2016-01-06 00:21:55 -05:00
packages.el Use built-in evil functions to set default states 2015-12-21 00:22:18 -05:00 Update install layer section in files 2016-01-06 00:21:55 -05:00

Git contribution layer for Spacemacs



This layers adds extensive support for git.


New to Magit? Checkout the official intro.



To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add git to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

Magit status fullscreen

To display the magit status buffer in fullscreen set the variable git-magit-status-fullscreen to t in your dotspacemacs/user-init function.

  (defun dotspacemacs/user-init ()
    (setq-default git-magit-status-fullscreen t)

Magit auto-complete

Magit auto-complete feature is enabled. For this feature to work best you have to setup your Git repository directory in your dotspacemacs/user-config function, this is the folder where you keep all your git-controlled projects (the path should end up with a / to respect Emacs conventions):

  (setq magit-repository-directories '("~/repos/"))

For more information, see Magit-User-Manual#Status-buffer

Magit SVN plugin

For convenience the magit SVN plugin can be activated directly in the Git layer by setting the variable git-enable-magit-svn-plugin to t.

  (defun dotspacemacs/user-init ()
    (setq-default git-enable-magit-svn-plugin t)

Global git commit mode

Spacemacs can be used as the $EDITOR (or $GIT_EDITOR) for editing git commits messages. To enable this you have to add the following line to your dotspacemacs/user-config:

(global-git-commit-mode t)


Of course if your OS does not ship with git (!) you'll have to install it on your machine. You can download it from the download page.


Git-flow is a standardized branching pattern for git repositories with the aim of making things more manageable. While there are tools to assist with making this easier, these do nothing you couldn't do manually.

Support requires installation of the git-flow extensions. Please reference their installation page for assistance.

Org integration

See the commentary section of the package here.

Working with Git

Git commands (start with g):

Key Binding Description
SPC g b open a magit blame
SPC g B quit magit blame
SPC g c commit changes
SPC g C checkout branches
SPC g d show diff prompt
SPC g D show diff against current head
SPC g e show ediff comparison
SPC g E show ediff against current head
SPC g f show fetch prompt
SPC g F show pull prompt
SPC g H c clear highlights
SPC g H h highlight regions by age of commits
SPC g H t highlight regions by last updated time
SPC g i git init a given directory
SPC g I open helm-gitignore
SPC g l open a magit log
SPC g L display the log for a file
SPC g P show push prompt
SPC g s open a magit status window
SPC g S stage current file
SPC g m display the last commit message of the current line
SPC g t launch the git time machine
SPC g U unstage current file
  • Highlight by age of commit or last update time is provided by smeargle.
  • Git time machine is provided by git-timemachine.
  • Git last commit message per line is provided by git-messenger.


Spacemacs uses magit to manage Git repositories.

To open a status buffer, type in a buffer of a Git repository: SPC g s

Spacemacs uses evil-magit for key bindings in magit buffers (unless your editing style is set to emacs, in which case you get the default magit bindings), which are the standard magit key bindings with some minimal changes to make them comfortable for evil users.

Here are the often used bindings inside a status buffer:

Key Binding Description
/ evil-search
$ open command output buffer
c c open a commit message buffer
b b checkout a branch
b c create a branch
f f fetch changes
F (r) u pull tracked branch and rebase
gr refresh
j goto next magit section
C-j next visual line
k goto previous magit section
C-k previous visual line
l l open log buffer
n next search occurrence
N previous search occurrence
o revert item at point
P u push to tracked branch
P m push to matching branch (e.g., upstream/develop to origin/develop)
q quit
s on a file or hunk in a diff: stage the file or hunk
x discard changes
+ on a hunk: increase hunk size
- on a hunk: decrease hunk size
S stage all
TAB on a file: expand/collapse diff
u on a staged file: unstage
U unstage all staged files
v or V select multiple lines
z z stash changes

Staging lines

Magit allows you to stage specific lines by selecting them in a diff and hitting s to stage. Due to inconsistencies between Vim and Emacs editing styles, if you enter visual line state with V, you will stage one more line than intended. To work around this, you can use v instead (since Magit only stages whole lines, in any case).

Commit message editing buffer

In a commit message buffer press ,c (if dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key is ,) or C-c C-c to commit the changes with the entered message. Pressing ,a or C-c C-k will discard the commit message.

Key Binding Description
h go left
j go down
k go up
l go right

Interactive rebase buffer

Key Binding Description
c or p pick
e edit
f fixup
j go down
gj move line down
k go up
gk move line up
d or x kill line
r reword
s squash
u undo
y insert
! execute

Quick guide for recurring use cases in Magit

  • Amend a commit:

    • l l to open log buffer
    • c a on the commit you want to amend
    • ,c or C-c C-c to submit the changes
  • Squash last commit:

    • l l to open log buffer
    • r e on the second to last commit, it opens the rebase buffer
    • j to put point on last commit
    • s to squash it
    • ,c or C-c C-c to continue to the commit message buffer
    • ,c or C-c C-c again when you have finished to edit the commit message
  • Force push a squashed commit:

    • in the status buffer you should see the new commit unpushed and the old commit unpulled
    • P -f P for force a push (beware usually it is not recommended to rewrite the history of a public repository, but if you are sure that you are the only one to work on a repository it is ok - i.e. in your fork).
  • Add upstream remote (the parent repository you have forked):

    • M to open the remote popup
    • a to add a remote, type the name (i.e. upstream) and the URL
  • Pull changes from upstream (the parent repository you have forked) and push:

    • F -r C-u F and choose upstream or the name you gave to it
    • P P to push the commit to origin


magit-gitflow provides git-flow commands in its own magit menu.

Key Binding Description
% open magit-gitflow menu

Git time machine

git-timemachine allows to quickly browse the commits of the current buffer.

Key Binding Description
SPC g t start git timemachine and initiate micro-state
c show current commit
n show next commit
N show previous commit
p show previous commit
q leave micro-state and git timemachine
Y copy current commit hash