syl20bnr 6b33031dc5 core: dotspacemacs-distribution, spacemacs-core layer and rename contrib
- Rename contrib directory to layers
- Add new variable dotspacemacs-distribution
- Move spacemacs layer to layers/!distribution
- New layer spacemacs-core in layers/!distribution
- User can now set dotspacemacs-distribution to spacemacs or
  spacemacs-core (default spacemacs)

spacemacs-core is very lightweight layer sufficient to build upon
2015-09-07 23:44:43 -04:00

51 lines
1.9 KiB

;;; extensions.el --- Colors Layer Extensions File for Spacemacs
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Sylvain Benner
;; Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(setq colors-post-extensions '(nyan-mode))
(defun colors/init-nyan-mode ()
(use-package nyan-mode
:if colors-enable-nyan-cat-progress-bar
(setq nyan-wavy-trail t)
(setq nyan-animate-nyancat t)
(spacemacs|add-toggle nyan-cat-progress-bar
:status nyan-mode
:on (nyan-mode)
:off (nyan-mode -1)
:documentation "Show a nyan cat progress bar in the mode-line."
:evil-leader "tmn")
(defun spacemacs/powerline-nyan-cat ()
"Construct a powerline segment for nyan cat."
(let* ((active (powerline-selected-window-active))
(l (1+ (truncate (powerline-width lhs))))
(r (1+ (truncate (powerline-width rhs))))
(face1 (if active 'powerline-active1 'powerline-inactive1))
(face2 (if active 'powerline-active2 'powerline-inactive2))
(intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
(car powerline-default-separator-dir))))
(intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
(cdr powerline-default-separator-dir)))))
(setq nyan-bar-length (min 32 (/ (- (window-total-width) l r) 2)))
(funcall separator-right face2 face1)
(powerline-raw (nyan-create) face1)
(funcall separator-left face1 face2)))))))