justbur d0cec17919 ivy: spacemacs layouts support
- port helm-perspectives
- port persp switch buffer
- port persp-close[kill]-other to use ivy
- layouts-ts: Make help more consistent
- layouts-ts: Reorganize docstring
Instead of one big list, try to organize into sections to make it easier
to find the right key
2016-02-16 23:55:23 -05:00

188 lines
7.4 KiB

;;; funcs.el --- Spacemacs Layouts Layer functions File
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(defun spacemacs//current-layout-name ()
"Get name of the current perspective."
(safe-persp-name (get-frame-persp)))
;; Helm related functions --------------------------------------------------
(defun spacemacs/persp-helm-mini ()
"As `helm-mini' but restricts visible buffers by perspective."
(with-persp-buffer-list ()
(defun spacemacs//helm-perspectives-source ()
(concat "Current Perspective: " (spacemacs//current-layout-name))
:data (persp-names)
:fuzzy-match t
'(("Switch to perspective" . persp-switch)
("Close perspective(s)" . (lambda (candidate)
("Kill perspective(s)" . (lambda (candidate)
(mapcar 'persp-kill
(defun spacemacs/helm-perspectives ()
"Control Panel for perspectives. Has many actions.
If match is found
f1: (default) Select perspective
f2: Close Perspective(s) <- mark with C-SPC to close more than one-window
f3: Kill Perspective(s)
If match is not found
<enter> Creates perspective
Closing doesn't kill buffers inside the perspective while killing
perspectives does."
:buffer "*Helm Perspectives*"
,(helm-build-dummy-source "Create new perspective"
:requires-pattern t
'(("Create new perspective" .
(lambda (name)
(let ((persp-reset-windows-on-nil-window-conf t))
(persp-switch name)
(unless (member name (persp-names-current-frame-fast-ordered))
;; ability to use helm find files but also adds to current perspective
(defun spacemacs/helm-persp-close ()
"Kills perspectives without killing the buffers"
:buffer "*Helm Kill Perspectives (without killing buffers)*"
(concat "Current Perspective: " (spacemacs//current-layout-name))
:data (persp-names)
:fuzzy-match t
'(("Close perspective(s)" . (lambda (candidate)
(defun spacemacs/helm-persp-kill ()
"Kills perspectives with all their buffers"
:buffer "*Helm Kill Perspectives with all their buffers*"
:sources (helm-build-in-buffer-source
(s-concat "Current Perspective: "
:data (persp-names)
:fuzzy-match t
'(("Kill perspective(s)" .
(lambda (candidate)
(mapcar 'persp-kill
;; Helm Projectile related functions ---------------------------------------
(defun spacemacs/helm-persp-switch-project (arg)
(interactive "P")
(helm-build-in-buffer-source "*Helm Switch Project Layout*"
:data (lambda ()
(if (projectile-project-p)
(cons (abbreviate-file-name (projectile-project-root))
:fuzzy-match helm-projectile-fuzzy-match
:mode-line helm-read-file-name-mode-line-string
:action '(("Switch to Project Perspective" .
(lambda (project)
(let ((persp-reset-windows-on-nil-window-conf t))
(persp-switch project)
(let ((projectile-completion-system 'helm))
(projectile-switch-project-by-name project)))))))
:buffer "*Helm Projectile Layouts*"))
;; Autosave ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun spacemacs//layout-autosave ()
"Perspectives mode autosave.
Autosaves perspectives layouts every `persp-autosave-interal' seconds.
Cancels autosave on exiting perspectives mode."
(if (and persp-mode layouts-enable-autosave)
(message "Perspectives mode autosaving enabled.")
(setq spacemacs--layouts-autosave-timer
(lambda ()
(message "Saving perspectives to file.")
(when spacemacs--layouts-autosave-timer
(cancel-timer spacemacs--layouts-autosave-timer)
(setq spacemacs--layouts-autosave-timer nil))))
;; Eyebrowse - allow perspective-local workspaces --------------------------
(defun spacemacs/load-eyebrowse-for-perspective (&optional frame)
"Load an eyebrowse workspace according to a perspective's parameters.
FRAME's perspective is the perspective that is considered, defaulting to
the current frame's perspective.
If the perspective doesn't have a workspace, create one."
(let* ((persp (get-frame-persp frame))
(window-configs (persp-parameter 'eyebrowse-window-configs persp))
(current-slot (persp-parameter 'eyebrowse-current-slot persp))
(last-slot (persp-parameter 'eyebrowse-last-slot persp)))
(if window-configs
(eyebrowse--set 'window-configs window-configs frame)
(eyebrowse--set 'current-slot current-slot frame)
(eyebrowse--set 'last-slot last-slot frame)
(eyebrowse--load-window-config current-slot))
(eyebrowse--set 'window-configs nil frame)
(eyebrowse-init frame)
(spacemacs/save-eyebrowse-for-perspective frame))))
(defun spacemacs/update-eyebrowse-for-perspective (_new-persp-name)
"Update and save current frame's eyebrowse workspace to its perspective.
Parameter _NEW-PERSP-NAME is ignored, and exists only for compatibility with
(let* ((current-slot (eyebrowse--get 'current-slot))
(current-tag (nth 2 (assoc current-slot (eyebrowse--get 'window-configs)))))
(eyebrowse--current-window-config current-slot current-tag)))
(defun spacemacs/save-eyebrowse-for-perspective (&optional frame)
"Save FRAME's eyebrowse workspace to FRAME's perspective.
FRAME defaults to the current frame."
(let ((persp (get-frame-persp frame)))
'eyebrowse-window-configs (eyebrowse--get 'window-configs frame) persp)
'eyebrowse-current-slot (eyebrowse--get 'current-slot frame) persp)
'eyebrowse-last-slot (eyebrowse--get 'last-slot frame) persp)))
(defun spacemacs/layout-workspaces-transient-state ()
"Launches the workspaces transient state, if defined."
(if (fboundp 'spacemacs/workspaces-transient-state/body)
(call-interactively 'spacemacs/workspaces-transient-state/body)
(message "You need the eyebrowse layer to use this feature.")))