive-indent-mode
:on (aggressive-indent-mode)
:off (aggressive-indent-mode -1)
:documentation "Always keep code indented."
:evil-leader "tI")
(spacemacs|add-toggle aggressive-indent-globally
:status aggressive-indent-mode
:on (global-aggressive-indent-mode)
:off (global-aggressive-indent-mode -1)
:documentation "Always keep code indented globally."
:evil-leader "t C-I"))
(add-hook 'diff-auto-refine-mode-hook 'spacemacs/toggle-aggressive-indent-off)
(spacemacs|diminish aggressive-indent-mode "" " I"))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-avy ()
(use-package avy
:defer t
:commands (spacemacs/avy-open-url spacemacs/avy-goto-url avy-pop-mark)
(setq avy-all-windows 'all-frames)
(setq avy-background t)
"jj" 'evil-avy-goto-char
"jJ" 'evil-avy-goto-char-2
"jl" 'evil-avy-goto-line
"ju" 'avy-pop-mark
"jU" 'spacemacs/avy-goto-url
"jw" 'evil-avy-goto-word-or-subword-1
"xo" 'spacemacs/avy-open-url))
(defun spacemacs/avy-goto-url()
"Use avy to go to an URL in the buffer."
(avy--generic-jump "https?://" nil 'pre))
(defun spacemacs/avy-open-url ()
"Use avy to select an URL in the buffer and open it."
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-bracketed-paste ()
(use-package bracketed-paste
:defer t
;; Enable bracketed-paste for tty
(add-hook 'tty-setup-hook 'bracketed-paste-enable)))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-clean-aindent-mode ()
(use-package clean-aindent-mode
:defer t
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'clean-aindent-mode)))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-eval-sexp-fu ()
;; ignore obsolete function warning generated on startup
(let ((byte-compile-not-obsolete-funcs (append byte-compile-not-obsolete-funcs '(preceding-sexp))))
(require 'eval-sexp-fu)))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-expand-region ()
(use-package expand-region
:defer t
:init (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "v" 'er/expand-region)
;; add search capability to expand-region
(when (configuration-layer/package-usedp 'helm-ag)
(defadvice er/prepare-for-more-expansions-internal
(around helm-ag/prepare-for-more-expansions-internal activate)
(let ((new-msg (concat (car ad-return-value)
", / to search in project, "
"f to search in files, "
"b to search in opened buffers"))
(new-bindings (cdr ad-return-value)))
'("/" (lambda ()
'("f" (lambda ()
'("b" (lambda ()
(setq ad-return-value (cons new-msg new-bindings)))))
(setq expand-region-contract-fast-key "V"
expand-region-reset-fast-key "r"))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-hexl ()
(use-package hexl
:defer t
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys "fh" 'hexl-find-file)
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'hexl-mode
"d" 'hexl-insert-decimal-char
"c" 'hexl-insert-octal-char
"x" 'hexl-insert-hex-char
"X" 'hexl-insert-hex-string
"g" 'hexl-goto-address)
(evil-define-key 'motion hexl-mode-map
"]]" 'hexl-end-of-1k-page
"[[" 'hexl-beginning-of-1k-page
"h" 'hexl-backward-char
"l" 'hexl-forward-char
"j" 'hexl-next-line
"k" 'hexl-previous-line
"$" 'hexl-end-of-line
"^" 'hexl-beginning-of-line
"0" 'hexl-beginning-of-line))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-hungry-delete ()
(use-package hungry-delete
:defer t
(spacemacs|add-toggle hungry-delete
:status hungry-delete-mode
:on (hungry-delete-mode)
:off (hungry-delete-mode -1)
:documentation "Delete consecutive horizontal whitespace with a single key."
:evil-leader "td")
(setq-default hungry-delete-chars-to-skip " \t\f\v") ; only horizontal whitespace
(define-key hungry-delete-mode-map (kbd "DEL") 'hungry-delete-backward)
(define-key hungry-delete-mode-map (kbd "S-DEL") 'delete-backward-char))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-link-hint ()
(use-package link-hint
:defer t
"xo" 'link-hint-open-link
"xO" 'link-hint-open-multiple-links)))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-lorem-ipsum ()
(use-package lorem-ipsum
:commands (lorem-ipsum-insert-list
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "il" "lorem ipsum")
"ill" 'lorem-ipsum-insert-list
"ilp" 'lorem-ipsum-insert-paragraphs
"ils" 'lorem-ipsum-insert-sentences))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-move-text ()
(use-package move-text
:defer t
(spacemacs|define-transient-state move-text
:title "Move Text Transient State"
("J" move-text-down "move down")
("K" move-text-up "move up"))
"xJ" 'spacemacs/move-text-transient-state/move-text-down
"xK" 'spacemacs/move-text-transient-state/move-text-up)))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-pcre2el ()
(use-package pcre2el
:defer t
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "R" "pcre2el")
"R/" 'rxt-explain
"Rc" 'rxt-convert-syntax
"Rx" 'rxt-convert-to-rx
"R'" 'rxt-convert-to-strings
"Rpe" 'rxt-pcre-to-elisp
"R%" 'pcre-query-replace-regexp
"Rpx" 'rxt-pcre-to-rx
"Rps" 'rxt-pcre-to-sre
"Rp'" 'rxt-pcre-to-strings
"Rp/" 'rxt-explain-pcre
"Re/" 'rxt-explain-elisp
"Rep" 'rxt-elisp-to-pcre
"Rex" 'rxt-elisp-to-rx
"Res" 'rxt-elisp-to-sre
"Re'" 'rxt-elisp-to-strings
"Ret" 'rxt-toggle-elisp-rx
"Rt" 'rxt-toggle-elisp-rx))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-smartparens ()
(use-package smartparens
:defer t
:commands (sp-split-sexp sp-newline sp-up-sexp)
(spacemacs/add-to-hooks (if dotspacemacs-smartparens-strict-mode
'(prog-mode-hook comint-mode-hook))
;; enable smartparens-mode in `eval-expression'
(defun conditionally-enable-smartparens-mode ()
"Enable `smartparens-mode' in the minibuffer, during `eval-expression'."
(if (eq this-command 'eval-expression)
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'conditionally-enable-smartparens-mode)
(spacemacs|add-toggle smartparens
:status smartparens-mode
:on (smartparens-mode)
:off (smartparens-mode -1)
:documentation "Enable smartparens."
:evil-leader "tp")
(spacemacs|add-toggle smartparens-globally
:status smartparens-mode
:on (smartparens-global-mode)
:off (smartparens-global-mode -1)
:documentation "Enable smartparens globally."
:evil-leader "t C-p")
(setq sp-show-pair-delay 0.2
;; fix paren highlighting in normal mode
sp-show-pair-from-inside t
sp-cancel-autoskip-on-backward-movement nil)
"js" 'sp-split-sexp
"jn" 'sp-newline))
(require 'smartparens-config)
(spacemacs|diminish smartparens-mode "" " p")
(show-smartparens-global-mode +1)
(defun spacemacs/smartparens-pair-newline (id action context)
(defun spacemacs/smartparens-pair-newline-and-indent (id action context)
(spacemacs/smartparens-pair-newline id action context)
;; don't create a pair with single quote in minibuffer
(sp-local-pair 'minibuffer-inactive-mode "'" nil :actions nil)
(sp-pair "{" nil :post-handlers
'(:add (spacemacs/smartparens-pair-newline-and-indent "RET")))
(sp-pair "[" nil :post-handlers
'(:add (spacemacs/smartparens-pair-newline-and-indent "RET")))
(defun spacemacs/smart-closing-parenthesis ()
(let* ((sp-navigate-close-if-unbalanced t)
(current-pos (point))
(current-line (line-number-at-pos current-pos))
(next-pos (save-excursion
(next-line (line-number-at-pos next-pos)))
((and (= current-line next-line)
(not (= current-pos next-pos)))
(insert-char ?\))))))
(when dotspacemacs-smart-closing-parenthesis
(define-key evil-insert-state-map ")" 'spacemacs/smart-closing-parenthesis)))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-uuidgen ()
(use-package uuidgen
:commands (uuidgen-1 uuidgen-4)
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "iU" "uuid")
"iU1" 'spacemacs/uuidgen-1
"iU4" 'spacemacs/uuidgen-4
"iUU" 'spacemacs/uuidgen-4))))